4. The nomination also sends a worrying sign as #HK scholars and students will gradually face more political pressure when studying and researching in #Hongkong, especially for studies that are regarded as sensitive or too critical on the situation in #Hongkong and #China.
4. The nomination also sends a worrying sign as #HK scholars and students will gradually face more political pressure when studying and researching in #Hongkong, especially for studies that are regarded as sensitive or too critical on the situation in #Hongkong and #China.
[Eyes and ears everywhere, both in #Hongkong and overseas] 1. Four months after #nationalsecuritylaw has become effective, #hkpolice plans to launch a new national security hotline to gather intelligence from the public via SMS, #WeChat and #Line. scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
For years, #Hongkong is the only place on #China’s soil that people can still commemorate the massacre, but it will no longer be the case as remembrance becomes new crimes, after #China's recent decision that grants powers to executives to expel lawmakers without court scrutiny.
Fresh graduates of #CUHK are having their ‘Graduation March’ inside the campus today. Chanting and showing “Liberate #Hongkong Revolution of Our times”. They are singing #glorytohk at the end of the march. Happy Graduation.
4. In the meantime, he welcomes all of you to write letters to him, @chowtingagnes and #IvanLam via P. O. Box 73962, Kowloon Central Post Office, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, #Hongkong (No need to put your name on the envelope).
Thank @NetiwitC and our brave friends in #Thailand for standing with #Hongkong and #JoshuaWong. Meanwhile, #Thais are fighting a tough battle for democracy and justice as well. #Hongkongers will continue #StandwithThailand in our common cause. twitter.com/ThaiEnquirer/s…
#Hongkong artist Justin Wong’s recent work in Mingpao, titled “wait till I return”. Who knew dotted lines could carry so much emotions
#Hongkong จับกุมนักเคลื่อนไหวและนักการเมืองที่สนับสนุนประชาธิปไตย 53 คน ซึ่งถูกกล่าวหาว่า พยายามจะ "โค่นล้ม" รัฐบาลฮ่องกง กลุ่มคนที่ถูกจับกุมตามกฎหมายความมั่นคงฉบับใหม่ รัฐบาลจีนกล่าวว่ากฎหมายนี้ จะช่วยทำให้ฮ่องกงกลับมามีเสถียรภาพอีกครั้ง
Police has arrested me after coming back to #Hongkong from Tokyo under #NationalSecurityLaw . As the court proceeding may waste for more than years, days of PhD life may murdered. There is also another case about 8.18 assembly coming. I will eat it up and continue my research...
There are marches & rallies on the 2nd anniversary of #June12thProtest in many major cities all around the world except in #Hongkong herself. These pictures are from Shinjuku Japan today:
#Hongkong Cheung Ka-long won men’s individual foil gold medal, first gold meal after 1996 #OlympicGames Cheung: Everyone keep striving on, don’t give up easily.
「理大囲城」上映開始しました! 一度きりなので真剣に視聴させていただきます! #香港 #Hongkong #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/StandwithHK_JP…
We always stand together with #Hongkong!
At around 20:30 tonight, a glimmering light from a human chain was seen on #Hongkong Lion Rock, reportedly blessing the #Ukrainian people to cheer them on Source 誌hk.feature
!イベント情報! 『香港と出会おう、東京で。「#香港ミニチュア展2022」』が5年ぶりに開催決定!2022/7/28(木)〜8/7(日)KITTE アトリウムにて! hketotyo.gov.hk/japan/jp/minia… #アガる香港 #香港旅行準備中 #香港 #ミニチュア #ミニチュア写真 #Hongkong
Ape 101 Summit Taipei is coming this Sunday 🙊 🎉 100+ BAYC/MAYC gonna join and mostly are from #Taiwan, #Hongkong & #Singapore We cordially invite @GordonGoner,@CryptoGarga,@SassBAYC,@TomatoBAYC,@negithenagi,@beijingdou,@TheMiamiApe,@0xWave,@0xEthanDG,@peterjfang,@SeraStargirl
On Women's Day, do not forget #Hongkong