We always stand together with #Hongkong!
Police has arrested me after coming back to #Hongkong from Tokyo under #NationalSecurityLaw . As the court proceeding may waste for more than years, days of PhD life may murdered. There is also another case about 8.18 assembly coming. I will eat it up and continue my research...
[New clampdown on #HK press freedom]
1. While Beijing claims #nationalsecuritylaw won't affect #PressFreedom in #Hongkong, #HK Immigration Dept just denied w/o reason the work visa for a @HongKongFP reporter, who has been closely following #hkprotests
When stickers citing Bibles were accused of breaching #NationalSecurityLaw, Deputy director of #China's office on #Hongkong HKMAO just said the new law is not one-off. #Beijing will introduce more China's laws to #HK in the future.
Ape 101 Summit Taipei is coming this Sunday 🙊 🎉
100+ BAYC/MAYC gonna join and mostly are from #Taiwan, #Hongkong & #Singapore
We cordially invite @GordonGoner,@CryptoGarga,@SassBAYC,@TomatoBAYC,@negithenagi,@beijingdou,@TheMiamiApe,@0xWave,@0xEthanDG,@peterjfang,@SeraStargirl
5. Being barred from leaving #Hongkong, it is hard for me to pursue further studies overseas, let alone high uncertainty about when I will be thrown into prison again. The clock is ticking on the days that I am still free.
[Eyes and ears everywhere, both in #Hongkong and overseas]
1. Four months after #nationalsecuritylaw has become effective, #hkpolice plans to launch a new national security hotline to gather intelligence from the public via SMS, #WeChat and #Line.
When #hkpolice attempts to rewrite the history to justify its #PoliceBrutality in #Hongkong under #nationalsecuritylaw, we should insist on telling the truth. Congratulations! twitter.com/sopasia/status…
2/ Although the law is highly contentious in #Hongkong, and widespread backlash broke out when #HKgov introduced the law in 2003, Beijing this time deliberately chooses to ram through this unpopular law by completely ignoring the will of #Hongkongers.
Round pushpin Les derniers jours de #Hongkong Arrestations et filatures d'opposants se multiplient, fondées sur des accustations de « collusion avec des forces étrangères ». Notre dossier de la semaine Rightwards arrow bit.ly/319ZuX7 @LePoint
5. With draconian punishments, the law is Sword of Damocles hanging over civil society & business communities in the city. As #Hongkong is on the brink of collapse, I call upon the world to take stronger actions to urge China to withdraw the law.
2. Under #China's #wolfwarrior diplomacy with authoritarian intimidation, it is just politically hypocritical for such a tyrannical regime to claim itself as the promoter of peace, not to mention its expansionist ambition in the South China Sea and its repression in #Hongkong.
4. In fact, it is common for #China to use discretion power to return criminal suspects to #Hongkong in the past. @hkcnews_com revealed, #Beijing did send around 2-3 suspects per year to #HK over the past 5 years, even for cases that fell into China’s jurisdiction.
5. As the primary is the litmus test to #NationalSecurityLaw that rattles both the city's civil society and foreigners, we hope the world will continue to put #Hongkong under the global spotlight.
On Women's Day, do not forget #Hongkong
2. Clearly, this is another game censorship after the recent ban on Animal Crossing, which #Hongkongers take our activism into video games. And also #Blizzard saga last year, where a Hearthstone player was banned for supporting #Hongkong.
7/ Technically instead of sending to China, DNA data could be directly handed over to the city’s newly established #nationalsecurity agency. Also, there is a loophole in #Hongkong’s law on personal data, which fails to bar data transfer to #China.
『香港と出会おう、東京で。「#香港ミニチュア展2022」』が5年ぶりに開催決定!2022/7/28(木)〜8/7(日)KITTE アトリウムにて!
#アガる香港 #香港旅行準備中 #香港 #ミニチュア #ミニチュア写真 #Hongkong
In a failed state like #Hongkong, #Carrielam only knows how to suppress, but not govern. What #HKers should do is not merely #FreeHongKong, but also save Hong Kong.