“ማሕበር ኣንድነት” ኒ”ሚሊሻ ስርናይ” ወሊዳ:: ”ሚሊሻ ስርናይ” ኒ”ሎኽመኛታት ኢንተርነት” ወሊዳ:: ኤርትራ ድማ “ጀጋኑ ደቂ ምድሪ ባሕሪ” ወሊዳ:: እሰ ይ! ትምኒተይ ሰሚራትለይ:: ጻዕዳ ይጽሕናካ! ዳርቨሕ! (ክንዽሽሕ) エチオピア エリトリア #Eritrea #Ethiopia
ሽፍትነት ደርሆ ኩሉሳዕ ኣብ ኣፍ ቆፎ እዩ ይብሉ ኣቦታትና ከምዚ ምስራኣዩ 60th:USIsrael alliance attacked Eritrea few went to Tel Aviv.70th:USSR Cuba alliance attached Eritrea few went to Baku.20th:when TPLFallies attacked #Eritrea few went to Mekele #Ethiopiaエチオピア
Japanese youth dressed up in the traditional #Eritrea playing a virtual game called HADO and promoting our country and culture in the neighborhood of Minato-Ku Tokyo which is celebrating seasonal holidays of Xmas and the New Year 2022 #Ethiopia #NoMore
It is of course difficult to say how far claims of TPLF warlords’ raids are exaggerated but it is no secret to see majority of UN blue helmet soldiers in #Somalia, #SouthSudan, #Darfur were from ethnic principality of Adwa Tigray エリトリア エチオピア #UNSC #Ethiopia #Eritrea
Message of congratulations and solidarity from President ISAIAS of #Eritrea to Prime Minister ABIY on his election as Prime Minister of #Ethiopia shabait.com/2021/10/04/mes…
(1942) ጽቕጥቅጥ ቈልዑ ጉራዕ:1964 ጽቕጥቅጥ ቈልዑ ቤ/ት ልኡል መኮንን ኣስመራ ንቸኮላቶ ሰራዊት ኣሜርካ ተደጊማ:: ባዓል ሓመድከ-ዕደ! ቁሩብ;ሕፍርከ! ኣብ 2023 “ኣሜርካ ፈይ ፈይ ኪሎ ሹኮር ንኣፈይ” ተጠሊዕኩም ክትዚሙሩ የኽፋኣልኩም’ዩ:: #Eritrea @hawelti
PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE: No doubt there is a difference between #Ethiopia and Utopia-Tigray and Tigrigna - War and Welfare. But modern social media propagandist are capable of making them all look one and the same. #Eritrea #UNSC #EU #AUC エチオピア エリトリア U ARE THE TARGET!
Happy Year to #Eritrea & #Ethiopia. Democracy is rule of wisdom/reason/science/humanism/development & definitely not rule of power, money bestowed right from almighty to dictate. Peace shall prevail over TPLF ethnic warfare. We shall overcome! #EU #UNSC #AU エリトリア エチオピア
Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) Crossed Many Red Lights (1991 to 2021) #Eritrea #Ethiopia #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア -History will remember your judgment and decision- (Japanese translation) eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/Tigray_Pe… facebook.com/23529211315218…
3rd Japan Africa Business Forum 2021: “Financial institutions have a great role to build up partnership into a secured win-win business relationship & in a sustainable manner” #JABF #AfDB #UNIDO #JETRO #JBIC #UNDP エリトリア エチオピア #Eritrea my remarks eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/The_Meeti…
ERITEREA IS FOR PEACE: No amount of direct/indirect disinformation/propaganda can cover up or justify the war & aggression against #Eritrea since 1941 - resulting in massive deaths, suffering, famine, displacement & underdevelopment リトリア エチオピア #Ethiopia #Somalia #Sudan
GREAT MEMORIES: ex capotreno in #Eritrea/n Railways, leader of the heroic Tigre peasantry movement against Shimagle, IBRAHIM Sultan is #Eritrea’s father of dignity and equality who set the moral benchmark of our struggle #UNSC #Ethiopia #UNGA 1949 エリトリア エチオピア
GREAT MEMORIES: ex capotreno in #Eritrea/n Railways, leader of the heroic Tigre peasantry movement against Shimagle, IBRAHIM Sultan is #Eritrea’s father of dignity and equality who set the moral benchmark of our struggle #UNSC #Ethiopia #UNGA 1949 エリトリア エチオピア
