The Suez Canal never fails to impress – but the first passage of a Queen Elizabeth Class carrier is quite a moment. Phase 2 has begun. #CSG21
Phase 2 of our #CSG21 deployment has begun! 🎉 A hazy day as we pass through the Suez Canal 🇪🇬, next the Red Sea and then onto the Indian Ocean. #GlobalBritain @UKinEgypt 🇬🇧🌍
5月に英国を出港した @RoyalNavy の空母打撃群 #CSG21 はこれまでに6週間にわたる訓練と活動を終え、欧州・大西洋地域の安全保障に対する英国のコミットメントを示してきました。そのハイライトシーンをご紹介します。いよいよこれからインド太平洋地域と南シナ海に向かいます。
Thanks to @RFATidespring for a top-up of fuel this morning! ⛽️ @RFAHeadquarters are always ready to RAS (Replenishment at Sea) and keep the ships of #CSG21 sailing on.⚓️
英国空母打撃群が @JMSDF_PAO の護衛艦「せとぎり」とアデン湾で演習を行いました。日英が共有する安全と繁栄のために、海上における法の支配は最も重要です。インド太平洋到着時には、海上自衛隊との共同訓練に期待しています。 #CSG21 🇬🇧🇯🇵
The UK Carrier Strike Group exercised with the Japanese destroyer Setogiri in the Gulf of Aden.   The rule of law at sea is paramount to our shared security & prosperity.   We look forward to working with the Japan Maritime Self Defence Force in the Indo-Pacific  #CSG21 🇬🇧🇯🇵
“It is better to be here ready to protect the peace, than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost.” – Ronald Reagan  #CSG21
7月11日から12日にかけて、#海上自衛隊 は、アデン湾において、護衛艦「せとぎり」と英空母打撃群(#CSG21)の#英空母「クイーン・エリザベス」 、米海軍駆逐艦「ザ・サリヴァンズ」、蘭海軍フリゲート「エファーツェン」などとの間で日英米蘭4か国による海賊対処共同訓練を実施しました。
1/ The aircraft carrier is the ultimate expression of global maritime power. HMS Queen Elizabeth & USS Ronald Reagan symbolise the might of the UK/US partnership & the ease with which our forces can combine here in the Gulf of Aden, or anywhere else in the world. 🇬🇧🇺🇸 #CSG21
Flying continues with our jets operating out in the open ocean. 🌊✈️ A passing monsoon has thrown big winds and big waves at the Strike Group but we sail on, headed east. 🌅⚓ #CSG21 #F35Friday @USMC @RoyalNavy
Double the fun at this double RAS! No queuing for fuel here, @RFATidespring can top up @HMSDefender and us at the same time ⛽ #CSG21 @RFAHeadquarters @RoyalNavy
Important news – confirming the UK Carrier Strike Group will operate with the US, Australia, France, Japan, New Zealand & Republic of Korea in the coming months. 🇺🇸🇦🇺🇫🇷🇯🇵🇳🇿🇰🇷 #CSG21…
【松川防衛大臣政務官の動静】 7月20日、#松川政務官 は、横須賀市役所を訪問し、上地市長と面会しました。英空母打撃群(#CSG21 )の日本寄港の際、英空母「クイーン・エリザベス」は在日米軍横須賀海軍施設に寄港させることを説明しました。
訪日中のウォレス国防相が岸防衛相と合同記者会見を行い、今年9月に日本を訪れる @RoyalNavy 空母打撃群 #CSG21 の寄港地を発表。空母クイーン・エリザベスは横須賀に寄港します。 詳細(英語)👇
英国海軍空母打撃群 #CSG21 日本寄港地について 9月予定 空母「HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH →在日米軍横須賀米海軍施設 随伴艦 海上自衛隊 横須賀・呉・舞鶴     在日米軍佐世保海軍施設及びホワイト・ビーチ地区
Over the past few days, exercises between the Carrier Strike Group and the Indian Navy have tested our ability to work together, here in the Indian Ocean and beyond. 🇬🇧🇮🇳 #CSG21 #GlobalBritain
🇬🇧 🇮🇳 🇺🇸 Some more photos from our exercise with the Indian Navy. 📷 Here you can see INS Satpura, INS Ranvir and INS Jyoti on our starboard side 🟢 (Other ships from #CSG21 were on our port side 🔴) @UKinIndia @UKDefenceIndia
#Tokyo2020 #Tokyo2021 To all the athletes on @TeamGB, from all the athletes on HMS Queen Elizabeth. Good luck! 🇬🇧 🇯🇵 🥇🏆 #TeamGB #CSG21 @RoyalNavy @Olympics @UKinJapan
UK Carrier Strike Group telah mengadakan latihan bersama Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (@tldm_rasmi). Latihan ini mencerminkan komitmen bersama terhadap keselamatan maritim dan kerjasama serantau di Asia Tenggara. #CSG21 #GlobalBritain 🇬🇧🇲🇾
Waving hello to Singapore 🇸🇬 👋 The super skyline of a magnificent maritime city. Good to see you from the sea 🏙 👀 🌊 #CSG21 #Singapore @UKinSingapore 🇬🇧
Yesterday, the Carrier Strike Group exercised with Singapore. The @RoyalNavy has huge affection for Singapore based on our shared history, but this global city is also a beacon of freedom & prosperity. We look forward to strengthening the bonds between us. #CSG21 🇬🇧🇸🇬
A brilliant and busy time, we have now passed through the Strait of Malacca. We sailed with ships of the Royal Malaysian Navy 🇲🇾 @tldm_rasmi and with the Republic of Singapore Navy 🇸🇬 @mindefsg and got some great team photos! 📷 ⚓ @UKinMalaysia @UKinSingapore #CSG21
Three words: Strategic Maritime Power. #CSG21 🇬🇧🇳🇱🇺🇸
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been honing our ability to conduct blue water carrier operations. This is no small achievement. It’s not just about having the ships & aircraft – it’s about the knowhow to sustain this tempo at range. Few navies can do this. #CSG21