😍Even though it's still a week away from#MOWAA holding an IDO with #LaunchZone. 📢But the news tha#MOWAWA has been listed on @coingecko has made headlines. 🥰This is a signal, signaling a strong development. #MoniWar #LZPad #IDO
⚠️⚠️⚠️ Telegram 中有很多虚假的 HeroFi 群组和频道,许多人被机器人拉进群并被骗钱的! @HeroFiio 尚未公布 #ROFI 和 $HEROEGG 的合约地址 #HeroFi #IDO 将于 9 月 6 日举行,大家注意提防骗子。 📢📢 请举报假组并传播消息! #LaunchZone #HeroFi twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
👏🏻The attraction of social networks always attracts the attention of the community. 🥰#MoniWar even though it's not out yet. But in terms of hotness, it only loses to #Axie - King of NFTGame. 🙏🏻Hopefully #MoniWar will have a grand opening. #MoniWar #IDO #LaunchZone
LZ Ventures 参与了@Antex_Official 的私募,并选择与专用#LaunchZonians通过#LZPlatinum 會員。 这就是为什么他们的白金池不同于其他 #IDO 私募池在 #LZPad. twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
检查之后,@HeroFiio #IDO 白名单轮次共有 31,667 个合格的钱包地址。 📌 在此处查看你的钱包地址: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d… 恭喜名单里的所有用户!🥳 #LaunchZone #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
Congratulations @StepHeroNFTs. The numbers are impressive given the rapid growth of media channels. This data is aggregated for a month through July 31. I am looking forward to August 15th. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP #StepHero #whitelist #IDO twitter.com/StepHeroNFTs/s…
Congratulations @StepHeroNFTs! Both your Telegram and Twitter accounts have 44K followers in just 20 days. This is a fantastic beginning. By August 15th, I believe this figure will have surpassed 100K. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP #StepHero #IDO
#LZPad is the best choice! #NFTGames, #GameFi are on their way to #LZPad - A launching pad for many quality projects #IDO We will have many more #IDOs to come. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
@HeroFiio's #IDO will explode on #LZPad on September 6th - then almost a week later on September 12th players will be able to join the beta. With very interesting rewards, follow us for the fastest information. #whitelist #IDO #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
@HeroFiio's #IDO will explode on #LZPad on September 6th - then almost a week later on September 12th players will be able to join the beta. With very interesting rewards, follow us for the fastest information. #whitelist #IDO #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
If you want to join #IDO and some special benefits, you should join our LaunchZone Membership Clubs. To be able to join see here: docs.lz.finance/lz-membership-… twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
#IDO of @StepHeroNFTs is set for Sunday, August 15, 2021 👇Pool details: 🚀Token type: BEP20 🚀Price per token: $0.1 p#HEROERO 🚀Total allocation: $120,000 🚀Vesting schedule: 100% at TGE 🚀Accepted curr#BUSD $BUSD #LaunchZoneef="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZn#LZPZ#HERO $HERO
Thank you to the real artist of #Launchzone. #HeroFi #IDO Semtember 6,2021 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 twitter.com/ronnie_184/sta…
🤩The numbers speak, the good signals on social networks. 🥰All are strengthening the status of @moniwar_game, when IDO has not yet launched. 👏🏻Congratulations @moniwar_game, you guys have achieved amazing results. #Moniwar #IDO twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
Contract #MOWA BEP-20 0x411Ec510c85C9e56271bF4E10364Ffa909E685D9 Contract #MOWA KRC-20 0xff706ec9AF6C5C89059479c24068bCd8AaE8E1Fa PancakeSwap Listing: 3:00 PM UTC Oct 13, 2021 #IDO Claim token time: 3:30 PM UTC Oct 13, 2021 Follow us so you don't miss important information.
We are excited to onboard @Web_3space as one of our Media Partner!🌊 Through this collaboration we will support and grow the #Sui ecosystem by leveraging our resources within the space. #Suinami #IDO #ISO #INO
👉Attention: #Whitelist will close at 3:00 PM UTC on October 11, so this is your last chance - register now for a chance to join #Moniwar's #IDO on #LZPad. 👉Registration link:moniwar.lz.finance/?ref_by=O7Yv7x… #Launchzonea href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZL#LZPZP twitter.com/Boniface1905/s…
Make a mental note of August 15th. The exact time will be announced later. The #IDO of @StepHeroNFTs is approaching, stay tuned for crucial updates from us. Do you wish to be the proud owner of a warrior like this? 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
These are in-game character cards for @StepHeroNFTs. There are hidden strengths and interesting stuff with each card's Heroes. For more details at: stephero.io/characters/gen… #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP #Whitelist #IDO
#HeroFi #IDO 第四轮名单: #LZHeroes 计划的积分最高的前 400 名已有结果。 赶快检查你的钱包地址: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d… #LaunchZone #LZHeroes #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
驚人的統計數據@HeroFiio #IDO 的4天后 总共有: 💰 14.7k $HEROEGG 持有者 ⭐ 1000位創世英雄出世 🦸‍♂️ Twitter 上有 63,000 名關注者 📨Telegram 社區的 68k 多成員 #metaverse#p2e#playtoearn#gamefi twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
对于 #DiamondHand 轮(第一轮): 为 @HeroFiio #IDO 锁定的最终 #LZ#BSCX 金额为 2,038,499 📢 第一轮开始时间:9月6号晚上9点。 每个锁定的#BSCXX 或者#LZZ 可以购买IDO的额度:$0.17 地点:pad.lz.finance #LaunchZone 已公布 LZ/BUSD货币对的官方汇率:6.25 #LaunchZone #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
🎮無料でプレイ、プレイして獲得🎮 @HeroFiio は、プレイヤーがヒーロー間のPvP / PvEバトルを通じてトークンを獲得できるモバイルaRPGゲームです。 PvPトーナメントに勝って、リアルマネーを獲得しましょう! ✅Whitelist: whitelist.herofi.io/?ref_by=WYsLZs… #BSC #LZPad #IDOa href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZLZ #GameNFT twitter.com/BNBSwap/status…
Announcement! @barmy_official and @StepHeroNFTs will co-host the AMA on Youtube and Facebook. 🗓️Date and time: August 8 at 14:00 UTC 🚀Youtube: youtu.be/ocBG2XF5JiY 🚀Facebook: fb.com/bscarmy/posts/… Join to catch the important information about the upcoming #IDO. #LaunchZone
August 15th. @STEPHeroes #IDO will be on #LaunchPad. @StepHeroNFTs - The NFTs project includes a highly liquid market and an engaging RPG game with a world-class collectible design. Registration for #Whitelist is open. Registration for the #LZheroes campaign is open. #LaunchZone