القسم الخاص بسلسلة بيانات قصة وفاة الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز ومصرع ولي العهد السعودي #محمد_بن_سلمان بموت سريري من آيات التَّصديق بخليفة الله الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني وآية وعبرة لكافة صناع القرار في العالم بأسره. mahdialumma.org/forumdisplay.p… mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #COVID19
سلسلةُ بيانات البعوضة الخفيّة وسرّ فايروس كورونا .. mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani #COVID19
فيديو لقاء الإمام المهدي المنتظر ناصر محمد اليماني بأنصاره (الجزء الأول - ٢) - في عزاء والدته رحمها الله، بتاريخ: ٢١ مارس ٢٠٢٢ م. youtu.be/SCRoyIB4jxk #توحيد_صورة_ولي_العهد_في_تويتر #يوم_الجمعة #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #SkirmishWar #COVID19 Covid Covid-19 Saudi Arabia Biden twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
We all have important duties in the fight against #COVID19. For you, it's to #stayhome & save lives. For us, it's to keep Israel going. So, IDF soldiers have been donating blood. While you stay home, we’ll keep Israel’s blood bank going. 📷 LTG Aviv Kohavi, leading by example.
Great #Taiwan🇹🇼, #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵 & #GCTF-debutants #EU🇪🇺 cooperation! The like-minded partners are on the same page when it comes to strengthening supply chain resilience & #SME responsiveness amid #COVID19. A big thanks to @grzegorzewskif & #Germany🇩🇪 Rep. Prinz for the support.
Minister Wu gave a sterling #BrusselsForum performance. Highlights included global geopolitical dynamics amid #COVID19, the #TaiwanModel, a call for democracies to forcefully defend shared values, & what makes #Taiwan an ideal partner for the #EU & #US. ➡️bit.ly/2UuBHNN
A good article rooted in common sense never loses its luster. @TheEconomist's Banyan column spotlights #Taiwan's🇹🇼 "remarkable" performance in combating #COVID19. It also spotlights the "even more remarkable" fact that the country isn't a member of the @WHO. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp⬇️ twitter.com/TheEconomist/s…
#COVID19 #COVID19予防薬 #イベルメクチン #カモスタット また、週間新潮にノーベル賞の大村先生が作ったイベルメクチンの記事が掲載されています。カモスタットやイベルメクチンに関してはお電話でお問い合わせ下さい。
Ending violence against women is everyone’s business. Here are 10 ways you can make a difference today, and every day, even during the #COVID19 pandemic. unwo.men/DPQg50GnfHV
In #CCPChina, firefighters are not fighting the fire, but the #COVID19 #lockdown barriers. This is also one of the reasons why at least 44 people died in the #UrumqiFire, which triggered #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising #A4Revolution #BlankPapersRevolution in #China.
📢#沖縄県緊急事態宣言 を発出いたしました 令和3年1月20日(水)~2月7日(日) 主な項目 ⭕️外出自粛の要請 ⭕️営業時間短縮の要請 ⭕️緊急事態宣言発令地域との不要不急の往来の自粛 ⭕️県内離島との不要不急の往来の自粛 ⭕️イベントの開催制限 知事コメント動画 🌐youtu.be/RYoYVCHUQfA #COVID19
Video de una declaración de audio, titulado: Respuesta los preguntantes de entre los mundos.. 01-09- 2021 youtu.be/_rooFYXNqTI _____ #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #BallonDor Erradicación de la Pobreza Manchester City Spanish Spain Liverpool Madrid Barca
A video of an audio statement in English titled: Brief Words from the Awaited Mahdi 03 - 09 - 1430 AH 24 - 08 - 2009 AD youtu.be/QIBCmqNEsUY Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #SkirmishWar #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #USA Biden
A video of an audio statement in Arabic titled: Admonitions of the Warning Moon are Over Imam Nasser mohammed Al-Yamani 13-Ramadan-1443AH 14-04-2022AD fb.watch/cppuDAU7JI/ #TheWarningMoonIsOver #انقضا_التحذير_بالقمر_النذير #كورونا #COVID19 #Palestine
葛西臨海水族園は新型コロナウイルス #COVID19 の影響で2020年3月31日まで臨時休園。そこで!葛西臨海水族園開園30周年の紹介動画をどうぞ。19分22秒のロングバージョン、じっくりとご覧ください。 youtu.be/41qFC3DgakU
Coronavirus: dal castigo minore al castigo superiore, è sperabile che si ravvedano e tornino (a Dio) L'Imam Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani (Anno dell'Egira) 1441-Rajab-10 (Anno Domini) 2020-03-05 ore 12:51p.m. mahdialumma.com/showthread.php… #CoronaClimateWarCalamity #COVID19 #Coronavirus
kifo cha Amiri Khalid Bin Suleman .. Al' Im Al'Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al'Yamani الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني 18 - 07 - 2022 youtu.be/4MfNy-QH45g Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani #الحل_لقارعه_حرب_كورونا_والمناخ #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #COVID19
Video de una declaración de audio, titulado: 19 se intensificarán las calamidades .. 03/05/2021 youtu.be/dYQPNIxYWAM #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #SkirmishWar #HalaMadrid #Barcelona #RealMadrid #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 Spanish Spain
أحبَّتي الأنصار، فَلتقضوا يومكم هذا ثلاثين رمضان وحسبنا الله على القومِ المُستَكبرين .. 01 - شوال - 1443 هـ 02 - 05 - 2022 مـ albushra-islamia.org/showthread.php… Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani #EclipseOfTheSkySomeday #COVID19
A charter flight organized by @EOJinIndia landed in #Tokyo with 12 #Taiwan nationals on board before a homeward flight to #Taipei. Thanks @JapanGov & the #India government for making it happen. #COVID19 may shut borders, but like-minded countries will continue working together.
Best fashion of the season! Inspired by those fighting #COVID19 on the frontlines, models dress up in a series of healthcare themed outfits as a way to pay tribute to health workers.
VP Chen did a fine job detailing the #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus. Sharing information on #Taiwan's quarantine measures, social distancing, PPE supplies & vaccine development helps strengthen the global response to the #COVID19 pandemic while achieving #HealthForAll. twitter.com/Telegraph/stat…