Mis pensamientos están con todos los afectados por la erupción del Volcán de Fuego en #Guatemala. #Taiwan está listo para prestar asistencia al presidente @jimmymoralesgt en las labores de rescate. 🇹🇼🇬🇹
Fue un placer cenar en #Paraguay con el presidente @jimmymoralesgt y los amigos de #Guatemala. Deseo que nuestras naciones sigan prosperando. 🇹🇼🇬🇹 #TsaiStateVisit
Happy Independence Day to #Guatemala, #Honduras, & #Nicaragua. With our shared values, #Taiwan has been & will continue to be a steadfast partner in creating a prosperous & sustainable future for its allies in Central America.
Nos alegra mucho la visita del presidente @jimmymoralesgt y la primera dama @patydemoralesGT. Hoy celebramos los logros de nuestra estrecha colaboración y dialogamos sobre cómo mejorar los lazos bilaterales entre #Taiwan y #Guatemala.
A cup of fine coffee with good friends is happiness toasted & time well spent. Today we celebrated stronger & closer bilateral relations with high-quality coffee from #Guatemala.
Vice President @drjafethcabrera last visited #Taiwan 24 years ago, & it was wonderful to welcome him back once again. He is a strong advocate for public health in #Guatemala, & his surgeon’s background gives him valuable insights into how we can create healthier societies.
It was a pleasure to meet with Guatemalan President-elect @DrGiammattei today, & I was touched to hear that he chose to visit so soon after his election because he wants to send a clear message to the world: #Guatemala stands with #Taiwan.
Thank you, President @DrGiammattei for your congratulations. #Taiwan & #Guatemala share a longstanding friendship rooted in shared values & common goals, & I look forward to forging even closer ties over the next four years. twitter.com/DrGiammattei/s…
I want to thank the representatives from #Eswatini, #Paraguay, & #Guatemala for taking a stand for global health & safety by supporting #Taiwan’s @WHO participation & highlighting ways that #TaiwanCanHelp combat the spread of #2019nCoV.
We thank #Eswatini, #Guatemala, #Haiti, #Honduras, #MarshallIslands, #Nauru, #Paraguay, #StKittsAndNevis,
#Australia, #Belgium, #EU, #Japan, #NewZealand, #UK & #US for backing #Taiwan at #EB146. Politics mustn't factor in the spread of #Coronavirus & jeopardize #HealthForAll.
Pleased to meet UN Permanent Representatives #Belize Amb. Young, #Guatemala Amb. Lam Padilla, & #Haiti Amb. Saint-Hilaire & thank them for supporting #Taiwan’s international participation. Politics should never come before people’s health, & #TaiwanCanHelp combat #COVID19.
It gives us real joy to see good friend @DrGiammattei with the shipment of #TaiwanCanHelp medical masks. Solidarity, cooperation & trust have long been the foundation of rock-solid #Taiwan-#Guatemala relations. They're also key to combating #Coronavirus & realizing #HealthForAll. twitter.com/DrGiammattei/s…
Thank you @DrGiammattei for your heartfelt message. #Taiwan is always willing to share our experience & resources with #Guatemala to fight #COVID19, & we hope our donation will strengthen your epidemic prevention capabilities & protect the health of your people. twitter.com/DrGiammattei/s…
#Taiwan, #US & host #Guatemala are staging the 1st #GCTF in #LatinAmerica & the #Caribbean! Watch Vice Minister Tsao's special address to discover more about the change-making event. Closer cooperation & friendship is key to tackling global issues & promoting prosperity for all.
#İspanya DB Arancha Gonzalez Laya, #GineBissau CB Umaro Sissoco Embalo, #Guatemala DB Pedro Brolo ve #Sırbistan Çalışma, İstihdam, Gaziler ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanı Zoran Djordjevic’le #SantoDomingo’da görüştük.
The 1st #GCTF by #Taiwan #US #Japan & #Guatemala is a wrap. Participants from 25+ countries shared strategies for #COVID19, good governance & post-pandemic prosperity. Many thanks VM Tsao @juliechungfso AIT Dir. Christensen JTEA Rep. Izumi @PedroBroloGT & @audreyt for the event.
All the very best to the governments & people of allies #Guatemala🇬🇹, #Honduras🇭🇳& #Nicaragua🇳🇮 for Sept. 15 Central American Independence Day. #Taiwan🇹🇼 is proud to share in celebrations of the 199th anniversary of this great event with its true friends & partners in prosperity.
Proud to celebrate 199 years of Central American independence with our allies from #Guatemala, #Honduras & #Nicaragua. #Taiwan is deeply grateful for your longstanding support & friendship. Our cooperative efforts to address global challenges have brought us closer together.
Thank you @DrGiammattei for your kind 🇹🇼#TaiwanNationalDay wishes. We are grateful for your continued support as we strive to be a global beacon of freedom & democracy. Long may the friendly #Taiwan-#Guatemala partnership continue! twitter.com/DrGiammattei/s…
#Honduras, #Nicaragua, and #Guatemala are reeling from #HurricaneIota and #HurricaneEta. Both were category 4 and hit Central America within 2 week span. They wiped out farms, food supply, and entire communities.
Experts say millions now face hunger. "There is nothing to eat."
#Guatemala: A fire was set on part of the Congress building, after a controversial budget bill.
Some note that a suspicious amount of fire extinguishers were set within the building prior to the burning and riot police suspiciously failed to protect it.
#Guatemala: Police are attacking civilians at random, dispersing anyone they see walking on the street. (📹@An0nymous_GT) twitter.com/An0nymous_GT/s…
Indigenous people in #Guatemala lead their own #HurricaneEta response.
Residents have seen little to no outside help come from either the national government or the international aid sector, and there is a strong sense of neglect.
Report: thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2…
There's national outrage in #Guatemala over missing and murdered girls.
Girls & women stage bike protests after an 8-year-old girl recently disappeared while playing on her bike & later found murdered. (📹@Sandra_Cuffe) #Femicide #NiUnaMenos #NiUnaMas #LasNiñasNoSeTocan
Tough times never last, but tough people do. Our gratitude to @DrGiammattei for taking the long view & choosing to #StandWithTaiwan🇹🇼. The cleareyed & principled approach to vaccine effectiveness adopted by the president of #CentralAmerica ally #Guatemala🇬🇹 is to be applauded.