Promises made, promises kept. We're pleased to see @sikunyou & @Vystrcil_Milos carrying out a parliamentary exchange in the #EU🇪🇺. Cooperation, trust, unity & an unshakeable belief in the power of freedom & democracy are keeping #Taiwan🇹🇼-#CzechRepublic🇨🇿 relations racing ahead!…
Deputy Minister Tien extended a hearty #Taiwan welcome to @nicolabeerfdp, vice president of @Europarl_EN, & her delegation. We appreciate the timely 3-day visit of our #EU friends, & trust it will deepen cooperation in defending the democratic world's cherished shared values.🇹🇼🇪🇺
Strengthening #Taiwan's🇹🇼 #IndoPacific security partnership with fellow forces for good the #US🇺🇸 & #EU🇪🇺 topped table talk at the banquet held by Minister Wu for friends @MarkTEsper, @stefostefanini & @BarryPavel. We'll keep working with the @AtlanticCouncil to #DefendDemocracy!
Thank you, Vice President @nicolabeerfdp, for leading the @Europarl_EN in advocating for closer #Taiwan-#EU ties. Grateful to meet with you & discuss avenues for further cooperation as like-minded partners.
When one believes, anything is possible.🌌 Wonderful to meet with @nicolabeerfdp, a @Europarl_EN true believer in freedom, democracy & Taiwan.💪 We’re looking to share our counter-disinformation observations & jointly recognise #EU & #Taiwan #DataAltruism efforts.🇹🇼🇪🇺 #LLAP🖖
Great to break bread with @nicolabeerfdp & her delegation. #Taiwan & the #EU are family, bound by a love of democracy & peace. No matter the odds, no matter the obstacles, democracies always stand as one & overcome. JW
「政治家なしでも世界は回るが、 農民なしでは成り立たない」 農の危機が国を左右 緊張感欠ける永田町  国際ジャーナリスト堤未果氏 特別インタビュー |農業協同組合新聞… #堤未果 #食糧危機 #農協 #農業 #食料安全保障 #EU
[EVERGLOW Reels] 지금! <in JEDDAH 💞> 에버글로우 인스타그램에서 확인해보세요 ▶ #EVERGLOW #에버글로우 #이유 #EU
日本で26日、#死刑 が執行されたことを受け、駐日 #EU 代表部および駐日EU加盟各国大使ならびにアイスランド、ノルウェー、スイスの各駐日大使は、日本政府に対し、モラトリアム(執行停止)の導入と、死刑問題について広く国民的な議論の促進を求める共同声明を発表した👉
Our gratitude to the foreign ministers of #Canada, #France, #Germany, #Italy, #Japan, #UK, #US & #EU for the @G7 statement on #Taiwan Strait peace & stability. We urge the global community to call on #China to halt military activity & #StandWithTaiwan🇹🇼.…
The backing of #Taiwan's🇹🇼 friends in #Lithuania🇱🇹 like @GLandsbergis at a time when authoritarian actors are ratcheting up the pressure on the free world is sincerely appreciated. We thank the foreign minister of our natural partner in the #EU🇪🇺 for choosing to #StandWithTaiwan.…
Note 更新しました 地下経済でGDPを "盛っている" EU諸国 #北欧 #経済 #国際政治 #統計 #EU #ヨーロッパ…
CONVINCE NOT CONFUSE: This is not about a military rivalry between Tigray & #Ethiopia/#Eritrea. This is about an illegitimate & illegal aggression unlished by the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Tigray warlords. エリトリア エチオピア #UNSC #BBC #CNN #NHK #EU #AUC
Securing military hold of TPLF’s warlords over people of Tigray, under the cover of humanity, with objectives of dismantling sovereignty & territorial integrity of #Eritrea & #Ethiopia is unattainable, heinous & illegal. #UNSC #EU #AU #CNN #BBC エリトリア エチオピア
Climate-induced disasters transcend national borders & so should the solution. #NetZero2050 is #Taiwan's🇹🇼 promise to future generations. We look forward to working with the world to facilitate this vision! Watch Minister Wu's message supporting #EU🇪🇺 #ClimateAction Week🔽
Willkommen in Berlin @GharibashviliGe! Im Europäischen Rat haben wir uns diesen Sommer darauf verständigt, #Georgien eine #EU-Perspektive zu eröffnen. Ich ermutige Georgien, die dafür nötigen Reformschritte zu gehen. Auf dem Weg in die Europäische Union helfen wir sehr gerne.
Modern day warlordism by multi billionaires in the impoverished Tigray in a habit of staging interviews in social media to show off its capacity of Webester’s Dictionary memorized words/jargons to dupe its foreign friends #Eritres #Ethiopia #EU エチオピア エリトリア
Sept 19:In simulated interview, UDI spokesman ምንያ ኾለል of the warlords in Tigray categorically rejects:African/#Ethiopia/n solution to African/Ethiopian problems calls for “international expertise” to peace talks for diplomatic win エチオピア エリトリア #Eritres #UNSC #EU
NO NEED TO SMOKE SCREEN PEACE & WAR IN HORN OF AFRICA WITH DAILY FABRICATED LIES: covert or overt, the Unilateral Declation of Independence (UDI) by Tigray warlords from #Ethiopia since 1991 is the NO IF/BUT issue FULL STOP! #EU #UNSC |#UNGA  #Eritrea #AUC エリトリア エチオピア
1998 TIGRAY WARLORDS’ COVERT & OVERT STRATEGIC PLAN AGAINST ERITREA : 1997 #Eritrea demobilized >54,000 battle hardened freedom fighters from service. UN, WB etc hailed the move, TPLF issued new map & declared all out war. #UNSC #EU #AUC #UNGA エチオピア エリトリア #Ethiopia
アボット元首相、ターンブル元首相、フランスのサルコジ元大統領、インドのモディ首相とそれぞれ会談を行いました。 ▼詳細はこちら… #外交・安全保障 #日・パプアニューギニア首脳会談 #EU #日・シンガポール首脳会談  #日・ヨルダン首脳会談 #日豪首脳会談 #日印首脳会談
When it comes to #Taiwan🇹🇼-#Slovakia🇸🇰 friendship, things just clicked! Minister Wu was delighted to meet with Bruno Hormy, the new @SlovakiainTWN representative. We wish our friend from the #EU🇪🇺 member state all the best & know our ties can only strengthen & deepen!
🇫🇷仏極右政党「国民連合」 #マリーヌ・ル・ペン 党首は、#EU の対 #露制裁 のせいで仏には厳しい冬になるが、その次の冬はさらに厳しいはずだと明言。ル・ペン氏は、「この状況の責任は対露制裁を決めた人物らにある」
The Adulite Ancient Empire which functioned as a major regional center for commerce and trade with Asian, European and African civilizations was located in the coast of the present day #Eritrea from 9th Century BC to 5th Century AD #EU #AU #UNSC #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
Power corridors/money/media tools use to justify/support Tigray warlords’ futile continued wars/conflicts against sovereignty & territorial integrity of legitimate UN members: #Eritrea #Ethiopia & #Somalia is illegal & against regional peace #UNSC #EU #AUC エリトリア エチオピア