While hundreds of #HongKong people take part in the rally in Chater Garden in solidarity with #Catalonia’s fight against #PoliceBrutality, at the same time some Catalans are holding a rally outside the Chinese embassy in Barcelona to #StandWithHongKong #HongKongProtests
『我只睇到漢字「國際禮儀之極限挑戰」 』 某天主教徒可以入清真寺道歉,向日本民眾90度鞠躬謝罪應該無難度吧? 原文 - 林鄭玩手機上左日本節目 lih.kg/1672887 ●來源:D10S #林鄭 #手機 #日本 #LIHKG #HongKong #HongKongProtests
Comedian Vivek Mahbubani, an Indian born & raised in #HongKong, says the city is defined by the people’s spirit & the values Hongkongers love by, & not race, religion or skin colour. He’s trying hard to explain the #AntiELAB movement to ppl his community who don’t speak Cantonese
Govt press release just now, explaining reasons for #DQ'ing @joshuawongcf. It says self determination that allows independence as an option is inconsistent with the Basic Law. #HongKong #DCpoll2019 #DistrictCouncil2019
Latest poll figures from Public Opinion Research Institute shows popularity of #HongKong leader #CarrieLam has again dipped to historic lows, with a rating of 20.2 out of 100 & a net approval rate of -71%. 11% of respondents want her to be CE, an overwhelming 82% don’t
Thank you @SolomonYue Without your help, we can’t make it. Hongkongers are grateful for what you have done for #HongKong Let’s work together to get the #HongKongHumanRightsAndDemocracyAct passed ❗️ twitter.com/SolomonYue/sta…
有人打算用毀滅城市嘅方式去平息喺香港發生嘅事🙄 倪匡: 你要摧毀一個城市... lih.kg/1627349 律政司入稟禁連登及 Telegram 等發佈煽動暴力言論 獲高院頒臨時禁制令 lih.kg/1684909 ●來源:RTHK、PPOOO #倪匡 #香港 #言論自由 #LIHKG #HongKong
●Source:@cityusuedb Hong Kong police arrested an American lady who was celebrating Halloween in the downtown. 香港警察拘捕了一名慶祝萬聖節的美國女士 lih.kg/1685619 #American #HongKong #AntiELAB #LIHKG #HongKongPoliceState #halloween2019
"I hope at least one person in Hong Kong will know that someone in Texas stands with them." 個德州人話自己唔係來至香港都紋段字上身,唔係咁都唔幫推呀? lih.kg/1686406 ●來源:IneedAgrognozzle、膠到無朋友 #德州 #Texas #HongKong #LIHKG
It is not new that #HongKong has already turned into a #policestate but asking innocent civilians to kneel and be obedient? It is unacceptable. Hong Kong is now being invaded and colonised, #HongKongers are alienated. Please #StandWithHongKong and fight against #Chinazi
It's not the protesters who don't want to organize peaceful demonstrations, it's the police who started to shot tear gas to disperse the legitimate and authorized assembly immediately after people had gathered. The police only want blood. #PoliceBrutality #HongKong
Part 1 ⚠️This video contains graphic content and may be upsetting to some people⚠️ lih.kg/1690608 ●來源:Apple daily, RTHK #upset #HongKong #HongKongProtests #LIHKG
We should act promptly. It's not only for Hong Kong but also for the liberal world and the community that shares democratic values. Defending democracy, it is a very global fight. PASS THE ACT! #HongKong #HKHRDA twitter.com/SenatorDurbin/…
Senator @HawleyMO, I share the same confusion with you: I don’t understand what the hold up is. The #HongKong Act should be passed immediately. twitter.com/jeffreychngo/s…
I think senators who put a hold on the Hong Kong Human Rights Act should come out and publicly explain their decision. it’s with a strong bipartisan support and all are expecting it to be passed promptly. Any thoughts? #HongKong
Somewhere in Germany, there is a Winnie the Pooh protest graffiti on the S-Bahn light rail train. From the handwriting, we can tell that it’s not painted by a Chinese native speaker. The world is supporting us in different ways. Thank you very much. #HongKong
Who does not want to pass a strong bipartisan bill now, when people are getting more worrying about the ability of the US political system reaching a consensus and solve conflicts? It’s not only about Hong Kong, it’s also about the US. #HongKong twitter.com/marcorubio/sta…
Hong Kong police shot tear gas at reporters when leaving by vehicles. 相關討論 - 被罵不忿登EU離開時發催淚彈射中now記者 lih.kg/1703246 ●來源:留名學嘢 #記者 #警察 #AntiELAB #LIHKG #HongKong #HongKongPolice
Spread the story of Hong Kong to a larger audience! See you all later #HongKong
Firearm & Basketball How absurd is it? #HongKong t.co/VoDEwxUxTj
Daily life in Hong Kong: when you are sitting on a minibus and randomly being pointed by a loaded firearm with a group of metally disordered policemen. How “cosmopoliatan” and “civilised” it is to live in #HongKong? Rediculous.
There are no institutions in Hong Kong that can hold the police accountable. They can fire live rounds to a BAREHANDED protestor without any consequences. That’s why we need HK Human Rights Act that carries deterrence effect. NO ONE should be shot. NEVER. #HongKong #PassTheAct
An expatriate was hit during lunch hour by a canister of tear gas and bleed. It happened at the heart of this financial city — central, where all the major finanacial companies locate. Police is destroying the city. #HongKong Photo:HKUSU instant news
White-collar professionals were escaping the tear gas attack by the barbarian riot police. Most of them were out for lunch. Would an accountable government allow such a mess that happened at their financial city center? Even city’s elites are no longer safe. #HongKong
The people of #HongKong are seeking dialogue & democracy, not beatings & bullets. I am saddened to see these scenes of violence against unarmed protesters & hope that #Taiwan can continue to serve as a beacon of democracy for those who seek freedom.