🇬🇧🇦🇺 trade deal signed. Congratulations @annietrev @DanTehanWannon. This agreement is a pledge of economic trust between our two freedom-loving democracies: ✅ Easier for Brits to live and work in 🇦🇺 ✅ Tariff-free trade on all 🇬🇧 goods ✅ Step towards 🇬🇧 joining #CPTPP twitter.com/annietrev/stat…
.@DanTehanWannon of @Austrade's commitment to "work with the #CPTPP membership to consider #Taiwan's🇹🇼 application on a consensus basis" is warmly welcomed. We value the support of #Australia🇦🇺, #Japan🇯🇵 & other fair-minded #AsiaPacific free traders.🔽 theaustralian.com.au/world/taiwan-l…
#G7UK 外務・開発大臣会合に先立って日英外相戦略対話を開催。ラーブ外相が茂木外相と、英国の #CPTPP 加盟申請、気候変動、新型コロナ、空母打撃群の派遣でさらに強化されるインド太平洋における英国の関わりについて協議。貿易・投資を促進するための基盤についても確認しました。
Piece by @LiamHalligan on the opportunities of 🇬🇧 joining the Trans Pacific Partnership #CPTPP 👇 UK can reap the benefits of Pacific alliance telegraph.co.uk/business/2020/…
Minister Wu is front & center in the latest #ConversationsWithSecretaryEsper. Watch as he talks to @MarkTEsper of @McCainInstitute about issues like #Taiwan🇹🇼-#US🇺🇸 relations, the threat of authoritarianism & the country's goal of #CPTPP participation. ▶️bit.ly/3sbWuHi
Vice Minister Yui delivered a clear message during his special dialogue with 6 leading media outlets from #Mexico🇲🇽. As a key player in global supply chains, #Taiwan🇹🇼 must be included in the #CPTPP so as to spur economic & trade development in both countries & across the region.
The 45th #Taiwan🇹🇼-#Japan🇯🇵 Economic & Trade Conference is a wrap! Plenty of progress was made, & TJRA Chairperson Chou & JTEA Rep. Ohashi inked pacts on youth exchanges & customs cooperation. We look forward to the resumption of the EPC & deeper dialogue on Taiwan's #CPTPP bid.
Stellar support for #Taiwan's🇹🇼 @UNFCCC, @INTERPOL_HQ & #CPTPP participation from 100+ members of the Formosa Club #Caribbean & #LatinAmerica. Our gratitude to @ComradeRalph, @markbrantley3, @PARLACEN President Salinas & other like-minded friends for choosing to #StandWithTaiwan.
Great to meet NZ High Commissioner @BedeCorry to talk about the progress we're making on our 🇬🇧🇳🇿 trade deal and the UK's accession to #CPTPP.
Our gratitude to @AbeShinzo for welcoming Taiwan's #CPTPP application & recognizing the country's real progress under @iingwen in preparing for membership. #Taiwan🇹🇼 stands shoulder to shoulder with #Japan🇯🇵 in promoting freedom, democracy, human rights & the rule of law. twitter.com/AbeShinzo/stat…
4/ In the early hours of this morning we struck the biggest trade deal since Brexit as the UK joins the #CPTPP, a vast free trade area spanning the Indo-Pacific. I’d like to thank @KemiBadenoch and our trade negotiators for securing this win for British business & growth.
2月1日、英国は #CPTPP への加盟を正式に申請。トラス国際通商相が、輪番議長国である日本の西村経済財政・再生相と寄託国であるニュージーランドのオコナー貿易・輸出振興相と、オンライン会談を行いました。
訪日中のトラス国際通商相が、西村経済再生担当相と会談。英国の #CPTPP への加入について、今後も引き続き日本の協力を求めると共に、 #新型コロナ 対策やコロナ後を見据えた経済対策についても意見交換を行いました。
英国は6月22日、 #CPTPP 参加に向けて加盟国との交渉を正式に開始すると発表。世界最大級の自由貿易圏であり、2019年には世界のGDPの13%を占めたCPTPPは、🇬🇧の加盟によりGDPが16%にまで上昇、長期的には🇬🇧に18億ポンドの経済成長をもたらす見込みです。 詳細(英語)👉 ow.ly/9xdp50FfBjq
有一則故事是這樣的,在遙遠東方有一匹戰狼,成天逞兇鬥狠,不接受人家進口紅酒、龍蝦、煤礦,最後這匹狼想要加入CPTPP時,還要人家投出同意票讓他加入....這臉皮厚的貌似珠穆朗瑪峰的高度一般,絕!!! #CPTPP #戰狼 #澳洲 #紅酒 #龍蝦 #煤礦 戰狼的時候難帶沒有想到後果?😆😆😆