Shocking & Disturbing! Pang Xun 庞勋, 30 y/o host of #Sichuan People's Radio, was beaten to death in #CCP prison for practicing #FalunGong ( . See the wounds all over his body from electric batons & beatings. He was tortured until he was incontinent.…
1/2 When I was in #China, a #CCP cop said to me, "You know what? Even if your #FalunGong practitioners stop creating trouble, we'll create some trouble for you. Why? The 610 system (a system set up especially to persecute Falun Gong) has now hired over 1M people. If you don't...
1. Founder of #FalunGong: 400 million have died of #COVID in #China during the past 3 years. 500 million will die when the pandemic is over. 200 million died during #SARS. But #CCP covered it up. Later it 法輪功創始人:中共掩蓋疫情 中國死亡人數達4億…
Commemorating the twenty-first anniversary of the persecution of #FalunGong #StandTogether #IPAC