Ich habe heute mit @yairlapid telefoniert und ihm die enge Partnerschaft zwischen Deutschland und #Israel versichert. Unsere Haltung ist klar, wir verurteilen jeden Versuch, den Holocaust zu leugnen oder zu relativieren. Ich freue mich, @yairlapid bald in Berlin zu begrüßen.
#Israel: bomb #Gaza, kill civilians and blame Palestinians. #GazaUnderAttack @Mondoweiss
#Israel's "stands with Iranian women" hipocrisy. @redfishstream
@DrNachmanShai The fighters of Georgian Legion welcomes this gesture from #Israel. We are certain that #Ukraine will receive all the needed range of military aid required to defeat the occupants. The sooner the whole world realises what evil we are fighting, the more people will be saved.
male Eurasian Hoopoe (戴胜). It is national bird of #Israel. credit 蔡技 🌹🌹 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
Everyone that donated even $5 to me for our drones or @Harri_Est @UkraineAidOps has provided more military assistance to Ukraine than all of #Israel with a GDP of 402 billion $
人生でこれが体験できる日がくるなんて…! #deadsea #Israel🇮🇱 #死海
In apartheid #Israel you can be shot just for LOOKING LIKE a Palestinian! twitter.com/QudsNen/status…
Join us for our #BNBChain Innovation MeetUp in Tel Aviv. Learn about #Web3 regulation, sustainability and #GameFi tokenomics. Register today, we’re excited to see you on Nov. 30th. ⏰17:00 - 20:00 🗓️Nov. 30th 📍 eventbrite.com/e/bnb-chain-in… #BNBChainTelAviv #Israel 🇮🇱
🚨 #Israel: 5 employees of the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs have been reportedly detained for fraudulently issuing Israeli passports to Russians. Claims that it's related to Ksenia Sobchak. She appears to have received her passport in #Moscow at the Israeli embassy.
Die Nachrichten über die schrecklichen Attentate in #Jerusalem erschüttern mich zutiefst. Es hat Tote und Verletzte im Herzen Israels gegeben. Meine Gedanken sind bei den Opfern und ihren Familien - Deutschland steht an #Israel|s Seite.
#Canlı 📡 #İsrail Dışişleri Bakanı Eli Cohen ile Ortak Basın Toplantısı #Live📡 Joint Press Conference with Eli Cohen, Minister of Foreign Affairs of #Israel 📍Ankara twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
#Depremin ardından #Türkiye’ye yardım gönderen ilk ülkelerden biri olan #İsrail’in Dışişleri Bakanı Eli Cohen’e dayanışma ziyareti için teşekkür ettik. Thanked for solidarity visit of @elicoh1, FM of #Israel, one of the first countries to extend support after #earthquake.🇹🇷🇮🇱
Many thanks to the people and government of #Israel for their warm reception of #Iran's exiled Crown Prince HRH Reza Pahlavi. @PahlaviReza. #ThankYouIsrael
75 Jahre Staatsgründung #Israel, Mazel Tov! Wie anders war damals, 1948, unser Verhältnis. Die deutschen Verbrechen der Shoah machten eine Aussöhnung undenkbar. Voller Dankbarkeit blicken wir heute auf enge, besondere Beziehungen. bundeskanzler.de/bk-de/aktuelle…