"The Uyghur in Xinjiang are experiencing ... organ harvesting, measures to prevent women giving birth and the forcible transfer of Uyghur children out of their community" #IPAC 🇳🇿 co-chair Louisa Wall explains why New Zealand MPs are signing up to #IPAC. au.news.yahoo.com/zealand-braces…
Today the European Parliament debates a resolution on abuses against Uyghurs, calling for sanctions on Chinese government officials. #IPAC 🇪🇺 MEPs @bueti @MiriamMLex @EnginEroglu_FW @guyverhofstadt have played a critical role in writing this resolution. scmp.com/news/china/art…
G7 communique on China echoes calls led by #IPAC for Taiwan's 🇹🇼 "meaningful participation" in the World Health Organization @WHO and World Health Assembly. #LetTaiwanHelp #WHA twitter.com/StuartKLau/sta…
"To lay such a Christmas present under Xi Jinping's Christmas tree after the year that we've had with China, that is quite a stretch" #IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @bueti MEP gives interview on EU-China #CAI investment deal. businessinsider.com/china-human-ri…
European Parliament to vote on freezing China deal | Politico The EP is expected to pass a motion pushing to formally freeze the EU-China #CAI investment deal, after Beijing's sanctions on #IPAC members and EU lawmakers for speaking out on Uyghur abuses. politico.eu/article/europe…
The Uyghur activist that China wants in Morocco | Le Point Sen. @AndreGattolin 🇫🇷 comments on #IPAC letter calling on the Moroccan government to block the extradition of Uyghur activist Idris Hasan to China, where he could face torture and other abuses. lepoint.fr/monde/ce-milit…
"We need to show the same resolve against Beijing as we have mustered against Moscow’s many crimes" #IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair @MPIainDS writes in the @Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/07/2…
UK plans to force sale of Chinese-owned nuclear stakes | Financial Times Earlier this year #IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chairs @MPIainDS and Baroness Kennedy wrote to the UK government calling for a ban on Chinese state owned firms involved in UK nuclear power. ft.com/content/a92bad…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 members @bueti @MiriamMLex @EnginEroglu_FW @DavidLega among MEPs taking part in a European Parliament vigil honouring the victims of the #June4th🕯️ Tiananmen Square Massacre. twitter.com/bueti/status/1…
#BREAKING: Swiss Councillors back human rights sanctions bill with Russia, China under scrutiny. The Swiss Foreign Affairs Committee approves a bill led by #IPAC🇨🇭member @FabianMolinaNR to establish a #Magnitsky style human rights sanctions regime. blick.ch/politik/kommis…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair @MPIainDS responds to warning from Security Services that a Chinese government agent is engaging with MPs in UK Parliament: How can parliament ensure the safety of fleeing Hong Kongers and other groups engaging with MPs while CCP agents operate in parliament?
European lawmakers sanctioned by Beijing due to visit Taiwan | Politico Delegation of 8 #IPAC members from 🇪🇺🇩🇪🇧🇪🇳🇱🇬🇧🇽🇰🇺🇦🇨🇿 set off for Taiwan to facilitate increased parliamentary exchange and call for cooperation in trade, investment and technology. politico.eu/article/china-…
#IPAC 🇧🇪 and 🇮🇹 members @SamuelCogolati @ElsVanHoofcdenv @G_Dallemagne and @LucioMalan co-sign letter backing Taiwan to participate in the @WHO. "we should not let any political doctrine stand in the way of a more comprehensive effort to fight the pandemic." #LetTaiwanHelp twitter.com/_TheFormosaClu…
Back Lithuania or face more coercion from China, lawmakers tell EU chiefs | SCMP #IPAC 🇪🇺 MEPs lead letter warning against Chinese government attempts to 'divide and rule' among EU member states. scmp.com/news/china/dip…
Response from UK PM @BorisJohnson to @MPIainDS and #IPAC G7 co-chairs following an IPAC letter ahead of this year's G7 Summit. IPAC called for supply chains reform in light of Uyghur forced labour abuses and a global infrastructure fund to counter the Belt and Road Initiative.
UK Foreign Secretary @trussliz mirrors #IPAC calls for democratic states to reduce strategic dependency on China in light of the CCP's increasingly assertive authoritarianism. twitter.com/BeijingToBrit/…
#IPAC UK MPs joined with Uyghur activists in a show of solidarity ahead of a vote to recognise the Chinese government's treatment of Uyghurs as a genocide. Follow the debate live from 14.45 (BST): parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/0a… @timloughton @MPIainDS @Nus_Ghani @MahmutRahima
#IPAC 🇯🇵 calls on LDP Presidential candidates to clarify their support for a Japanese Magnitsky-style human rights sanctions regime. @Japan_pac huffingtonpost.jp/entry/story_jp…
Soviet-Era Memories Shape European Lawmakers’ View of China and Taiwan | VOA #IPAC co-chairs @MiriamMLex 🇸🇰 @PavelFischer 🇨🇿 @DSakaliene 🇱🇹 speak to VOA on calls to support Taiwan at #IPACRome #G20 conference. voanews.com/a/soviet-era-m…
Hong Kong visa scheme could extend to the young | The Times Cross-party MPs call for law change to include Hong Kongers born after 1997 in UK BN(O) visa offer, under amendment led by #IPAC member @DamianGreen. @hk_watch thetimes.co.uk/article/hong-k…
Global legislators back Lithuania, Taiwan against Beijing ‘bullying’ in video statement | LRT #IPAC 🇮🇪 co-chair @malcolmbyrne: “By bullying Lithuania, Beijing hopes to send a warning to democracies across the world.” lrt.lt/en/news-in-eng…
More coverage of #IPAC Italy's efforts to ensure Hong Kong remained top of the agenda when Italian Foreign Minister Di Maio met Chinese counterpart Wang Yi. Thank you to our 🇮🇹 members @LucioMalan @rampi @bobogiac @PaoloFormentin1 @EnricoBorghi1 👏👏 epochtimes.it/news/di-maio-i…
#IPAC 🇳🇿 Co-Chairs Louisa Wall MP and Simon O'Connor MP lead calls for transparency after targeting of China expert Professor Anne-Marie Bradyn by the University of Canterbury. stuff.co.nz/national/polit…
#IPAC 🇦🇺 co-chair @SenPaterson gives evidence to the French Senate on Chinese government attempts to undermine free speech and academic freedoms at foreign universities. twitter.com/blanc_etienne/…
Super Fund money in blacklisted China firms criticised | Newsroom @hk_watch report reveals New Zealand state pension fund invests millions in firms complicit in Uyghur abuses. #IPAC 🇳🇿 co-chair Simon O'Connor: Super Fund must divest from unethical links. newsroom.co.nz/super-fund-mon…