#IPAC calls to reduce strategic dependency on China featuring prominently in Germany's CDU leadership election debates. wsj.com/articles/even-… twitter.com/StuartKLau/sta…
#GenocideAmendment to UK Trade Bill tabled by #IPAC member @DavidAltonHL defeats government in the Lords. IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair Baroness Kennedy: the amendment will "change the ecology of law by making genocide have serious meaning in our contemporary world”. theguardian.com/law/2021/feb/0…
Tory rebels back amendment to allow young Hong Kongers to move to UK | The Telegraph Cross-party amendment led by #IPAC member @DamianGreen extending BNO visa offer to 18-25 year olds will be voted on next week. @hk_watch telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/12/0…
“These sanctions will only serve to redouble our efforts” #IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @MiriamMLex MEP after China hits several IPAC members with retaliatory sanctions in light of international action on Uyghur repression. Full story 👇 brisbanetimes.com.au/world/europe/s…
#IPAC members @Nus_Ghani 🇬🇧 and @SamuelCogolati 🇧🇪 meet to discuss efforts in the UK and Belgian parliaments to recognise the #UyghurGenocide. twitter.com/Nus_Ghani/stat…
【速報】#IPAC 共同議長がG7首脳に、ウイグル地域での広範な強制労働や虐待を踏まえたグローバルサプライチェーンの改革を要請。 日本からは中谷元・山尾志桜里(@ShioriYamao)共同議長が署名しました。 twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
Pressure on Johnson to toughen stance on PRC over Peng Shuai episode | The Guardian #IPAC 🇬🇧 Member @timloughton: "Against this background, lending our stamp of approval to the Beijing Olympics is simply unthinkable.” #NoRightsNoShow #WhereIsPengShuai theguardian.com/politics/2021/…
Boris Johnson orders review of Beijing takeover of British tech company | SMH Featuring comment from #IPAC 🇦🇺 co-chairs @kimbakit, @SenPaterson: “In some countries, like China, there are really no strictly private companies immune from state direction" smh.com.au/world/europe/b…
"Our alliances, our partnerships, and the shared values on which they stand, and our reliability in the face of adversity are our special sauce for effective global leadership" #IPAC 🇺🇸 co-chair @SenatorMenendez to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:foreign.senate.gov/press/ranking/…
Taiwan's ET Today interviews #IPAC co-chair @MPIainDS on how IPAC works to reform the approach of democratic states to China. Sir Iain Duncan-Smith called for democracies to move critical supply chains away from China in light of its coercive diplomacy. youtube.com/watch?v=Dc0iDY…
Extradition hearing for exiled Uyghur activist detained in Morocco postponed. #IPAC members from 16 legislatures have called on the Moroccan government to block the extradition of #IdrisHasan to China, where he could face persecution and torture. twitter.com/SafeguardDefen…
Today #IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @bueti MEP addressed the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), calling for greater cooperation between democratic countries in response to the China challenge. Summary of key points below 👇👇 twitter.com/bueti/status/1…
Chinese Ambassador warns Belgian parliamentarians against criticism of Hong Kong abuses | De Morgen #IPAC 🇧🇪 chair of Foreign Affairs Committee @ElsVanHoofcdenv warned on motion led by #IPAC co-chair @SamuelCogolati condemning HK National Security Law. demorgen.be/nieuws/ze-will…
Chinese Ambassador warns Belgian parliamentarians against criticism of Hong Kong abuses | De Morgen #IPAC 🇧🇪 chair of Foreign Affairs Committee @ElsVanHoofcdenv warned on motion led by #IPAC co-chair @SamuelCogolati condemning HK National Security Law. demorgen.be/nieuws/ze-will…
Earlier #IPAC member @GeraintDaviesMP had urged the Foreign Secretary to implement Magnitsky sanctions on Carrie Lam and tighten capital flows to Hong Kong from the City of London in response to breaches of the Sino-British Joint Declaration. twitter.com/hk_watch/statu…
Switzerland dithers on the China question | SRF News Coverage of efforts backed by #IPAC 🇨🇭 co-chair @FabianMolinaNR to insert human rights and labour rights clauses into the Switzerland-China Free Trade Agreement. srf.ch/news/internati…
@HSBC @IoWBobSeely #IPAC member @RhonddaBryant MP: "@HSBC chooses which laws to obey... quite a lot of my constituents might think you choose to adopt a moral stance when it suits you, but not when it doesn't."
Experts discuss Lithuania-China ties as tension spikes | Asian News International Interview with #IPAC 🇱🇹 co-chair @DSakaliene MP on the Chinese government's coercive diplomacy following the opening of Taiwan's Representative Office in Vilnius. aninews.in/news/world/asi…
Ministers urged to confront ambassador over journalist driven out of China | The Times Featuring comment from #IPAC 🇮🇪 co-chair Senator @malcolmbyrne thetimes.co.uk/article/minist…
#IPAC members in action again today in the @HouseofCommons while @Huawei is discussed. Clear desire in all parties to #ReduceStrategicDependency on China. Also encouraging to hear so many members clearly distinguish between the Chinese people and the Chinese Communist Party.
Taiwan thanks global parliamentary alliance for support amid Chinese threat | Asia News International Coverage of #IPAC campaign for solidarity with Lithuania and Taiwan following coercive diplomacy from Beijing. aninews.in/news/world/asi…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @MiriamMLex leads letter to EU leaders calling for solidarity with Lithuania as it withstands pressure from Beijing. "failing to respond to the PRC's actions would embolden it to engage in further coercion against Lithuania or any other EU member state" twitter.com/MiriamMLex/sta…
Former Winter Olympian Steven Bradbury calls for Australia to announce diplomatic boycott of #Beijing2022 Games | The Australian #IPAC 🇦🇺 co-chairs @kimbakit @SenPaterson cite credible cases of Genocide and crimes against humanity in the Uyghur Region. theaustralian.com.au/sport/cricket/…
#IPAC 🇳🇿 co-chairs Louisa Wall MP and Simon O'Connor MP and @Billbrowder drive efforts to build New Zealand's 'Magnitsky' human rights sanctions regime. Wall: democratic countries increasingly "all on the same page" on targeting human rights abusers. newsroom.co.nz/absurd-for-nz-…
"The elected House has spoken and chose to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our international allies, the Uighur people, and all those who have been sanctioned." #IPAC member @Nus_Ghani after UK Parliament declares persecution of Uyghurs to be a genocide. news.sky.com/story/house-of…