2 years ago, on 2019-06-16, 2 million Hongkongers took it to the streets to protest the "Extradition to China" bill. This was the largest march of the #HongKongProtests to date, 27% of the city's population of 7.4mn, and one of the largest peaceful protest the world has seen.
'Beijing may have temporarily silenced those in Hong Kong. But we know the true voice of a city that yearns to be free.' Our full statement marking the 2nd anniversary of #612 #HongKongProtests 👇hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2021…
A time lapse of the first of the #HongKongProtests, on 2019-06-09, attended by 1.03 million #Hongkongers, out of Hong Kong's population of 7mn, to protest the imposition of the "Extradition Law" which would allow arbitrary "extradition" to China on China's terms. #FreeHongKong
On this day 2yrs ago, 2019-06-09, 1.03 million Hongkongers took it to the streets to protest the Beijing-backed "Extradition Law" that would allow 🇨🇳CCP to arrest anyone in Hong Kong & sent to China. This was the first mega-march, marking the beginning of the #HongKongProtests
痴撚線 依條片無啦啦多咗幾多人睇 // 嘩早幾日我見人講去睇過印象都係幾萬人睇過 而家呢段反送中片推上左youtube熱門? 好多外國人睇到 幾日變左已經有二百萬人睇過 之後唔知幾多 大家可以睇下或入去留下言推下 👇🏻 youtu.be/RErdSr0iAcs 🔥 lih.kg/2512738 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
The Standard: no broadcast of the Oscars this year in #HongKong, the first blank in 52 years Report cites the nomination of Do Not Split for best short documentary on #HongKongProtests, as a possible reason thestandard.com.hk/section-news/s…
In Osaka, there will be 2 screenings of #HongKongProtests -themed documentaries 'Stand With HK' gives voices to interviewees tdff-neoneo.com/osaka/lineup/h… 'Defense of #CUHK' recounts the infamous campus siege in 2019 tdff-neoneo.com/osaka/lineup/h… @StandwithHK_JPN #StandWithHongKong
市民舉「釋放政治犯」橫額 警開咪警告涉煽動分裂國家違《國安法》 舉下釋放政治犯都可以分裂國家既話 呢個國家遲早滅亡🙃 可悲既係最後既瘋狂一定會害死好多人🙃 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
Biggest scene outside #HK courthouse in a year where 47 democrats are due to appear after being arrested in the biggest crackdown by authorities under #NSL. Hundreds chanting slogans #HongKongProtests
沙頭角鹿頸疑正在興建《香港愛國主義教育基地》 新疆化加速進行中 請重視 lih.kg/2427019 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
[尋人] 梁凌杰父母失聯 曾表示一定要為兒子取回公道的梁凌杰父母不見了? 係死因庭開前都失去了聯絡(5月10開,當然已沒意思) 報稱地址獲告知已沒有住 代表律師更表示將不再代表他們 但沒有原因 記者亦都搵唔到佢地 係受打壓地點呢?😥 lih.kg/2424616 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
「王婆婆」年初一旺角街頭舉「freedom」燈牌, 身旁亦放「Save 12」燈牌 是心噏的感覺 唉 lih.kg/2405562 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
A documentary on the #HongKongProtests, Do Not Split (不割蓆), has made it to the shortlist of the #Oscars2021 in Documentary Short Subject. It’s directed by Anders Hammer oscars.org/oscars/93rd-os…
網台主持傑斯再被捕 被指涉嫌作出具煽動意圖的作為 咁岩見到即時又一單 港共清算無日無之 bit.ly/3joDzmq #HongKong #HongKongProtests
飛鵝山上現直幡 「蝈安狗吃孩子的血!」 hk.appledaily.com/breaking/20210… #HongKong #HongKongProtests
震驚了!英國宣布正式落實BNO 5+1計畫,英國人的反應竟然是?! 岩岩見到呢個post又真係幾正面🤧🤧 lih.kg/2388921 #HongKong #HongKongProtests #BNO
【獨家專訪】連登仔訴說香港抗爭故事榮獲哈佛演講獎 「個獎係屬於香港人」 香港大學生Felix於本月中參與「哈佛亞洲暨國際關係會議」,並在當中的演講比賽(HPAIR 2021 Harvard Conference Speech Writing Competition) ,從300多個參賽者中脫穎而出獲獎。 rfa.org/cantonese/news… #HongKongProtests
熊仔頭🥺 一直到而家仲受緊好多槍傷後遺症🥺 佢話希望3月23日有空的人可以去灣仔區域法院支持他及其他當天上庭的手足。 m.facebook.com/11062903742602… #HongKong #HongKongProtests
公 務 員 第 一 滴 血 已有人因拒絕宣誓、欲遲職及後被高層召見,被即時停職。 lih.kg/2380108 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
慈雲山現直幡 「釋放政治犯」 lih.kg/2376929 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
JUST IN: David Perry QC has told #HongKong’s Department of Justice he’s not coming to #HK to prosecute pro-democracy activists over 2019 #HongKongProtests, citing pressure he’s been under in the #UK DoJ says another counsel has been appointed instead info.gov.hk/gia/general/20…
Heavy police presence outside Prince Edward Station tonight warning to arrest those paying flower tribute, 15 months after the August 31 incident #HongKongProtests
#HongKong activist Joshua Wong @joshuawongcf to join @chowtingagnes in pleading guilty for #HongKongProtests charges tmr, says he wouldn’t be surprised they’d be remanded right away. Ex-Demosisto chair Ivan Lam also charged with inciting unlawful assembly facebook.com/20097647999486…
又一間大企業支持黑警👇🏻蘇黎世保險👎🏻 【蘇 黎 世 保 險 推 出 「 警 察 安 全 保 」每 月 保 費 20 元】 蘇黎世保險體貼您的實際需要,受香港警務處特別委托,按警務人員獨特的工作性質,度身制訂「警察安全保」保險計劃」 lih.kg/2289751 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
#HongKongPolice arrested a man on suspected money laundering, as he allegedly received $HK5.8mil rather than 500k thru crowdfunding #RTHK understands he is ex-teacher & volleyball player Yeung Pok-man, who’s earlier convicted of police assault during #HongKongProtests last year