Estamos muy apenados pero a la vez muy felices con nuestra visita en Chile 🇨🇱, nos vemos para la próxima!! No se enfermen, cuidense y las amamos mucho #NCTDREAM #JISUNG #MusicBankinChile #Chile
가을이 왔나...?🍂 아니 너가 내 마음속에 들어온거지....💎 #MCND #엠씨엔디 #MINJAE #민재 #Chile #Santiago #1ST_AMERICATOUR2022
Thanked Ambassadors Adem Mohammed Mahmud of #Ethiopia, Angel Cholakov of #Bulgaria and Rodrigo Arcos of #Chile for their courtesy visits, and @JakubKumoch of #Poland for his contributions to develop our relations during his term. 🇹🇷🇧🇬🇪🇹🇨🇱🇵🇱
Chile Pixel Art. #PixelArt #Chile
#チリ 側の #パタゴニア。見事な #フィヨルド地形 です。南半球は夏から秋に向かうところ。つまり白い部分は万年雪、流れ出るのは氷河です。#Patagonia #Chile
Latin America has an out of control police brutality problem. Abuses are not the result of a few bad apples, but of structural deficiencies. 📝hrw.org/news/2020/11/1… #Brazil #Mexico #Chile #Peru #Colombia #Bolivia #Ecuador #Haiti #Argentina #Honduras #ELSalvador #Venezuela
Some of the times that Anonymous acted against repression and supported global protests against tyranny and impunity. We are resistance. ✊ Report: noticiasporelmundo.com/peru/las-veces… #OpPeru #Chile #Nicaragua #US #Brazil #EndImpunity
#Chile: Protestors score a massive victory, as the Pinochet era constitution is scrapped. Many hope this will lead to: -end privatization -fix education, health, pension -recognition of Indigenous people Fight not over. #ChileDesperto #PlebiscitoChile
#Chile: Protests against Impunity, fascism, and organized crime in government. Scenes from October 18 when hundreds of thousands marched against the government showing the movement is still strong. (🇨🇱@primeralineapr) #ChileUnidoRechaza #ChileDesperto
#Chile: Tens of thousands of protestors gathered in Dignidad Square in #Santiago on October 18th, to mark the 1 year anniversary of mass anti-impunity protests nationwide.
VAV 2020 GRAND AMERICA TOUR in #Latin America We are on our way to see Latin VAMPZ❤ See you soon~👋 #VAV #브이에이브이 #2020GrandAmericaTour #Mexico #Colombia #PuertoRico #Chile #Argentina #Uruguay #Paraguay #Brazil @studio_pav
We regret that the @APEC summit in #Chile has been cancelled & hope that conditions there return to normal as soon as possible. #Taiwan will continue to play an active role in international affairs, & cooperation should continue through ministerial-level multilateral dialogues.
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. founder Morris Chang will once again act as my special envoy to this year’s @APEC summit in #Chile. His revolutionary contributions to the industry make him an ideal candidate to share #Taiwan’s growth as a digital society. #APECChile2019
[#TODAY_VAV] #190304 #VAV2019MeetNLive #SenoritaLatinTour #VAV #브이에이브이 Senorita Latin tour is over. We were happy to meet many #VAMPZ!!! Vou sentir falta... nos vemos la próxima~🤗💕 #SenoritaTour #라틴투어 #Brazil #브라질 #Chile #칠레 #Uruguay #우루과이 #Mexico #멕시코
[VAV] Did you get the Special Slogan? 특별한 선물을 받을 행운의 뱀즈는 과연 누구?!?😘 #VAV #브이에이브이 #Lou #로우 #VAV2019MeetNLive #SenoritaLatinTour #SenoritaTour #라틴투어 #Chile #Santiago #VAMPZ #뱀즈