Join us in demanding equal pay for work of equal value! #GenerationEquality #ActForEqual
"I know without doubt, gender equality strengthens democracy." — @VP @KamalaHarris at the #GenerationEquality Forum in Paris. via @nowthisnews
Feminist activists around the world take action every day to build an equal future for all. Which #GenerationEquality hero are you? un-women.medium.com/which-generati…
Violence against women and girls manifests itself in many different forms, but it is NOT inevitable. Find out how you can do your part to end this pandemic and join #GenerationEquality: unwo.men/8xju50FE4Q7
"When women are heard.... democracy is more complete." - United States @VP, Kamala Harris. The #GenerationEquality Forum may have wrapped up a few weeks ago but the fight for gender equality continues. #ActForEqual
Women's solidarity is the best tool we have to build an equal future. Let's be there for each other. #GenerationEquality
Women and girls have become targets of online violence more than ever. Let's use social media to spread awareness & kindness. #GenerationEquality
Youth are powerful, determined, ambitious, passionate, inclusive and conscious. Let their voices and demands be heard on #YouthDay and beyond! This is what #GenerationEquality looks like.
🌟As girls and women, believe in yourselves. 🌟As parents, allow your girls to dream and encourage them to achieve their dreams. 🌟As fathers, be a role model to your sons, treat the women in your lives with respect and love. #GenerationEquality unwo.men/IzwT50FQsCn
Top 10 countries that have achieved gender equality: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. There are none. Join #GenerationEquality for a better future.
Happy #WomensEqualityDay! A new generation is rising, speaking up for themselves & for those who have been silenced, stigmatized and shamed for far too long. This is #GenerationEquality & it involves all of us!
Women’s leadership in public life can help support their empowerment in other sectors, including in: ✨ the arts ✨ culture ✨ sports ✨ media ✨ the private sector ✨ institutions #GenerationEquality
Be the role model you wish you had growing up. Inspire the upcoming #GenerationEquality.
"When women are heard.... democracy is more complete." - United States @VP, Kamala Harris at the #GenerationEquality Forum. Today, on #DemocracyDay, her words ring truer than ever.
We’ve come a long way for gender equality. Yet, progress has been too slow. It’s on all of us who are part of #GenerationEquality to keep the pressure on our leaders to realize women’s rights! #UNGA
We need more women leaders at the national and international level to better manage crises. #UNGA #GenerationEquality
We need everyone’s full commitment — from decision-makers to each one of us — in order to make violence against women history once and for all. #GenerationEquality
We call on world leaders to implement policies that ensure #equalpay for work of equal value. It's high time. #GenerationEquality
One new life should not mean the death of another. We call on global leaders to improve maternal health everywhere. #GenerationEquality
The number of female CEOs in the #Fortune500 companies hit an all-time record. Yet, there is still a long way to go to achieve equal representation. #GenerationEquality
Education is a human right. We must ensure every girl can achieve her full potential. #GenerationEquality
Literacy = Opportunity All women and girls have the right to learn how to read and write, but they continue to be left behind when it comes to education. #GenerationEquality
#GenerationEquality = Equality for all Art by: Joelle Jammal
No more stigma. No more silence. No more stereotypes. No more discrimination. No more systematic barriers. No more harmful gender norms. No more violence against women & girls. Speak up to make gender equality a reality. 👏 #GenerationEquality #ActForEqual
On 11 October, join UN Women to celebrate the International #DayOfTheGirl! This year’s theme is #technology and how it can empower girls to make the change for gender equality. #GenerationEquality