Even the #HKHRDA is signed and we enjoy the victory on the district council election, it’s still not time for celebration. More than 5000 HKers was arrested sand almost hundred of them were already locked up in prison. Stop police brutality and free-election is the only way out.
Mr. President @realDonaldTrump, I hope you find out what it is soon, and do indeed address the issue very strongly. The bipartisan #HKHRDA, which you signed into law last November, provides some important tools to respond. #HongKong needs the world now. twitter.com/jeffreychngo/s…
#Live testifying at Italian Senate on the human rights situation of HK. After the signing of #HKHRDA we are determined to continue our international advocacy.
Great to be able to tweet again. Picking up from where I left off earlier: I urge our American friends who support #HongKong to call your Representatives and Senators in Congress to back the #HKSHA. We did it with the landmark #HKHRDA last year. Let's do it again now. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
Speaker @SpeakerPelosi announced that the House will pass the Senate version of the #HKHRDA over the next hour and send it directly to Trump regardless of the strong opposition and reactions from China. #HongKong
1/ I'm pleased that @POTUS PresidentTrump signed #HKHRDA as protestors fighting for the 6th month. This remarkable achievement would not be possible without the persistence and sacrifice of HK people.
Happy Birthday, Madam @SpeakerPelosi! We’re so grateful for your leadership, strength, and tireless work on standing with #HongKong and supporting #HKHumanRightsandDemocracyAct in 2019. #HKHRDA
The crowd at the rally in Central tonight in support of the US Human Rights and Democracy act is so huge is essentially become a march by necessity, as overspill from Chater Garden fan out in all directions. #StandWithHongKong #HKHRDA
I appreciated @senatemajldr today for helping to pass the #HKHRDA, which the President signed into law before Thanksgiving. He told me he doesn’t think Xi knows how to handle all the unrest against him. I hope he can give the UIGHUR Act priority to show even more support. Thanks!
Autonomy, democracy and the rule of law are the fundamental values that Beijing promised to implement in Hong Kong. We are asking them for honor their words, nothing more, nothing less. #HongKong #HKHRDA
The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act is signed by Prst. Trump. I hope that this law could lead a wave of anti-authoritarianism in the global front and support the democratic movement in #HongKong. Next step: Global #HKHRDA . We need more countries to act with us.
#Hkers plz rmb who @RepChrisSmith is. He was the original sponsor of the #HKHRDA in 2014❗️When no one cared HK, he alrdy helped push the act. Five yrs later, after many attempts, the act is likely to be signed by the President at last. We need to thank him. #HKers admire you.
Last yr tdy, we celebrated the passage of the #HKHRDA The largest rally I ever held which 100K HKers joined that night. It took a bipartisan effort to pass the bill which led to the US gov unprecedentedly sanctioned the evil HK gov. Thank you the @POTUS , @GOP & @TheDemocrats
We should act promptly. It's not only for Hong Kong but also for the liberal world and the community that shares democratic values. Defending democracy, it is a very global fight. PASS THE ACT! #HongKong #HKHRDA twitter.com/SenatorDurbin/…
6. Pompeo has a long-time interest in Hong Kong. I recalled that, as a Kansas Congressman, he'd been one of very few House co-sponsors of the landmark #HKHRDA, an updated version of which would pass four years later. Now he works tirelessly and unwaveringly to implement the law.
It was amazing that @SenJeffMerkley showed us the pen @SpeakerPelosi used to sign the #HKHRDA and PROTECT #HONGKONG acts! It is HISTORY in front of us. So thrilled. #StandWithHongKong
The US Senate finally passed the #HKHRDA It indicates that our lobbying efforts are not in vain! Thank you all Senators who stand with #HK during the critical moments. However, we will not stop. The bill is not yet ratified. We will ensure the act will sign by the President!