Meet the members of the Gender Equality Advisory Council who will advise Canada’s #G7 Presidency on #GenderEquality and #womensempowerment.
In any political discussion for the future of Myanmar, young people (especially young women) must be represented. Our political discussions must reflect the diversity of the society. #GenderEquality #UnityInDiversity
With just eight years to go until we reach 2030 and the endpoint of the #GlobalGoals, we must accelerate progress for women and girls NOW. Learn more about UN Women's work around the world to help achieve #GenderEquality in our lifetime: unwo.men/UaK950KHqW1 #SDG5
Leaders meet with members of the Gender Equality Advisory Council for #G7Charlevoix. The Council is presenting its recommendations on how the #G7 can advance #GenderEquality and women’s empowerment.
新型コロナに関する最新情報が、内閣官房HP…? 嘘ばかりついてきた内閣官房… 最も信頼出来ないHPを信用しろって?何の冗談だよ💢 #DontBeSilent #GenderEquality #男女平等 #自粛と補償はセットだろ #気をつけよう甘い言葉と自民公明維新 #森喜朗氏は引退してください #もういらないだろ自民党
Today marks the 1st in-person meeting of the Gender Equality Advisory Council for 🇨🇦’s #G7 Presidency – an opportunity to develop and share recommendations on how to advance #GenderEquality & women’s empowerment. Learn more: g7.gc.ca/en/g7-presiden…
ノーカット版はこちら。 youtu.be/leiQpBp0TIw 《日本の人権意識が希薄なのは、市民革命によって基本的人権を闘い取っていないから。いま多くの政治家が、嵐が過ぎ去るのをただ待っているようだが、「そうはさせない」と声を上げること。それが大きな一歩になる》 #DontBeSilent #GenderEquality
Women are excluded from decision-making when it matters most. Our joint report with @UNDP on Government Responses to #COVID19 shows why we need stronger women's representation and leadership during emergencies and beyond: unwo.men/sWFC50JFyuy #GenderTracker #GenderEquality
.@CanadianPM moderates a discussion on #GenderEquality and women’s empowerment pscp.tv/w/bbILKTM5NjE2…
#赤旗日曜版 #2月14日号 1️⃣政治には科学が足りない 🧪ノーベル賞・大隅良典さん 今からでもいい、もっと検査を 🏥高齢者・医療施設こそ検査の急所 💐女性蔑視 森暴言に怒り止まらない 📸安田菜津紀さん 社会の構造こそ問題 👚春日良一さん 五輪憲章とは真逆 #DontBeSilent #GenderEquality #男女平等
Road to #G7Charlevoix: #GenderEquality is a priority for the #G7. Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is essential to growing our economies, building peace, reducing poverty and achieving sustainability.
#G7 Foreign Ministers and women Foreign Ministers from 🇨🇴, 🇭🇷, 🇪🇨, 🇬🇭, 🇬🇹, 🇯🇲 and 🇵🇦 meet in #Toronto to discuss #GenderEquality and women's empowerment, one of the #G7’s top priorities.