The next global #ClimateStrike is getting closer! This Friday, March 25th, we will take it to the streets again to protest for justice - for our present and our future. Here is some information to get you started! 🧵 #FridaysForFuture #PeopleNotProfit (Design by @namevdelang )
School strike week 187. Next Friday is the global climate strike, find your local protest or register your own at fridaysforfuture.org/march25/ #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #PeopleNotProfit
School strike week 197. Only one week left until the big climate strike in Stockholm! See you at 13.00 on Odenplan! #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #PeopleNotProfit #SchoolStrike4Climate #RöstFörRättvisa
Climate strike week 225 in Sundsvall! #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #PeopleNotProfit
[How #Beiing treats #ClimateStrike at home] 1. While #China claims to reach carbon neutrality by 2060, it is better for the world to draw attention to how this world’s biggest carbon emitter actually treats green activists at home. vice.com/en_us/article/…
Simply amazing, brings a smile to my face! Hopefully leaders around the world will wake up and see that the time for action is now. Good luck out there everyone! #ClimateStrike twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…
Seeing people—especially young people—rise up today for the #ClimateStrike fills me with so much hope. Together, we can take meaningful action to protect our planet before it's too late. Keep fighting the good fight, guys. twitter.com/washingtonpost…
Hoje os (muito) jovens ocupam as ruas do mundo para denunciar a destruição do planeta e o assassinato do seu futuro. O mínimo que nós, adultos, podemos fazer é nos colocarmos radicalmente ao seu lado. #ClimateStrike
📢署名にご協力ください📢 住友商事とJICAに、バングラデシュのマタバリ石炭火力発電事業からの撤退を求める署名を開始しました! グローバル・サウスのオーガナイザーたちと一緒に開始したキャンペーンの第一弾です。 ぜひご協力ください! #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture #PeopleNotProfit
スウェーデンで、16才のグレタ・トゥーンベリさんが「政治家達は温暖化対策に真剣に取り組んでいない」と抗議して始めたアクション #FridaysforFuture に賛同する世界規模の行動 #グローバル気候マーチ に私も参加。最後まで歩きました! 地球、守ろう! #ClimateStrike #ClimateJustice Now!
While we have many trees in plantations aimed to be cut down, monocultural plantations are not forests. We’re losing the last remaining natural forests, which are invaluable for carbon sinks, biodiversity and human rights. We need to #StopExpansionStartRestoration #ClimateStrike
Hoje, na greve climática, lembrem-se do Xingu. Não deixem o Xingu morrer! Sem pressão sobre as instituições, um dos maiores rios da Amazônia, com todas suas gentes humanas e não humanas, vai morrer. Belo Monte não pode controlar a água. #ClimateStrike brasil.elpais.com/brasil/2019/09…
住友商事は、バングラデシュ・石炭火力発電所事業から撤退しろ!すでにこの事業により2万人が土地から追いやられた。さらに発電所の建設のために地形を変えたことにより、現地では洪水被害も悪化している。金儲けのために人々の生活や命を奪うな。 #StopSumitomo #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
A potência da primeira geração sem esperança #ClimateStrike brasil.elpais.com/brasil/2019/06…
だれの未来? それは、 私たちの未来。 9月20日、日本各地で #グローバル気候マーチ が開催されました。 #FridaysForFurture #ClimateStrike
... which means girls' futures are lost and so is their immense potential to innovate sustainable solutions. #LetAfghanGirlsLearn #EducateGirlsForClimateJustice #RiseUpMovement #FridaysForFuture #RöstFörRättvisa #PeopleNotProfit #ClimateStrike 7/7
若者たちは私たちの地球の未来ために学校ストライキをしています。 9月20日、彼らの行動に加わってください。 #ClimateStrike #グローバル気候マーチ patagonia.jp/blog/2019/09/w…
We start #FridaysForFuture in Japan as well!!! Join the #ClimateStrike in front of the National Diet on 22 Feb and 15 March both 15:00-16:00!! @GretaThunberg @Fridays4future facebook.com/events/2313409…
今日はグローバル気候マーチ! 日本各地でマーチが行われています👭👫👬 16:30には『#小泉大臣聞こえますか』投稿アクションが行われます♪ #ClimateStrike
日本は来週開かれる国連気候行動サミットの温室効果ガス排出削減方法を議論するグループの議長を依頼されていたが辞退した。削減目標引き上げを決めた国々が参加する中、日本国内ではその議論がほとんど進展していないというのがその理由。現政権は気候のことなど気にしちゃいない。#ClimateStrike twitter.com/Asuka_SGP/stat…