Facts show that #China is not only a pioneer and model in global #povertyreduction, but also a champion of and contributor to global poverty reduction cooperation.
You can always count on #China
True/fake representation of the people #China #US
Another headline against #CCP fascist #China's diplomatic thugs in Manchester!!! twitter.com/Reuters/status…
#HongKongers, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans, friends across #China: as criminal #CCP regime continues its 20th Party Congress, here's my message which I wrote earlier today, in my own hand, following the brutal attack in Manchester and ahead of the launch of my new book, #TheChinaNexus:
male Common Kingfisher and sacred lotus. credit 程煜 🌹 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
Asian Paradise Flycatcher. The most telling characteristic of the genus is the long tail streamers of the males of many species. credit 胡健 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
History repeats itself: on August 11, 1967, when #China was in the midst of the #CulturalRevolution, #CCP diplomats in #London, with “little Red Books” in hand, fought with the British police.
male Eurasian Hoopoe (戴胜). It is national bird of #Israel. credit 蔡技 🌹🌹 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
Dragging the Hongkonger by #CCP fascist #China's Consulate staff members into🇨🇳consulate must be viewed as an attempted but failed kidnapping. twitter.com/Byron_Wan/stat…
If it is true that the #China #CCP Consul-General himself, Zheng Xiyuan, was at the heart of the barbaric thuggery and violence in Manchester today, against peaceful protesters, then @JamesCleverly must expel Consul-General Zheng Xiyuan immediately. twitter.com/McWLuke/status…
This is absolutely outrageous We cannot allow #CCP to behave in Britain with the brutality, inhumanity, barbarity and criminality with which they rule #China @SuellaBraverman @JamesCleverly @TomTugendhat should look into this incident at the PRC Consulate in Manchester urgently twitter.com/McWLuke/status…
Blood Pheasant (血雉). It is under second-class state protection in China. 🌹😎 credit 西风瘦马bj #China #nature #birds #photography #野鳥
Courtship of male Himalayan Monal, in southwestern China's #Tibet autonomous region. It is under top-class state protection. It is also national bird of #Nepal. 🥰🥰🌹 #China #wildlife #birds #AmazingChina #nature
Good day from #China. My prayers and love for you all. (sound on pls) credit 百花岭大刘 🌹🌹🌹🥰🥰 #nature #travel #birds #wildlife #love #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
This is not the first report of this, nor is UK the only place where #China #CCP cops are operating. But it's unacceptable. @SuellaBraverman @JamesCleverly - I hope you will act immediately to stop this mol.im/a/11317141 via @MailOnline
An amazing bridge with Chinese and Islamic characteristics, symbolizing the friendship between #China and #Bangladesh.
White-speckled Laughingthrush (白点噪鹛 ), in southwestern China's Yunnan province. 🌹 credit 小五哥 #China #nature #birds #photography #野鳥
How #China contributes to global cooperation in one minute.
1/2 When I was in #China, a #CCP cop said to me, "You know what? Even if your #FalunGong practitioners stop creating trouble, we'll create some trouble for you. Why? The 610 system (a system set up especially to persecute Falun Gong) has now hired over 1M people. If you don't...
What happens in one minute in #China.
Lesser Coucal (小鸦鹃). It is under second-class state protection in China. 🌹 credit 胡健 #China #nature #birds #photography #野鳥
Silver-breasted Broadbill, cutie seen in Yunnan province. It is under second-class state protection in China. credit 东哥 #China #nature #birds #photography #野鳥
Very brave I am sure those who were so courageous as to speak out like this were speaking for many many more people in #China No decent, humane human being could ever willingly support #XiJinping's #CCP tyranny cnn.com/2022/10/13/chi…
Reed Parrotbill feeds the young, in northeastern China's #Liaoning province. credit:观潮 #China #nature #birds #photography #野鳥