The rebirth of Colluli Mine, which is straddling on #Eritrea’s coastal lands of the Red Sea, is a unique game changer in food security.Investing in Colluli is investing in the future development of Asia & Africa #UNDP #JABF2021 #JETRO youtu.be/Bi_36PaaSs4 エチオピア エリトリア
We have a clear situation of warmongering in #Ethiopia by a nucleus of post Cold War oligarchs/warlords & their friends attempting again to expand, in all directions & by all means,from their ethnic principality of Adwa Tigray エリトリア エチオピア #UNSC #Eritrea #Somalia #Sudan
Securing military hold of TPLF’s warlords over people of Tigray, under the cover of humanity, with objectives of dismantling sovereignty & territorial integrity of #Eritrea & #Ethiopia is unattainable, heinous & illegal. #UNSC #EU #AU #CNN #BBC エリトリア エチオピア
Please check this soft reminder, attached herein with below, to help avoid any irregularities on the design of the flag of #Eritrea, by the organization/s that prints or publishes Eritrean national flag materials エリトリア エチオピアfacebook.com/23529211315218…
Today I extended my heartfelt congratulations to #Eritrea/n youth students with their staff members after a successful completion, on Sports Scholarships, kindly provided in a SEISA High School to MERHAWI and DAIMON & in a SEISA University to KESETE エリトリア エチオピア#Ethiopia
IBRAHIM Sultan: “Capo Treno” of SL train transformed into a heroic father of dignity by founding the movement of Tigre serfs that broke the Shimagle feudal chains in the 40s and setting sail the unbending moral benchmark of #Eritrea’s struggle for freedom エリトリア エチオピア
NO NEED TO SMOKE SCREEN PEACE & WAR IN HORN OF AFRICA WITH DAILY FABRICATED LIES: covert or overt, the Unilateral Declation of Independence (UDI) by Tigray warlords from #Ethiopia since 1991 is the NO IF/BUT issue FULL STOP! #EU #UNSC |#UNGA  #Eritrea #AUC エリトリア エチオピア
#Eritrea #Ethiiopia #SoonaliaHISTORY OF PRACE IS MADE AND SHALL NOT REVEALED BY CRITICS GROUP INSTRUMENTS OF DECEPTION & EMPLOYEES: politicians, academics, journalists, businesses & social media ownwd by Tigray warlords エチオピア エリトリア
BINIAM Ghirmay’s success in world cycling championships breeds success to Eritrea and Africa. It dispelled and washed away instantly stereotyping and ongoing disinformation by the agent provocateurs #UNSC #AU #EU #AUC #Eritrea #Ethiopia エチオピア エリトリア !#VIVATeamEritrea
Benchmark of peace and stability in the Horn of Africa is not TPLF’s missiles or geopolitical solutions nor diplomatic coercion but lending ears to the people’s voice - Ballots Not Bullets #Ethiopia Now #HRC47 #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea エチオピア エリトリア youtu.be/hu2juffT_tY
Great to witness YEMANE Hailessilasie from #Eritrea finish 5th at #Tokyo2020 Men 3000m steeplechase after a brilliant race - Red Sea dolphins & Red Sea camels shall dance to his great effort of tdy. エリトリア エチオピア
“Asmara” the name given to the capital city of #Eritrea means “women united men” to protect their young children who were brutally targeted by slave traders. Sad but true memory of Africa enshrined #UNSSC #Ethiopia #Somalia #Sudan #Kenya エリトリア エチオピア