人生でこれが体験できる日がくるなんて…! #deadsea #Israel🇮🇱 #死海
In response to the rocket and explosive balloons launched from #Gaza at #Israel, we just struck a Hamas military post in Gaza.
Two Gazans placed an explosive device adjacent to the border fence between #Gaza & #Israel. The device exploded inside Gaza and damaged the fence. In response, an IDF aircraft fired towards a Hamas post in the southern Gaza Strip.
Our fighter jets are striking terror targets throughout #Gaza, following dozens of rockets fired at #Israel over the last 12 hours.
In a constructive meeting discussed all aspects of our relations w/FM @yairlapid of #Israel. Emphasized that Palestinian issue can only be resolved through two states to be established in the framework of @UN parameters & conveyed our sensitivities on Al Quds & al-Aqsa Mosque.
Iran annually funnels $1 billion to Hezbollah in Lebanon for terror - including attack tunnels into #Israel. This money is equivalent to: 3,703,703 annual @WSJ subscriptions. Let that sink in. #CondemnTheTunnels
Ich habe heute mit @yairlapid telefoniert und ihm die enge Partnerschaft zwischen Deutschland und #Israel versichert. Unsere Haltung ist klar, wir verurteilen jeden Versuch, den Holocaust zu leugnen oder zu relativieren. Ich freue mich, @yairlapid bald in Berlin zu begrüßen.
To celebrate Israel’s Independence Day, here are their top 3 #Eurovision performances from the past 10 years!🇮🇱  Happy Independence Day, Israel!🥳 Yom Ha'Atzmaut Sameach, Israel!🎊  #Israel
UPDATE: 1 rocket was fired from #Gaza towards #Israel.
Yet another display of Western hypocrisy, cheering the boycott of #Russia over the war in #Ukraine, but condemns and accuses of "anti-Semitic" boycott campaigns against #Israel regarding the brutal apartheid imposed on Palestinians. mondoweiss.net/2022/03/europe… @Mondoweiss
In response to the rockets fired from #Gaza at #Israel over the last 2.5 hours, IDF fighter jets and attack helicopters have started striking terror targets in Gaza.
@DrNachmanShai The fighters of Georgian Legion welcomes this gesture from #Israel. We are certain that #Ukraine will receive all the needed range of military aid required to defeat the occupants. The sooner the whole world realises what evil we are fighting, the more people will be saved.
In apartheid #Israel you can be shot just for LOOKING LIKE a Palestinian! twitter.com/QudsNen/status…
Everyone that donated even $5 to me for our drones or @Harri_Est @UkraineAidOps has provided more military assistance to Ukraine than all of #Israel with a GDP of 402 billion $
東京パラリンピック開会式 盲導犬と一緒に入場するイスラエルの選手(24日午後8時26分、国立競技場で)‖泉祥平撮影 #Tokyo2020 #Paralympics #WehaveWings #Israel 東京パラリンピックの写真速報はこちら→yomiuri.co.jp/olympic/paraly…
Following the 30+ rockets fired from #Gaza at #Israel last night, we responded by striking 8 terror targets in Gaza, including:
Met with Foreign Minister @yairlapid of #Israel. Discussed bilateral and regional issues. Emphasized once again our sensitivities on the Palestinian issue. Will enhance our positive dialogue with concrete steps. We started to work on the reciprocal appointment of Ambassadors.
#Israel: bomb #Gaza, kill civilians and blame Palestinians. #GazaUnderAttack @Mondoweiss
What's the Arab world doing while #Israel invades al-Aqsa mosque with soldiers and tear gas, attacking worshipers? @MintPressNews
ROCKET ATTACK THWARTED: As a terrorist squad in #Gaza attempted to launch rockets at #Israel, IDF aircraft struck them before they fired.
Iran annually funnels $1 billion to Hezbollah in Lebanon for terror - including attack tunnels into #Israel. This money is equivalent to: 333,333,333 @McDonalds Happy Meals. Let that sink in. #CondemnTheTunnels
Cyberattacks & disinformation are threatening democracies worldwide. @audreyt & I are of one mind in our @JPostOpinion piece. It's time for like-minded partners #Taiwan & #Israel to form an unbreakable knot & crush the tools of authoritarianism. JW twitter.com/JPostOpinion/s…
1 rocket was just fired from #Gaza into #Israel.
75 Jahre Staatsgründung #Israel, Mazel Tov! Wie anders war damals, 1948, unser Verhältnis. Die deutschen Verbrechen der Shoah machten eine Aussöhnung undenkbar. Voller Dankbarkeit blicken wir heute auf enge, besondere Beziehungen. bundeskanzler.de/bk-de/aktuelle…
#Taiwan🇹🇼, #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵, #Australia & 1st-timers #Israel🇮🇱 staged a #GCTF workshop on implementing the rights of persons with disabilities. Around 100 experts from 16 countries discussed ways of powering progress on promoting @UN🇺🇳 #CPRD principles. ▶️bit.ly/3wjzvKC