今日は #女性に対する暴力撤廃の国際デー 「いつであれどこであれ、暴力で脅されたり暴力をふるわれたりしている女の子や女性を決して見て見ぬふりをしてはならないのです。」- アンゲラ・メルケル 詳細はインスタの最新投稿へ▷t1p.de/bwo5 #OrangeTheWorld #GenerationEquality
女の子は何でもできます。彼女らが必要なのは、ジェンダーに基づくバイアスを打破し、実力を発揮し輝く機会です。 女の子は、連帯運動をリードし、導くことができます! #GenerationEquality #平等を目指す全ての世代
#DontBeSilent #genderequality #男女平等 🔊🔊沈黙を打ち破ろう🔊🔊 誰かが一線を越えたら、声を上げよう。 家父長制への無言の迎合は、受け入れてはいけません。 #GenerationEquality twitter.com/UN_Women/statu…
汚名はもういらない 沈黙はもういらない ステレオタイプはもういらない 差別はもういらない 構造的障壁はもういらない 有害なジェンダー規範はもういらない 女性と女児に対する暴力はもういらない 今こそ女性の権利とジェンダー平等を実現する時 明日は #国際女性デー #IWD2021 #GenerationEquality twitter.com/UN_Women/statu…
今日は #国際女性デー #IWD2021 #ジェンダー平等 を求める闘いは、誰にも止められない。💪💪💪 #GenerationEquality #平等を目指す全ての世代
Young men signal their support towards gender equality and reject male chauvinism by publicly wearing Hta-mein (women’s sarongs) on their heads. Let’s build a free and equal society with our revolution 💪🏼 #GenerationEquality #IWD2021 #WomensDay #WomensHistoryMonth
Imagine a gender-equal world. Women are free from fear of violence. Men are free from toxic masculinity. There is equal pay for equal work. Diversity is celebrated, not feared. Everybody is represented in leadership. That's the world #GenerationEquality wants.
45% of girls & women aged 15-49 who are married cannot make their own decisions about their Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights! The #GenerationEquality Forum Action Coalition is here to change that! Learn more on Intl Women's Health Day: unwo.men/buGo50EWMt0 #ActForEqual
Spread love, not hate. 🧡 #GenerationEquality
More women in leadership = Better tomorrow #GenerationEquality unwo.men/yhQ450EX3v5
What you say matters when it comes to ending toxic masculinity. Time to be part of #GenerationEquality.
We're all in this fight together for an equal future free from violence and discrimination. #GenerationEquality
There is something you can do every day to stand against rape culture & help end violence against women. #GenerationEquality unwo.men/qrKH50EX41C
BREAKING NEWS: We found a country that has achieved gender equality! #GenerationEquality unwo.men/MrVm50EX46w
📢 Call out sexism 📢 Support each other 📢 Raise awareness 📢 Connect and mobilize 📢 Advocate for equality 📢Educate and inform There are many ways you can speak out for an equal future. #GenerationEquality
Happy #Pride from the @Beijing25Youth Task Force. Join #GenerationEquality this #PrideMonth in building a more equitable and inclusive world. #ActForEqual
Let's create and ensure spaces where survivors of sexual violence can feel safe to speak out. #GenerationEquality
Girls deserve the opportunity to realize their full potential. #GenerationEquality #ActforEqual
Don't let systematic barriers and long-standing stereotypes hold you back from achieving your dreams. #GenerationEquality #ActForEqual
It's 2021 and not one country in the world has achieved gender equality! This #ActForEqual Week of Action, sign @GlblCtzn's petition calling on governments and stakeholders to make big, bold commitments at the upcoming #GenerationEquality Forum. ✍️unwo.men/ljom50F0MZN
This #WorldEnvironmentDay, let’s demand concrete actions that will advance gender equality and combat climate change for a more equal and sustainable world. #GenerationEquality | #ActForEqual
If you believe in equal rights and opportunities. #GenerationEquality #ActForEqual
Girls are leading movements around the world to combat: 🔵Climate change 🔵Child marriage 🔵Racial injustice 🔵Female genital mutilation ...and more! You've got the power to #ActForEqual and do anything you set your mind to. #GenerationEquality