The opening price at #IDO is 1$HERO = $0.1- Initial cap = $599.5K. When Market cap = $12M the price of #HERO will be $2 (X20) - this is pretty easy with a great game project like @StepHeroNFTs. If you spend $100 to buy #IDO you will have $2k when Market cap = $12M. #LZPad #LZ twitter.com/StepHeroNFTs/s…
If you're in the top 400 of #LZHeroes - Congratulations, all your efforts have been recognized. If you're not in the top 400 of #LZHeroes - Don't be sad because we are the launchpad for #IDO, keep going because our next #IDO will be more and more. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP 👇👇👇👇👇
If you're in the top 400 of #LZHeroes - Congratulations, all your efforts have been recognized. If you're not in the top 400 of #LZHeroes - Don't be sad because we are the launchpad for #IDO, keep going because our next #IDO will be more and more. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP 👇👇👇👇👇
Following many outstanding #IDO events in 2021, this October's special #LZPad welcomes the new project name @Heronasia. @Heronasia - The Heron Eco Retreat is designed to reconnect with Mother Nature, promoting a green stay paired with whole-body wellness. #LaunchZone #IDO
Following many outstanding #IDO events in 2021, this October's special #LZPad welcomes the new project name @Heronasia. @Heronasia - The Heron Eco Retreat is designed to reconnect with Mother Nature, promoting a green stay paired with whole-body wellness. #LaunchZone #IDO
介绍 @HeroFiio 世界: 诸神之间的战争爆发了,他们都正在为皇冠而战。 成为神之一,击败对手并招募其他英雄真正成为一个高于一切。 在9月份,#HeroFi 一定会是很火的名字。 #LaunchZone #IDO #HeroFi twitter.com/Finn_BTC/statu…
#Whitelist has only been open for a few hours and already has nearly 1K registered members. Have you registered yet? Give yourself your chance to join #IDO on #LZPad - @BombCryptoGame #LaunchZone #NFTGame #IDO #LZ #LZP #BCOIN
#Whitelist has only been open for a few hours and already has nearly 1K registered members. Have you registered yet? Give yourself your chance to join #IDO on #LZPad - @BombCryptoGame #LaunchZone #NFTGame #IDO #LZ #LZP #BCOIN
你准备好了吗? 今晚与 @launchzoneann@BombCryptoGame 一起踏上月亮。 与 #IDO 的价格相比,你认为 #BCOIN 价格会涨多少倍? #LaunchZone #Bombcrypto
3 more days until @HeroFiio's #whitelist will close. The number of subscribers is growing rapidly, now there are almost 20k members - and this number will continue to grow. Instructions for registering #whitelist: docs.lz.finance/ido-guide-how-… #LaunchZone #whitelist #IDO #HeroFi #LZ
.@BombCryptoGame #IDO taking place at #LZPad 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇?#BCOINken name : $BCOIN 👉IDO time: 1PM UTC 21/09/21 👉IDO price: $0.1/BCOIN 👉Total Allocation: $200,000#LZPayment Currency: $LZ #IDO #Bombcryptogame #NFT #blockchain="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZh#LZP #LaunchZone $LZ $LZP
.@BombCryptoGame #IDO taking place at #LZPad 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇?#BCOINken name : $BCOIN 👉IDO time: 1PM UTC 21/09/21 👉IDO price: $0.1/BCOIN 👉Total Allocation: $200,000#LZPayment Currency: $LZ #IDO #Bombcryptogame #NFT #blockchain="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZh#LZP #LaunchZone $LZ $LZP
Only 2 more days until @HeroFiio's #IDO on #LZPad. Have you got yourself a chance to participate in our 4 rounds of #IDO buying? 1⃣Diamond Hand Lock #LZ - live 2⃣Join Launchozone member clubs - live 3⃣ #Whitelist - live 4⃣ #LZheroes - closed. #LaunchZone 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Only 2 more days until @HeroFiio's #IDO on #LZPad. Have you got yourself a chance to participate in our 4 rounds of #IDO buying? 1⃣Diamond Hand Lock #LZ - live 2⃣Join Launchozone member clubs - live 3⃣ #Whitelist - live 4⃣ #LZheroes - closed. #LaunchZone 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Congratulations @HeroFiio - even though #IDO is 3 days away, you're already No.3 in terms of social signals. Play to Free & Play to Earn #LaunchZone #NFTGame $LZ #LZ?🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 twitter.com/gtaventures_or…
#Heron 白名单的注册量快达到2千人。 📢 前 20名推荐人将免费获得一次奇妙的人间天堂之旅。🏞️ 👉立即注册并沉浸在 @Heronasia 是先驱的 #EcoFi 社区中,为即将到来的 #LZPad 上的 #HERON #IDO 做好准备 。🎉 👉注册链接:heron.lz.finance/?ref_by=ZJfv0p… #LaunchZoneWhitelist #Heron twitter.com/Heronasia/stat…
🗞️"The Famous Game Moniwar Catching The Wave Of NFT Gaming". ⚡️That's what Yahoo Finance wrote about @moniwar_game. 🤩This is a good sign, as IDO has not launched yet, but favorable factors are drawing a future development fo#MOWAWA. #IDO #MoniWar #NFTGames twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
Although the #IDO #BombCryptoGame #LZHeroes program has ended to calculate the top 200 heroes, don't forget the next #IDO will follow shortly. #IDO carnival - stay and do it. #LaunchZone #LZHeroes twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
Although the #IDO #BombCryptoGame #LZHeroes program has ended to calculate the top 200 heroes, don't forget the next #IDO will follow shortly. #IDO carnival - stay and do it. #LaunchZone #LZHeroes twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
Although the #IDO #BombCryptoGame #LZHeroes program has ended to calculate the top 200 heroes, don't forget the next #IDO will follow shortly. #IDO carnival - stay and do it. #LaunchZone #LZHeroes twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
I can't wait until September 6th. Play to Free and Play to Earn - #HeroFi. #IDO on #LZPad - a launching pad for quality projects. #LaunchZone #whitelist #LZ #LZP 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Congratulations @launchzoneann and @CoinhuntCC for the partnership. @HeroFiio will be the brightest on September 6th. #IDO on #LZPad. #Whitelist is now open. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/CoinhuntCC/sta…
In just 24 hours, the locked #LZ has grown to almost 500000 #LZ = 5000 Diamond Hand tickets. Did you lock #LZ? You definitely get to join @HeroFiio's #IDO when you lock #LZ. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
Only 5 days left until @HeroFiio's #IDO on #LZPad. Have you prepared yourself for possible opportunities to participate in IDO? 1⃣Lock #LZ 2⃣LaunchZone Membership Clubs 3⃣ #Whitelist 4⃣ #LZHeroes #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
👉This will be a great opportunity for#LZZ investors. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 🚀Too much upside potential. 🚀Lock $ LZ to be sure the #IDO round 1. #LaunchZonehref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ #LZPref="/hashtag/whitelist/retweet/1">#whitelist $LZ $LZP #HeroFi