China state TV channel CGTN enlists UK student influencers | The Times China’s state TV station offers UK students chance to win thousands of pounds by becoming pro-Beijing social media influencers. Featuring comment from #IPAC co-chair @MPIainDS.…
#IPAC 🇮🇹 co-chair Senator @LucioMalan gives address to the Taiwan National Day Celebration at the Taiwan Representative Office in Rome.…
#IPAC 🇨🇦 co-chair Hon. @IrwinCotler labels IPAC a "game changer" in slowing the Chinese government's growing economic and political influence globally, calls for inter-governmental alliance to mirror IPAC.…
Radio Taiwan International interview with #IPAC 🇱🇹 co-chair @DSakaliene on global support for Lithuania and Taiwan amidst increased pressure from Beijing.…
#IPAC 🇫🇷 co-chair Senator @AndreGattolin appointed to lead parliamentary investigation into the influence of non-state actors in French universities. The fact finding mission will examine the role of Chinese state sponsored Confucius Institutes.…
📢Press Release: EU lawmakers slam new air cargo route to Xinjiang 'forced labour capital'. #IPAC 🇪🇺 members @SamuelCogolati MP 🇧🇪 and @bueti MEP 🇩🇪 lead calls for import bans on goods made with forced labour as direct flight connects Europe to Xinjiang.…
Moroccan court gives green light to extradition proceedings for Uyghur #IdrisHasan to P.R. China. #IPAC members have called upon the Moroccan authorities to block Hasan's extradition, knowing that he would be at high risk of torture and persecution by the PRC government.…
Why is Japan cautious about taking stance on alleged Uyghur human rights abuse by China? | Mainichi Featuring comment from #IPAC advisor @AkiraIgata…
#IPAC 🇪🇺🇫🇷 member @fxbellamy speaks to @rtlgroup on EU-China relations, Hong Kong and Xinjiang.…
#IPAC launches Indo-Pacific Regional Forum in response to the PRC's growing influence in the region. #IPAC members from 🇦🇺🇯🇵🇳🇿 will meet regularly with legislators from 🇮🇳🇹🇼🇰🇷🇫🇯🇮🇩 and elsewhere to counter the PRC's attempts to militarise and destabilise the region. Statement👇
#IPAC launches Indo-Pacific Regional Forum in response to the PRC's growing influence in the region. #IPAC members from 🇦🇺🇯🇵🇳🇿 will meet regularly with legislators from 🇮🇳🇹🇼🇰🇷🇫🇯🇮🇩 and elsewhere to counter the PRC's attempts to militarise and destabilise the region. Statement👇
Japan PM Kishida set to appoint #IPAC 🇯🇵 co-chair Rep. Gen Nakatani as chief human rights aide. Rep. Nakatani has led cross-party calls for Japan to establish a Magnitsky-style targeted human rights sanctions regime.…
German companies may have to withdraw from the Uyghur province under new Supply Chain Act | Süddeutsche Zeitung #IPAC 🇩🇪 Co-Chair @MargareteBause: "Every German company must now ask itself whether it wants to maintain business relations with Xinjiang"…
UBS and Credit Suisse criticised for links to Uyghur abuses | Blick #IPAC 🇨🇭 co-chair @FabianMolinaNR on @hk_watch report: "Swiss banks are still not able to to adhere to fundamental human rights standards"…
"If Lithuania dares to stand up for our common democratic values ​​even when dictatorships threaten and hate, we should be able to do the same." #IPAC 🇸🇪 co-chair @JoarForssell calls for Sweden to deepen its diplomatic cooperation with Taiwan.…
China's ambassador Zheng Zeguang banned from UK Parliament | BBC News #IPAC 🇬🇧 member @Nus_Ghani: "Sanctioning MPs is a direct threat to Parliament and our democracy."…
More coverage of our #IPAC statement of solidarity with Australia. "This is just the latest instance in a disturbing pattern of behaviour whereby the PRC uses its economic influence to pressure other states into acquiescing to their demands."…
#IPAC adviser @AkiraIgata speaks to Asahi Shimbun about efforts to establish Japan's human rights diplomacy through Magnitsky-style sanctions and supply chains due diligence.…
▶️LIVE NOW: Justice for Uyghurs: IPAC and Rodney Dixon QC Join #IPAC co-chairs Hon. @IrwinCotler and Baroness Kennedy QC in discussing attempts to hold the Chinese government to account for Uyghur abuses at the ICC. 📺Streaming live on YouTube👇
Parliamentarians across the world welcomed the UK Parliament's #UyghurGenocide declaration. #IPAC 🇺🇸 Co-Chair @SenatorMenendez: UK MPs have "shone a light on the egregious abuses the Chinese state commits against the Uyghur people." Full comment:…
Energy crisis: Government has domestic nuclear option as China is frozen out | Sky News #IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair @MPIainDS: dependency on China for critical infrastructure exposes UK to Chinese government's "bullying" behaviour.…
#IPAC 🇦🇺 member @SenatorAbetz joins the #FreeChinaHostages campaign. Today marks the second anniversary of the arrest and imprisonment of Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor on baseless and politically motivated charges in China.
#IPAC 🇫🇷 members @AndreGattolin, @OlivierCadic and @VALLINIAndre met with Taiwan Ambassador to France François Wu. The Senators voiced their support for Taiwan's participation in the WHO, INTERPOL and other multilateral organisations.…
#IPAC 🇯🇵 co-chairs @ShioriYamao and Rep. Gen Nakatani are leading calls for Japan to offer safe refuge to Hong Kong citizens and commit to #NOEXTRADITION to Hong Kong.…
#IPAC statement on new evidence of abuses by the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. #IPAC calls for trade sanctions against the #XPCC and its corporate holdings, and for #Magnitsky sanctions against XPCC and PRC officials responsible for abuses in the Uyghur Region.