Check out this great full-spread Apple Daily feature on ethnic-minority Hongkongers (no “expats”🙅) participating in the #AntiELAB #HongKongProtests: s.nextmedia.com/apple/a.php?i=… It’s not often I get to say this, but read the comments while you’re there. They’re really heartwarming.
"Who’s next if we lose? It’s beyond Hong Kong—it’s the free world versus the Chinese Communist Party. Will you stand with us?” New #HongKongProtests video short shared on Telegram ahead of National Day tomorrow.
[尋人] 梁凌杰父母失聯 曾表示一定要為兒子取回公道的梁凌杰父母不見了? 係死因庭開前都失去了聯絡(5月10開,當然已沒意思) 報稱地址獲告知已沒有住 代表律師更表示將不再代表他們 但沒有原因 記者亦都搵唔到佢地 係受打壓地點呢?😥 lih.kg/2424616 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
《栄光あれ、香港》 The singable translation is provided by a team of Japanese. Music: Thomas TGX YHL Lyrics: YM with friends 日本の皆さま 香港人を応援してくださることを誠にありがとうございます。 #栄光 #香港デモ #香港游行 #StandWithHongKong #HongKongProtests #FreeHongKong
While opponents of the #HongKongProtests continue claim—with no evidence—that protesters are paid, they’re not even being discreet about creating massive financial incentives for crippling and very nearly killing protesters. twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
A documentary on the #HongKongProtests, Do Not Split (不割蓆), has made it to the shortlist of the #Oscars2021 in Documentary Short Subject. It’s directed by Anders Hammer oscars.org/oscars/93rd-os…
In Osaka, there will be 2 screenings of #HongKongProtests -themed documentaries 'Stand With HK' gives voices to interviewees tdff-neoneo.com/osaka/lineup/h… 'Defense of #CUHK' recounts the infamous campus siege in 2019 tdff-neoneo.com/osaka/lineup/h… @StandwithHK_JPN #StandWithHongKong
It’s 31Dec & #HongKongPolice already have given first warning to people gathering outside Princed Edward #MTR for 31Aug, as officer says burning indents is illegal #HongKongProtests
The cop with a loudhailer kept yelling that whoever that refused to continue walking would be stopped for a check in suspicion of unlawful assembly in #MongKok. Where’s the reasonable suspicion though? #HongKongPolice #HongKongProtests twitter.com/jeffielam/stat…
For those who don’t know, Mr Stott was on the #IPCC expert panel before they quit collectively, citing a lack of investigative powers. He calls for a judge led independent inquiry into the policing of the #HongKongProtests & claims made by the #HongKongPolice twitter.com/cliffordstott/…
#NOW #CUHK @CUHKofficial students are seeking a temporary injunction at High Court banning #HongKongPolice’s unlawful entry of campus or entry without a search warrant, & stopping the use of tear gas & rubber bullets etc without the request of the University #HongKongProtests twitter.com/damon_pang/sta…
Chinese State-funded media Global Times reported about a curfew in #HongKong, but has subsequently deleted the tweet #HongKongProtests
Social worker Jackie Chen has had her rioting charge withdrawn after District Court judge Sham Siu-man ruled that she has no case to answer. Chen was arrested in Causeway Bay on 31 August last year during the #antiELAB protests in #HongKong #HongKongProtests
Wrote #HKU student leader @SunnyCheungky: it could be a crowd fund in support of #HongKongProtests being frozen today, it could be money of multinational corporations tomorrow. “Intl economic interests could be damaged with a flick of #China’s political wrist” #HongKong twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
Bao Choy: it’s unfortunate #HongKongPolice charged a journalist who worked on a report on #721YuenLongAttack, causing public concern that police might be suspicious of suppressing #pressfreedom #HongKong #HongKongProtests
#HongKong activist Joshua Wong @joshuawongcf to join @chowtingagnes in pleading guilty for #HongKongProtests charges tmr, says he wouldn’t be surprised they’d be remanded right away. Ex-Demosisto chair Ivan Lam also charged with inciting unlawful assembly facebook.com/20097647999486…
This happened in Sheung Shui & apparently a group of pro-#Beijing people clashed with anti-Govt protesters #HongKong #HongKongProtests
#HongKongPolice warned & yelled at an old woman with a (purple) banner "God wipe out the CCP" that if "I see u in Tai Po again, I'll arrest u for unlawful assembly", as crowd gathers in district 2 oppose the plan 2 have a designated #Covid clinic there #HongKongProtests #HongKong
基於十月一日發生嘅事,我哋作出以下宣言,歡迎各位轉載。 《國殤宣言》 #HKGETV #hkprotest #HongKongProtests #HongKongProtester #HKPF #Hongkongers
Convenor of pro-democracy group Civil Human Rights Front, Jimmy Sham calls on #HongKong ppl 2 dress in black on National Day on 10.1, even if their planned march on the day is banned by #HK #police. “People have been suppressed & tortured for 70 years” in #China #HongKongProtests
Question: does anyone in #HongKong get to violate the law three times, get a warning for the first two offenses, & then only get arrested the third time round? Say, those involved in #HongKongProtests? twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
This participant in the #HongKongProtests has been crawling his way, literally, in Wan Chai, as part of the #HongKong demonstrations
又一間大企業支持黑警👇🏻蘇黎世保險👎🏻 【蘇 黎 世 保 險 推 出 「 警 察 安 全 保 」每 月 保 費 20 元】 蘇黎世保險體貼您的實際需要,受香港警務處特別委托,按警務人員獨特的工作性質,度身制訂「警察安全保」保險計劃」 lih.kg/2289751 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
#HongKongPolice have barricaded Lung Wui Road, a public road near #HongKong legislature, apparently in anticipation of Wednesday’s #Legco vetting of national anthem law. There’s been online calls for a surrounding of the complex circa #AntiELAB on 12 Jun 19 #HongKongProtests
Citing the song as part of “political propaganda”, #HongKong education chief Kevin Yeung officially bans #AntiELAB #HongKongProtests song #GlorytoHK Glory to Hong Kong at schools. He was making a written reply to Education sector lawmaker Ip Kin-yuen info.gov.hk/gia/general/20…