ワクチン接種を推奨してきた議員やメディアが知らん顔の中、いつまでこんな事を続けているのか... #COVID19 #人工パンデミィック https://t.co/5wNpFObobZ
"With just 3% of the Japanese public fully vaccinated, many public health experts say that there is a risk that #Tokyo2020 Games could not only further spread #COVID19 variants throughout Japan but around the world." -@selinawangtv with @jaketapper @CNN
Video de una declaración de audio, titulado: El Imam Al Mahdi: Oh Familia Real Saudi de Al Salman, los falsos montajes han fracasado. Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 03 - 03 - 2022 youtu.be/YfSbcRk18tg #TheDeathOfKingAndPrinces #Spanish #COVID19 #الرياض_اليوم
Video statement titled: Someone Asked a Question and Said .. Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani 20- August - 2022 AD youtu.be/rkd2pZajUO4 #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #nationalreadabookday #USA European Champions
Coronavirus, ciertamente los soldados de Dios son los vencedores, y ya lo veran Imam Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed El-Yamani 01 - Rajab - 1442 AH 13/02/2021 mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #EclipseOfTheSkySomeday #COVID19 #SaudiArabia #UkraineWar #Crypto #EidUlFitr #CAMPEON35
Students of #PekingUniversity #BeijingUniversity protest against #COVID19 #lockdown . They actually pushed down the wall. The vice principal asks students to put down their phones to “protect Peking University”. In 1989, the students movement started from this university.
Totally agree with Rep. Gallagher @MikeforWI on GOP’s proposal of the special House Committee on Origin of #COVID19! It’s necessary and we have been waiting so long! twitter.com/VOAChinese/sta…
Announcing for the Worlds the Date of the End of Coronavirus.. Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 11- January - 2021 AD mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #AGlobalTsunamiLikeVirus #像海啸一样全球性病毒 #中國 #COVID19 #FIFA22 #Shanghai china covid covid-19
The past 3 years of fighting #COVID19 was a collective memory shared by everyone.
18 more #COVID19 cases related to #Olympics revealed Sunday, including 1 overseas athlete, bringing total to 259 cases since the beginning of July. #Tokyo2020 CEO says situation "within expectations." So, how many cases are organizers comfortable with? english.kyodonews.net/tokyo/news/202…
Video de una declaración de audio, titulado: Los Milagros sobrenaturales de la Virgen María 30 – Dhul Qui-da- 1443 29 - 06 - 2022 youtu.be/mqQ6lvDyKJM #TheDeathOfKingAndPrinces #COVID19 #China #Spanish #Madrid Biden Trump
فيديو بيان صوتي بعنوان: أنا المهديّ المنتظَر لا أكذّب يا طالب العلم ويا معشر علماء الأمّة.. الإمام ناصر محمد اليماني 02 - 02 - 1429 هـ 10 - 02 - 2008 مـ youtu.be/bGUsUhaAmus #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #COVID19 #أهلا_بالعالم_في_السعودية #فلسطين #السعودية
#COVID19 COVID-19 #Omic#COVID19h verkünde#Omicrongnern, die die Wahrheit über die aufrichtigen Anhänger Allahs verleugnen, dass sie das erhalten werden, was ich ihnen versprochen habe, nämlich schwere Qualen von Covid . Im Einklang mit dem Wort Allahs, des… https://t.co/BfAcTciD4U
فيديو بيان صوتي بعنوان : تحذيرٌ؛ كسوفُ السّماءِ يومًا ما .. الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليمانيّ 25 - رمضان - 1443 ه‍ـ 26 - 04 - 2022 م 1️⃣ #EclipseOfTheSkySomeday #COVID19 #SaudiArabia #Erdoğan Islam #العيد_الأحد #الملك_سلمان_بن_عبدالعزيز
Painful Torment Has Approached And The Revival of The People of the Cave And The Number Added to Their Sum: Jesus Son of Mary Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 25- July - 2020 AD mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #فيروس_تسونامي_العالمي #AlAqsaMosque #COVID19 #Shanghai Omicron Palestine
#Taiwan & the #US are ramping up #Coronavirus-fighting cooperation. @MOHW_Taiwan will share best practices & work even closer with #AIT to fast-track development of #COVID19 medicine & vaccines. Yes! Taiwan & the US can help realize @WHO's #HealthForAll. ait.org.tw/ait-will-enhan…
Update: The investigation of #COVID19 makes Xi Jinping regime so nervous! So CCP launched more attacks to discredit me. Meanwhile, they spread misinformation to hinder the investigation. According to CCP’s instructions, CCP’s agents in 🇺🇸 are busy now, as shown here👇🏻
A video of an audio statement in English titled: The Land Where the Antichrist Lives... Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 12 - 03 - 2009 AD 15 - 03 - 1430 AH youtu.be/zbBcBx0akx8 #TheDeathOfKingAndPrinces #Covid #COVID19 Covid-19 Biden
2020/4/16 #武漢肺炎 #2019nCoV #嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 #COVID19 #TaiwanCDC 中央流行疫情指揮中心表示,國內今(16)日無新增確診病例,目前國內維持395例診,分別為340例境外移入及55例本土病例。確診個案中6人死亡,155人解除隔離,其餘持續住院隔離中。
#Taiwan's #Coronavirus-combating efforts saw the country's baseball season get underway April 12 in a closed stadium with robot spectators. The #TaiwanModel of managing #COVID19 is keeping life on an even keel & ensuring sports fans can still get the competitive juices flowing. twitter.com/NBCSports/stat…
Read @DCTwining's @NikkeiAsia op-ed. The @IRIglobal president spotlights the success of the #TaiwanModel in combating #COVID19. He also makes a compelling case for why democratic #Taiwan🇹🇼 is a "more likely pacesetter" for the future of the Asia-Pacific. asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/Taiwan…