US State Department Latest Action is not Warranted –Eritrea Ministry Of Information “TPLF’s military scheme was not confined to #Ethiopia but also included #Eritrea as a target.” #HRC47 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU_Commission #AU #UNSC #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア shabait.com/2021/05/25/us-…
Asmara #Eritrea Air Traffic Control (ATC) is providing cooperation to the military airlift operations being requested for emergency evacuation of Japanese, South Koreans & other nationals from war ravaging neighboring #Sudan #MoFA_Japan #TBSスタンバイ #NHK @hawelti
ቁጥሚ! Afabet #Eritrea Oct 22, 1978 the Central Committee of EPLF decided on a new strategy to face WARSAW military onslaught on its terms, priorities and local given realities. A day I saw the true face of AHMED Al KEISi - a deserter from our cause in making
Each family story in #Eritrea depicts the true history chronicle of the heroic struggle & sacrifice of a population committed for freedom & dignity - there is no glimmer of hope for 5th Column run of cheap social media sophistry & attempts to tarnish it.
Let’s give our support to the Red Sea Camels in Giro d'Italia 2021 VIVA! VIVA! VIVA! #Eritrea procyclingstats.com/race/giro-d-it…
One of the major religions of #Eritrea is Tewahdo. Tewahdo translate to English means Harmony.Timket 2023 celebrated with prayers & colors all over Eritrea, with a message of peace, today. エリトリア エチオピア #Etthiopia #UNSC #UNHRC #AU #EU #Etthiopia youtu.be/ojtCnHOtCf0
ኤርትራና ወጊሑላ FENKEL OPERATION: antithesis of “Warsaw Military Plan of Blitzkrieg, Encirclement & Mop up Operations of 3 Months Extended to 144 Months”. It was not about a saint and a sinner. #Eritrea just struggle won. エリトリア エチオピア#Ethiopia eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/COMMEMORA…
#Eritrea calls for citizens participation in developing the drainage basins of 1)Mereb Gash,2)Barka Anseba,3)Red Sea,&4) the Red Sea territorial waters. All sectors of the economy are open to private investment. Domestic&foreign investment are treated equal エリトリア エチオピア
Discovered tdy Mar15,1972 Memorandum of Technical Cooperation in the field of Mineral Resources with Nippon Mining focused on #Eritrea set up by our great leader & martyr TEMESGEN Haile of Tihisha (EPLF). My mind was flooded with great memories #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
NO IF OR BUT OR TRESPASSING! 32 yrs of subversion based on ethnicity/religion/creed by Tigray warlords ends where their nose end & where #Eritrea, ##Ethiopia, #Somalia peace, territorial integrity, sovereignty, citizenship & cooperation nose begins. #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
ሰብ ናብ ሰቡ ዝብኢ ናብ ገረቡ ሰብ ሰብ ይመስል ገረብ ገረብ ይመስል ከብድኻ ሓምሊ ምልኣዮ ዝባንካ ንጸላኢ ኣይተርእዮ ንጸላኢ ብጥይቱ ብብረቱ ፍትሔ’ዩ ኤርትራዊ ሰረቱ #Eritrea エリトリア
The Adulite Ancient Empire which functioned as a major regional center for commerce and trade with Asian, European and African civilizations was located in the coast of the present day #Eritrea from 9th Century BC to 5th Century AD #EU #AU #UNSC #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
Outgoing Amb.of Japan to #Eritrea H.E.Mr.HORIE paid curtesy visit tdy: expressed satisfaction of his visit to Asmara & Massawa & high expectation for the technical cooperation on capacity building in energy & health sectors to pickup in 2022 エリトリア エチオピア
CONVINCE NOT CONFUSE: This is not about a military rivalry between Tigray & #Ethiopia/#Eritrea. This is about an illegitimate & illegal aggression unlished by the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Tigray warlords. エリトリア エチオピア #UNSC #BBC #CNN #NHK #EU #AUC
Many of our cycling stars have raised #Eritrea’s national flag eritreaembassy-japan.org/country.html and made it possible for the sound of our national anthem to be played in many cities of the world eritrea.be/old/eritrean-a… #Tokyo2020 エリトリア エチオピア #UNSC
Nov 2022 Tigray warlords unleashed military campaign against #Ethiopia & #Eritrea. There is no if & but about it. This is cagainst the sovereignty & territorial integrity of both & UN/AU charters & was definitely not for humanitarian objectives. #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
ሕልፈት (ኣብሻይ) ጅግና ተበርህ ግርማጽየን ምስሰማዕኩ መሪር ሓዘን ተሰሚዑኒ::ምራራ (ባሕሪ) ቆሪራ ሎሚ::ንኹሎም ስድራ ቤታን መቓልስታን ጽንዓት ይሃብኩም:: ጠሊ ትግደፍ:: #Eritrea eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/COMRADE_F…
TPLF’s viruses incubation period for relaunching multi-pronged military/public/diplomatic attacks on regional peace/international mediation efforts seems to have come to an end. #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia #Sudan #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
DESIST MISNOMER & MILITARIZATION PRETEXTS: #UNSC or anybody can’t & should not categorize TPLF’s concerted war of Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI of Tigray) against members of #UN #AfricanUnion ( #Eritrea & #Ethiopia ) as mere “provocation”. エリトリア エチオピア
It is a profound sorrow and grief to hear the passing of a comrade in arms and Secretary General of Eritrean Peoples Front for Democracy and Justice Mr. ALAMIN Hamed Said on November 14, 2021. May he leave behind to his beloved family & #Eritrea peace & prosperity ጠሊ ይግደፍ
ቀይሲ ኣን ታ ደላላይ (መንካዕ)! 1 of the greatest factor t to the success of EPLF ‘s leadership of the struggle for independence of #Eritrea: it never stretched its hands to serve DR of Yemen’s strategic interest or other internal mediators , friends like you & beyond
Big powers bizarre past history & policies based on sphere of influences in Africa has proven again & again with all brevity a failure. Balkanization of #Ethiopia using Stalin’s theory of nation & nationalities is already a fossil. #UNSC #EU #AU エリトリア エチオピア #Eritrea
ቀይሲ ቦጎግ! ላግጺ ደዉ ኣብሎ ከበደ ክፍሉ ኣበይሎ: EPLF was founded by nationals, organizations&political groups that included but didn’t not exclude hard core militants with socialist ideals who opposed vehemently the incorrect political/military line of ELF in #Eritrea
DESIST SUPPORTING Tigray Unilateral Decollation of Independence (TUDi) from #Ethiopia by warlords of Axum (listed in top 5 multi-billionaires’ of Ethiopia) since this is the root cause for conflicts/wars in the #Horn of #Africa #UNSC #UNGA #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア #NOTUDI
Congratulations to Ghirmay #Eritrea wins Trofeo Alcudia 2022 エリトリア エチオピア twitter.com/GcnRacing/stat…