Good Governments around the world must shut down these illegal #China #CCP "police stations" wherever they are found. #XiJinping has no right whatsoever to set up police stations in other countries which threaten our freedoms bbc.co.uk/news/articles/…
Crazy threats by #China's #CCP diplomats @JamesCleverly should expel the Chinese Consul-General in #Manchester, and his henchmen, without any further delay Watch: Siding with Hong Kong will end in 'disaster' for Britain, claims Chinese diplomat telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/…
Siberian Rubythroat (红喉歌鸲), seen in Beijing. It is under second-class state protection. credit 玛雅 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
Grandala (蓝大翅鸲) is so exquisite, in southwestern China's Sichuan province. 🌹 credit 东南风 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
It is happening in #CCP fascist #China now!!! twitter.com/TouBanTouTiao/…
Trio meeting of Himalayan Monals, in southwestern China's #Tibet autonomous region. 🌹🌹 credit 三峡之子 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
1/2 How hard is it to sell an apartment in #China? You must watch this to get a real-life sense. Why does she stress that their apartments are "completed"? As in #CCPChina, many apartments are sold before they are finished & thus become the so-called "Rotten-tail projects".
The cotton harvest season has started in #Xinjiang, the largest cotton-growing area in #China.
#China will become pivotal in changing, uncertain world.” -- Haroon Sharif, Senior Advisor to the #UN
Branch of sweet cuties -- Black-throated Bushtit (红头长尾山雀). credit 点点电电 🌹🌹🌹 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
Mute Swans say Good day from #China. My prayers and love for you all. credit 天鹅王子 🌹🌹🥰🥰 #nature #travel #birds #wildlife #love #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
Good day from #China. My prayers and love for you all. credit 苏迪美景拍摄 🌹🌹🥰 #nature #travel #birds #wildlife #love #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
Red-tailed Laughingthrush (赤尾噪鹛), seen in southwestern China's Yunnan province. credit 悦鸟鸣娴 🌹🥰 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
Tomorrow, across the UK, #HongKongers and friends of #HongKong will protest and march against the outrageous violence by #China's #CCP Consul-General and his thuggish diplomats in #Manchester last Sunday. I'll be speaking at the protest outside @10DowningStreet Join us.
#China: Former President & General Secretary of China, Hu #Jintao, Xi #Jinping's predecessor, has been physically removed from Communist Party Congress and has since disappeared.
UK Foreign Secretary .@JamesCleverly called the incident unacceptable: the Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrators won & #CCP fascist #China/🇨🇳diplomatic thugs/#WuMaos lost!!! see this Reuters tweet below!!! Expel Chinese diplomatic thugs!!! twitter.com/Reuters/status…
Swinhoe's White-eye (暗绿绣眼鸟). It is found in east China, northern Vietnam, the Thai-Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo. credit 风轻云淡 🌹🌹🌹 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
Indochinese Green Magpie (印支绿鹊), in southwestern China's Guangxi region. 🥰🥰🌹 credit 大民 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
I will be joining, and speaking at, this important rally on Sunday to protest at #China #CCP's abhorrent violence against #HongKongers at the Consulate in #Manchester 👇 Please join us in solidarity
Wow it is #CCP fascist #China Consul General's duty to violate UK laws & sovereignty to drag Bob Chan into🇨🇳soil to beat him up!!! .@JamesCleverly must expel him!!! twitter.com/inzyrashid/sta…
Pheasant-tailed Jacana (水雉). Out of ordinary, the father is responsible for hatching eggs and raising the chicks. 🌹😂 credit 胡健 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife
Courtship display of male Cabot's tragopan (黄腹角雉), bird native to southeast #China. It is under top-class state protection. Estimated population is about 5,000. credit 南岭探秘 🌹🌹🥰 #China #wildlife #birds #AmazingChina #nature
Courtship display of male Cabot's tragopan (黄腹角雉), bird native to southeast #China. It is under top-class state protection. Estimated population is about 5,000. credit 南岭探秘 🌹🌹🥰 #China #wildlife #birds #AmazingChina #nature
True/fake representation of the people #China #US
male Grandala (蓝大翅鸲) -- a splash of exquisite blue. credit 成都老伍 🌹😎 #China #nature #birds #photography #wildlife