#HongKong Reporter sent flying for a few meters after hit by Police Water Cannon 原文 - 有記者遭水炮擊中,飛彈數米! lih.kg/2088699 #LIHKG #NationalSecurity #Hongkongprotest #HongKongPolice
Can't tell what was happening in this picture... (By LIHKG little editor) 相關討論 - lih.kg/axnAnPV #LIHKG #HongKong #HongKongProtests #StandWithHongKong #香港 #香港警察
One year ago today, a message "Add oil #CUHK" was written on a barricade under #HKU after the event "Siege of CUHK". This was also the weekend when "Siege of #POLYU" started #HongKong #StandWithHongKong
Relieved this is finally cutting through. The PRC is destroying #HongKong and there have been no consequences. twitter.com/DavidAltonHL/s…
Now we have reached the final two, I back @trussliz As Foreign Secretary she's spoken repeatedly for freedom & #HumanRights & stood up to #CCP #China We cannot go back to bad days of kowtowing to Beijing. We need a leader who recognises #UyghurGenocide & stands up for #HongKong
Just so sad. Will the arrest of Cardinal Zen - a great man - be enough to get @Pontifex to break his silence on the assault against #HongKong’s freedoms? Don’t hold your breath. 😞 twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
One more police tested positive for #coronavirus after a woman police got infected in #HongKong five days ago. However, this police claimed he had never met the previous infected police. 原文 - 一名31歲男警員初步確診中國肺炎 lih.kg/1948802 #LIHKG
Thanks Athens. Great reception and encouragement. I shared 3 lessons to world leaders: 1. Money from China is RED and with agenda;2. Authoritarian states abuse the openness of democracies and we need to defend; 3. Support global movemnt. That’s how we save democracy. #HongKong
Supporters already arrived at the West Kowloon Magistrates’ Court. #HongKong police charged 47 pro-democracy activists under the #NSL on Sunday. They will appear at the court tmr Photos by Michael Ho
Our co-founder & CEO @benedictrogers has been threatened by #HongKong Police under #NationalSecurityLaw, requiring removal of our website We will not remove our website. We will not be silenced. Here's our statement, with comments from Patrons & others hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2022…
Hong Kong Watch is deeply concerned about the police raid on the home of Ronson Chan, head of @HKJA_Official & deputy editor of @StandNewsHK We will monitor developments, but urge international community to act urgently to defend whatever remains of #PressFreedom in #HongKong twitter.com/krislc/status/…
#AndyIsMissing for 57 days. As we welcome back 'Grandma Wong' who was often seen at last year's protest scenes in #HongKong from her 14-month detention in China, we see a glimpse of what is likely happening to the disappeared #12HKyouths as she recounts her suffering including.. twitter.com/hkfp/status/13…
JUST IN: #HongKong #Legco President Andrew Leung orders pro-#Beijing lawmaker Chan Kin-por to replace Dennis Kwok to preside chair election of House Comm on Mon, thru invoking the council’s special powers to break the impasse, saying this is a very special situation
HKW CEO Benedict Rogers was in Manchester yesterday to raise awareness about Hong Kong. He had positive meetings with Labour MPs Afzal Khan and Navendu Mirshra. Both underlined their staunch solidarity with #HongKong, and support for Manchester’s HKers. hk.appledaily.com/international/…
As we prepare to celebrate #Christmas, let's always remember #HongKong #PoliticalPrisoners in jail, including #JimmyLai, #JoshuaWong & so many others Let's never forget them Let's keep fighting for their freedom Join me by lighting a #Candle4HK to #FreeHKPoliticalPrisoners
THREAD: I want to share a few reflections & principles about why - & how - I try to support #HongKong's #FightForFreedom, have done so for the past 8 years 1. The most important point is that I have never, ever claimed to represent #HongKongers. All I try to do is support /
Wow: this is, in effect, a protest by millions of people. Lowest. Turnout. Ever. #HongKong has shown support for democracy in the only way it could: by staying away. 🇭🇰 Gov funnelled money into bolstering turnout and even made spoiling ballots a crime. The response? 👇 twitter.com/hkfp/status/14…
"Young people, wherever they're from, should devote themselves to national development. Everyone is better-off only if our country is better-off."-- Leung On-lee, a young lady from #HongKong helped poverty alleviation in southwest #Guizhou with her blossoming floral company.
The BNO visa is great. Really. But it didn’t honour our promise to #HongKong. Our treaty promise was to uphold a “high degree of autonomy” and HK’s way of life. We failed to honour this promise. And we didn’t do anything to hold Beijing to account for breaking that treaty. twitter.com/ukhomeoffice/s…
So as we gather, Agnes Chow, Wilson Li, Andy Li & Ian Lai, 2nd son of Jimmy Lai, are allegedly related to a group calling for other countries to sanction #HongKong; Jimmy is also accused of involvement & fraud; 4 Next Media execs & Ian’s bro Tim accused of conspiracy to defraud twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
After 7 days' work by over 2,000 workers, the construction of #TsingYi mobile cabin hospital was completed in #HongKong to support response to the latest #COVID surge.
"Riot police turn a blind eye to us" a triad of so-called White T-shirts claimed, 2019/07/21. lih.kg/2175810 #HongKong #YuenLongAttack #HongKongPolice #LIHKG
That truly means #HongKong issue receiving cross party interests and support. What other issues can make parliamentarians with such diverse views sitting together? twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
Are the frontline police losing control, or they have received such order to get prepared for the next massacre? #HongKong #Saveourcity twitter.com/demosisto/stat…
This clip of the movie Her Fatal Ways (1990) directed by Alfred Cheung, which reflected fears of #HongKong people after #TiananmenMassacre in 1989, is making the rounds on social media -- on the end of #1C2S 1 country, 2 systems & plunge in markets