I'm extremely excited about this article of yours. Not only do I want to survive the pandemic, but I want to quit my current job immediately. Yes, I will try to get myself a 6-star champion. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP #Whitelist #IDO #HeroFi twitter.com/Finn_BTC/statu…
关于 #Heron 的一些热门新闻。 为了在 10 月 30 日为投资者提供有史以来最好的 #EcoFi IDO,@Heronasia 项目选择 #HERON 作为他们的代币名称,旨在巩固项目的潜力。🎉 #Heron #IDO 的白名单注册期也延长至10月29号下午 1 点。 👉 立即加入白名单: heron.lz.finance/?ref_by=ZJfv0p… #LaunchZoneWhitelist twitter.com/Heronasia/stat…
#Herofi's IDO will take place on #LZPad at 1:00pm UTC on September 6th. Are you ready? HeroFi #IDO whitelist will open @1PM UTC, August 28. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
✨✨✨重要信息: 对于 #HeroFi #IDO,投资者将使用 #LZ 来购买 IDO。 @launchzoneann Pad 上的 IDO 合约地址将被列入白名单,因此你的交易不会产生 #LZ 交易费。 👉加入 @HeroFiio 白名单以获得购买 #IDO 的机会:whitelist.herofi.io/?ref_by=6Mm_96… #LaunchZone#LZZ #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
✨✨✨重要信息: 对于 #HeroFi #IDO,投资者将使用 #LZ 来购买 IDO。 @launchzoneann Pad 上的 IDO 合约地址将被列入白名单,因此你的交易不会产生 #LZ 交易费。 👉加入 @HeroFiio 白名单以获得购买 #IDO 的机会:whitelist.herofi.io/?ref_by=6Mm_96… #LaunchZone#LZZ #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
在12 个小时内,@HeroFiio #IDO 白名单已达到3千多用户注册。 👉注册白名单,参与推荐比赛,有机会收到非常吸引的奖励: 第1名:10位二星英雄 第2名:6位二星英雄 第3名:4位二星英雄 第4-10名:2位二星英雄 第11-20名:1位二星英雄 注册链接: whitelist.herofi.io/?ref_by=6Mm_96… #LaunchZone#LZZ #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
Moniwar #IDO on LZ Pad - #Kardianchain. Registration for #Whitelist is currently live. 💰 Total pool: $50,000 on the IDO 🎫 Ticket: $50 worth of KAI/each for ONLY 1,000 participants! 📌 Network: KRC20 Link register: kai-moniwar.lz.finance/?ref_by=bsWCN8… #LaunchZone href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ$#LZPLZP
👉Only 1 day left until @HeroFiio's #IDO. ⭕️Round: 1 will close at 3:00 PM on September 5. ⭕️Roun 2: closing time we will announce soon (expected on September 5th) ⭕️Round 3: will close at 1:00 PM on September 5. ⭕️Round 4: has announced the 400 positions with the highest scores.
#HeroFi moon sheet. With always at the top of social signals across all channels, I humbly say that X50 compared to the asking price is an easily achievable number. It will most likely be much higher - X100. #LaunchZone #whitelist #IDO #Gotothemoon 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
@HeroFiio is going to be Number 1 on #NFTGame. Coming to #LZPad on September 6. #IDO is super hot. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 twitter.com/ibcig/status/1…
#HeroFi 在 Telegram 上有 3 个社区组: 🌐 t.me/herofiofficial 🇻🇳 t.me/herofiiovn 🇨🇳 t.me/HeroFichina 👉加入小组以获取有关 #IDO 的最新信息。 大家还想加入哪国社区组? 在评论提出你的建议!!!🥳 #LaunchZonef="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZone $LZ #HeroFi twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
#HeroFi #IDO 的细节: 🕘 启动时间:9 月 6 号晚上 9 点(GMT+8) 🚀 发射台:@launchzoneann #LZPadpad.lz.finance) 💰 分配:1个亿 $HEROEGG 🪙 IDO 价格:1 $HEROEGG = $0.005 #LaunchZone #HeroFihref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ $LZ twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
Prepare yourself with the necessary things to have strong warriors conquer #NFTGame #HeroFi. #IDO on #LZPad September 6th. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
Are you ready to play for the #HeroFi Beta game version? The beta game version will be released as soon as #IDO on #LZPad ends. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
🎉Congratulations @launchzoneann 🎉 👔@StepHeroNFTs, @HeroFiio, @moniwar_game hosted #IDO on #LZPad - top Blockchain Games With Best Social Signal. ✨#LZPad - the launchpad for new projects. #LaunchZone href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ$#LZPLZP
@launchzoneann and @BombCryptoGame will be holding #AMA on: t.me/lzofficial Join for a chance to know a lot more information before #IDO is launched on September 21 on #LZPad. There is also a chance to receive a bonus of $200. #LaunchZone #BombCryptoGame #LZ #LZP
WHITELIST | @MeDIAeYeNFT | 5 DAYS Take part in the Whitelist for the largest #NFT Marketplace on the market this year. ✅ FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY @MeDIAeYeNFT is inviting members of the public to secure allocations at - SEED ROUND ⏰ COUNTDOWN TO #IDO mediaeyenft.com/pitchdeck/whit…
We've got a list of #LZHeroes for #HeroFi's #IDO. Congratulations to the 400 people who got the highest score - you are sure to be in the 4th round of IDO. Thank you to all the Heroes of #LaunchZone. Link to check the LZ Heroes point 👇 docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…
🎉Congratulations @moniwar_game ?#MOWAWA has been listed on @coinecko. ✨Be quiet because we're about to fly. 👉Together go to the moon. #LaunchZone #Moniwar #Whitelist href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ$LZ #IDO 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
大家准备好了吗!🎉🎉🎉 #HeroFi #IDO 白名单注册将于 8 月 28 日晚上9点(GMT+8) 开放。 注册白名单以不错过参与IDO 的机会!!!🥳 #LaunchZonehref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ $LZ #HeroFi twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
🚨尊敬的价值投资者, 👉在与@launchzoneann 的合作伙伴讨论后,他们想重新安排即将到来的 HERON #IDO 为您带来更好的体验 🏃‍♂️白名单活动仍在运行 💐丰厚的奖励等着你 📌注册: twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
@HeroFiio's #IDO will be available on #LZPad on September 6th. You can join our LZ Heroes program for a chance to join our IDO. See more: docs.lz.finance/lz-heroes-prog… #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
#HeroFi #IDO 着火了🔥 已有 28,500 人注册了白名单。 您现在可以锁定$LZ在 LZPad 上参加石手轮。 ⏰只还剩2天。 购买并锁定$LZ现在: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 pad.lz.finance
.@launchzoneann community is very excited 👉LaunchZone is now chosen as Moniwar incubator ♥️This September has never ceased to be hot at #LZPad, after @HeroFiio's #IDO and soon @BombCryptoGame's IDO... #LaunchZone#LZZ#LZPP
@CoinhuntCC becomes a partner of @HeroFiio, making an important contribution to the future development of the project. Potential and outstanding partners will make #HeroFi stronger than ever. Follow us for important information before #IDO. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP