国家安全法を実施する日に俺たち言いたいのはこれだ 「俺たちホントに、香港のことがクソ好きなんだぜ」 . "國安法實行首日370人被捕,當中10人涉嫌違反國安法" . . 佢地都只係同我地一樣 好撚鐘意香港。 #HongKong #HongKongProtests #HongKongIndependence
JUST IN: David Perry QC has told #HongKong’s Department of Justice he’s not coming to #HK to prosecute pro-democracy activists over 2019 #HongKongProtests, citing pressure he’s been under in the #UK DoJ says another counsel has been appointed instead info.gov.hk/gia/general/20…
Citing the song as part of “political propaganda”, #HongKong education chief Kevin Yeung officially bans #AntiELAB #HongKongProtests song #GlorytoHK Glory to Hong Kong at schools. He was making a written reply to Education sector lawmaker Ip Kin-yuen info.gov.hk/gia/general/20…
Activists unfurl a giant #AntiELAB banner on the song Glory to #HongKong at Pacific Place mall in Admiralty, after the banner was previously placed in Time Square & a mall in Lok Fu #HongKongProtests
市民舉「釋放政治犯」橫額 警開咪警告涉煽動分裂國家違《國安法》 舉下釋放政治犯都可以分裂國家既話 呢個國家遲早滅亡🙃 可悲既係最後既瘋狂一定會害死好多人🙃 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
#HongKong activist Joshua Wong @joshuawongcf to join @chowtingagnes in pleading guilty for #HongKongProtests charges tmr, says he wouldn’t be surprised they’d be remanded right away. Ex-Demosisto chair Ivan Lam also charged with inciting unlawful assembly facebook.com/20097647999486…
飛鵝山上現直幡 「蝈安狗吃孩子的血!」 hk.appledaily.com/breaking/20210… #HongKong #HongKongProtests
#HongKongPolice have barricaded Lung Wui Road, a public road near #HongKong legislature, apparently in anticipation of Wednesday’s #Legco vetting of national anthem law. There’s been online calls for a surrounding of the complex circa #AntiELAB on 12 Jun 19 #HongKongProtests
Social worker Jackie Chen has had her rioting charge withdrawn after District Court judge Sham Siu-man ruled that she has no case to answer. Chen was arrested in Causeway Bay on 31 August last year during the #antiELAB protests in #HongKong #HongKongProtests
"Who’s next if we lose? It’s beyond Hong Kong—it’s the free world versus the Chinese Communist Party. Will you stand with us?” New #HongKongProtests video short shared on Telegram ahead of National Day tomorrow.
Extra security at #HongKong Govt HQ ahead of vetting of national anthem law, with special metal railings that apparently cannot be unlocked erected. Activists have been unlocking them to use them as makeshift barricades to block roads during months of #HongKongProtests
While opponents of the #HongKongProtests continue claim—with no evidence—that protesters are paid, they’re not even being discreet about creating massive financial incentives for crippling and very nearly killing protesters. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
#PolyU student head Derek Liu (L) says about 100 protesters newly trapped at campus, after they went near the University to try & “rescue” around 5-600 inside #HongKongProtests #HongKong
《栄光あれ、香港》 The singable translation is provided by a team of Japanese. Music: Thomas TGX YHL Lyrics: YM with friends 日本の皆さま 香港人を応援してくださることを誠にありがとうございます。 #栄光 #香港デモ #香港游行 #StandWithHongKong #HongKongProtests #FreeHongKong
香港警察が子供に殺意を沸かし、殺そうとしてる瞬間。 政府が黒幕である以上、我々一般市民はあらゆる方法を使って子供を守りながら、悪の集団へ裁かなければならないです。 #childrenlivesmatter #香港 #香港警察 #HongKong #HongKongProtests #HongKongPoliceTerrorists #StandWithHongKong
又一間大企業支持黑警👇🏻蘇黎世保險👎🏻 【蘇 黎 世 保 險 推 出 「 警 察 安 全 保 」每 月 保 費 20 元】 蘇黎世保險體貼您的實際需要,受香港警務處特別委托,按警務人員獨特的工作性質,度身制訂「警察安全保」保險計劃」 lih.kg/2289751 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
A pharmacy in #MongKok that's one of the few shops that remained open despite the clashes, presumably as it sells materials to first-aiders, has apparently been hit by tear gas #HongKongProtests
Polytechnic University #PolyU social sciences scholar Chung Kim-wah (R) told #RTHK he's heading back to campus to try and bring out some 20 students from his department. He says he believes they're not violent protesters but are only doing "resources-sorting" #HongKongProtests
網台主持傑斯再被捕 被指涉嫌作出具煽動意圖的作為 咁岩見到即時又一單 港共清算無日無之 bit.ly/3joDzmq #HongKong #HongKongProtests
7 people charged with rioting on 8.31 last year in Wan Chai all acquitted, District Court says prosecution cannot proof then guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Judge had earlier ruled that social worker Jackie Chen, who faced the same charge, had no case to answer #HongKongProtests
In the first hour of #HKDCElection, unprecedented queues sprung up all across #HongKong with people eager to vote amid #HongKongProtests. 47% turnout rate 4 years ago was a record, by this rate that can easily be smashed. Ppl vote early perhaps in fears of trouble that’d....
Bao Choy: it’s unfortunate #HongKongPolice charged a journalist who worked on a report on #721YuenLongAttack, causing public concern that police might be suspicious of suppressing #pressfreedom #HongKong #HongKongProtests
Another rally at Edinburgh Place in Central — this one marking the fall of the Berlin Wall & Communist states in Eastern Europe 30 years ago. This is a “wall” #HongKongProtesters built with all the messages they’ve drawn on it #HongKongProtests
@TiffanyAndCo For anyone who hasn’t been following the #HongKongProtests, here’s the story behind the medic who was shot in her right eye at a protest and how she became an icon for the #antiELAB movement: theguardian.com/world/2019/aug…
先ほど將軍澳のデモ、市民を轢き殺そうとする私服警察。隔離病棟は敬遠するくせに市民への虐待は喜んで承ってる。 鬼畜っぷりは健在。 #香港 #香港デモ #香港警察 #HongKong #HongKongProtests #hongkongpolicebrutality #StandWithHongKong