Women are feeling less safe in public spaces during #COVID19. Violence against women outside the home restricts women’s mobility, limiting their access to employment, essential services & leisure activities. ℹ️: unwo.men/PAM350Hafpi #WomenCount
@elonmusk Col. Lawrence Sellin is also permanently suspended by investigating #COVID19 origin. Please free his account @LawrenceSellin, Elon @elonmus. The “fack-check” campaigns are proven guilty. Every patriot who fights for the truth deserves the highest respect! Please RT if you agree!
The best method to prevent people from escaping during #lockdown, in #Zhengzhou, Henan Province, #CCPChina. #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
#WomenCount's new report reveals how women & girls have disproportionately suffered the socioeconomic impacts of #COVID19, while highlighting how less likely they are to receive pandemic relief or social protection from governments or NGOs than men & boys. unwo.men/Hn1m50HglQq
I spoke with @tbs_houtoku about how #Tokyo2020 Olympians must sign a waiver releasing Olympic organizers from liability in the case of death by #COVID19. Responsibility is placed directly on the shoulders of athletes. In conversation w/ Mr. Kanehira of @tbs_pr
I have received reports that some Taiwanese traveling in some countries have come under harassment & physical violence since the outbreak of #COVID19. Well, the virus knows no borders or ethnicities. I hope we can all work together for a common cure. JW
Collecting safe drinking water shouldn’t mean risking #COVID19 infection, or missing out on going to school or take on paid employment for women and girls.
Women are feeling less safe in public spaces during #COVID19. Violence against women outside the home restricts women’s mobility, limiting their access to employment, essential services & leisure activities. ℹ️ unwo.men/MgYM50GXhAX #16Days #WomenCount
#COVID19#家庭内感染 が増えています。#厚労省HP に対応が公表されていますので参考にして下さい。家庭内感染が見られた場合、どのように家庭内で隔離するか、どのように接するか、特に小さいお子さんがいる場合は早めにシミュレーションし、“#正しく恐れ”、早めに対処することが必要です。 #NCGM
Watch Prime Minister Dlamini urge #Taiwan's🇹🇼 @UN🇺🇳 system participation at #UNGA. We thank our friend for recognizing the country's contributions to Kingdom of #Eswatini's🇸🇿 #COVID19-combating efforts. #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #SDGs & spur global action on shared challenges!
Minister Wu accompanied former VP Chen during his participation in @UKParliament's @CommonsHealth session on managing #COVID19 chaired by @Jeremy_Hunt. Discussions included #Taiwan's contact tracing experiences & other core elements of the #TaiwanModel. ➡️bit.ly/3gVjoL9
📌Attended VTC Meeting of Black Sea Economic Cooperation FM Council. 📌@BSECorg is important for effective regional cooperation during #COVID19 &aftermath. 📌Will cooperate on coordination between crisis centers,health,development&production of vaccines,supply chains&tourism.
高野山道路に立看板が設置されました。 ・緊急事態宣言発出中 ・その外出 本当に「必要・緊急」? ・金剛峯寺諸堂拝観停止中 ・高野山内は「ゆっくり・静かに」走行  バイク等の空吹かし禁止 #COVID19
#D の結成日4.6に生まれた気持ちを曲と歌詞に変え、そして約10日ほどで「#HangInThere」をここまでの形にすることができました。今を懸命に生きるあなたへ届きますように。この楽曲を新型コロナウイルス(#COVID19)と戦うすべての人に捧げます。いつか必ず、世界中が手を取り合えると信じて。 (ASAGI) twitter.com/GCR_official/s…
うがい薬でうがいをすると、新型コロナウイルスの感染予防になりますか。 いいえ。うがい薬の使用で新型コロナウイルスの感染を予防できるという科学的根拠はありません。 #COVID19 #Mythbusters #新型肺炎 #新型コロナウィルス
A large number of children have contracted & been affected by #COVID19 this year. The UNICEF’s joined forces with various agencies to open a centre to help them. If anyone sees an affected child, please alert the centre. Staff are on stand-by 24 hrs a day. #PeckPalitchoke
CCP’s Recognition war in the origin of #COVID19 involves three dimensions – public opinions, propaganda in the media, & Science. The nature-origin theory has influenced Americans since early Feb 2020. So the dominant role of PLA was ignored, and CCP-Xi avoided of accountability.
社会はGoToトラベル等で活気を取り戻しつつありますが、昨日埼玉県でクラスターが発生しました。東京都も先週後半は連日200人越えの #COVID19 陽性患者が報告されています。COVID19はまだ収束していません。9月末に専門家分科会が提唱した感染の起こりやすい #7つの場面 を改めて注意しましょう。#NCGM
#COVID19#新型コロナウィルス 感染症 )感染が確認された人や、 感染の可能性がある人の自宅でのケア。 看病をする方へ。 体調を崩している人が、十分に水分を補給して、栄養豊富な食事をとり、 安静にしているようにしてください。
من خليفة الله وعبده المهديّ إلى عدوّ الله إيمانويل ماكرون ومَن على شاكلته في العالمين .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 07 - ربيع الأول - 1442 هـ mahdialumma.net/showthread.php… #فيروس_تسونامي_العالمي #غزة_تحت_القصف #COVID19 #France COVID-19 macron القدس
إعلامٌ لكافّةِ أنصارِ الإمامِ المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 21 - رمضان - 1442 هـ 03 - 05 - 2021 مـ mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #AlMahdiCaliphOfAllah #COVID19 COVID-19