I can’t quite believe I’m writing this, but #HongKong children are being given this survey. H/T @Balnagown
Cardinal Zen in 2020. He turned up to see @Pontifex to discuss the urgent situation in #HongKong and was denied an audience. A pic that may define this Pontificate.
Someone shot a live round to another citizen on the street in Hong Kong. 相關討論 - 突發 大埔出咗實彈 lihkg.com/thread/1791106… #大埔 #實彈 #lihkg #HongKong #HongKongProtests
尺の短いニュースだと「ただ見に行っただけ」ですが、「news23」では動機も中の様子も答えていましたね。「人が撃たれたり完全に不当、国のあり方が間違っていると思って見に行った」「同じ部屋にいたのは10歳とか16歳の未成年で結構血だらけでいた」 #HongKong #香港 #香港デモ
#BREAKING @pritipatel expands the #HongKong scheme, and relaxes application conditions!!🚨🚨 Fantastic news! Thank you so much @ukhomeoffice for listening!
#HongKong people spoke loud and clear about their determination for democracy when 600,000 participated in the primary elections last year. Today, Chung is among dozens of candidates arrested for subverting national security. twitter.com/rachel_cheung1…
本日、sukekiyo香港公演。京は朝から香港の様々な場所にて撮影を決行。何に使われるのでしょうか…お楽しみにお待ちください。(S) instagram.com/p/Bz4s5TcgBxa/… #京 #sukekiyo #INFINITUM #TOUR2019_FORTY #HongKong #タピオカ
Supporting #HongKong is a bipartisan consensus in DC; neither party alone "owns" this issue, and neither is an "obstacle." Based on my experience, the trouble comes invariably from the business community who favors stronger ties to Beijing and thus access to the Chinese market. twitter.com/hkdc_us/status…
“Sources” LMAO Reminder that TikTok was telling governments around the work that it was a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands until very recently. Also that they had nothing to do with censoring #Uyghur or #HongKong content. Do you believe them? twitter.com/CGTNOfficial/s…
Was asked about the whether UK’s BN(O) scheme for #HongKong is enough. From q&a debate with Sir Geoffrey Clifton Brown and @SimonCh15198572 for St Andrew’s Student Union Debating Society.
Magic of Hong Kong Source: youtu.be/gYO1uk7vIcc Credit: Timelab Pro 原文: 神人攝影師形容香港:The craziest Asia’s city lih.kg/1669430 ●來源:眼屎塞屎眼 #MagicofHongKong #TheCraziestAsiasCity #TimelabPro #HongKong #LIHKG
I think senators who put a hold on the Hong Kong Human Rights Act should come out and publicly explain their decision. it’s with a strong bipartisan support and all are expecting it to be passed promptly. Any thoughts? #HongKong
So that’s what they’re calling #HongKong these days?
A video recap of 2020.7.1 - The struggle of #HongKong people is real. #PoliceBrutality #HongKongProtests #NationalSecurityLaw
To #HongKongers, on this 25th anniversary of the handover of #HongKong: Here are my thoughts, and my renewed pledge to you, in my own traditional Chinese characters handwriting. With ❤️and🙏
We need URGENT action from @DominicRaab @BorisJohnson re: a COMPLETELY INNOCENT #HongKong newspaper editorial writer being arrested en route to the UK - probably hoping to participate in the BNO scheme. This makes a mockery of our treaty promises. #Enough twitter.com/alvinllum/stat…
Indeed the support for #HongKong in Washington is bipartisan. Thank you @SpeakerPelosi for joining other Democrats like @RepMcGovern and @SenJeffMerkley to speak up for us since @SecPompeo's latest report. I look forward to more strong responses from the administration. twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi/…
Another one bites the dust. Starting to think Blinken, Truss etc will continue issuing action-free statements about how “China needs to respect media freedom” until there are no real journalists left in #HongKong twitter.com/hkcnews_com/st…
#Day52 Thank you friends in #Taiwan and #HongKong! The lights lit by the people are the beacons of hope to those still trapped in the dark. #MilkTeaAlliance #save12hkyouths
警察本部外に違法集結などの罪で起訴された黄之鋒、林朗彦と周庭氏(ジョシュア・ウォン、イヴァン・ラム、アグネス・チャウ)が今日裁判所で罪を認め、法廷から拘禁命令を下し、刑務所に入た。12月2日香港時間14:30に処罰内容を言い渡す。ジョシュアは最後まで「頑張れ」を励ました。 #HongKong #save12
Some of those attending the Chater Garden rally in #HongKong supporting the passage of the #US #HumanRightsandDemocracyAct played the #HongKongprotest anthem before the start of the event #HongKongProtests (taken earlier, no signal to upload)
The most appalling scenes in #HongKong! During the siege of #PolyU, doctors, nurses & EMT staff were detained with hands tied behind backs. This is absolutely unacceptable! Can @medwma say something? JW twitter.com/nathanlawkc/st…
Hong Kong traffic police tried to be like a flying bird while driving. 原文 - 有交通警渣緊電單車果陣扮雀仔飛 lih.kg/1911577 ●來源:如果真的太好 #交通警 #休假 #雀仔 #HongKong #HongKongPolice #LIHKG
Riot police grabbed and shoot pepper spray on the working journalists in #HongKong 警員強行拉走正進行拍攝工作記者 lihkg.com/thread/1937058… #LIHKG #HongKongProtest