A few #American media claim that #COVID19 was leaked from #Chinese labs. Yet the opinion article submitted by the Chinese Embassy in the #US to some American media was all rejected. Is this the American-style "freedom of the press and speech"? china-embassy.org/eng/sgxw/t1901…
It's been two years, but Chinese conspiracists haven't given up inventing more conspiracy theories of the #COVID19 origin. For some reason, they all lead back to America 🤔 #AntiUS #ChinaCovid #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
A Video of an audio statement in Arabic titled: A Challenge From Allaah's Caliph; Al-Mahdi Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 06-Sha'ban-1443AH 09-March-2022 AD 08:41 AM youtu.be/DYp0-yaSfxg #تحدي_من_خليفه_الله_المهدي Saudi Arabia MBS #COVID19
فايروس كورونا.. وما هو بكورونا بل رجزٌ ذو شركاء، تحالفٌ فايروسيٌّ.. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 17 - ذو القعدة - 1441 هـ 08 - 07 - 2020 م mahdialumma.net/showthread.php… #فيروس_تسونامي_العالمي #كورونا #COVID19 #coronavirus القدس المسجد الأقصى
Many thanks @LinkeviciusL for the gracious acknowledgement of #Taiwan’s contribution to combating #Coronavirus in #Lithuania. Cooperation, friendship & solidarity make us #StrongerTogether in the global fight against #COVID19. JW twitter.com/LinkeviciusL/s…
@RobertKennedyJr is right that experts involved into the cover up with CCP! However, it’s not an accidental leak. The release of #COVID19 🦠 to community in Wuhan was intentional with evil purposes. Xi JinPing approved the plan by himself. PLA conducted it! It will be verified! twitter.com/RobertKennedyJ…
プロの音楽家たちも参加! バンベルク交響楽団のメンバー等による演奏がYoutubeにアップされていました😀 お仕事中の方も、ぜひ休憩がてら聞いてみてください🎶 #musikerfuerdeutschland #歓喜の歌 #BTHVN #COVID19 youtu.be/nZHOJHP33Ps
La Solution pour le désastre de la guerre du Corona et du climat.. Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 24 Dhūl-Hijjah 1442 de l'hégire 03-08-2021 youtu.be/iaM9LuUKMQg #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #WildfireSecretDeclared #earthquake #France #COVID19 #Covid
Deputy Minister Hsieh presented boxes of face masks to Mons. Arnaldo Catalan. The #HolySee's charge d'affaires expressed his gratitude & conveyed @Pontifex's blessings to the people of #Taiwan. The 2nd donation of medical items will strengthen the ally's response to #COVID19.
在インド日本国大使館が手配した臨時便が東京に到着しました。同乗させて頂いた台湾人12人は別機に乗り換え、順次帰国しています。 この計画を実現してくれた日本及びインド政府に心から感謝します。 #COVID19 が国境を閉鎖させても、国を超えた協力の扉が閉ざされることはありません。 #台日協力
☣️ロシア軍放射線・化学・生物学防護部隊長イーゴリ・キリロフ中将は記者会見で、🇺🇦ウクライナにある生物学研究所における🇺🇸米国の活動について語り、特殊軍事作戦の期間中に🇷🇺軍がウクライナにおける米国の軍事生物学プログラムに関する2万点を超える文書や資料を入手したことを明らかに⬇️ #COVID19⬇️
In #Guangzhou, #BigWhites are equipped with guns now, after on-going public resistance to the #CCP's #ZeroCovid policy. #CCPChina, #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
A video of an audio statement titled: The Death of Prince Khalid bin Salman Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani 19- Dhu’l Hijjah- 1443AH 18-07-2022AD #TheDeathOfKingAndPrinces #COVID19 #FrenchGP #NowPlaying #Kuwait #Pakistan #SaudiArabia
Minister Wu presided over the donation of 15 ISO tanks by Taoyuan City & Adani Group. Presented by Mayor Cheng to Rep. Das, the #TaiwanCanHelp tanks pair with the #LoveFromTaiwan oxygen concentrators & cylinders. #Taiwan is #India's partner in combating #COVID19 & saving lives.
1/ Since the outbreak of #COVID19, @cogatonline has coordinated the transfer of medical equipment to Palestinians in Gaza and—together with the PA—Judea & Samaria, at the request of @WHO & @UN. Including: ⭕ Testing kits ⭕ PPEs ⭕ Disinfectant material ⭕ Lab equipment
先週、東京の #COVID19 新規陽性患者が3日続けて2000人を超えました。この方達は2類相当の感染症で、医療施設や療養先に収容する必要があります。調整中の感染者が延べ3000人を超えて驚きを隠せません。一人ひとりが可能な感染防止対策を励行し、#かからない#うつさない が基本です。
痛苦的懲罰臨近了,洞穴和銘文的人們復活了伊薩·本·瑪麗安姆。 伊玛目·纳赛尔·穆罕默德·亚曼尼 25-07-2020 youtu.be/F0eILXNtyqo Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani #QuienMeOdiaCavaSuTumba #恨我者自掘坟墓 #ChinaCovidSurge #Covid_19 #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCP #XiJingping #chinacovid
فيديو بيان صوتي بعنوان: هي كلمة أقولها بإذن الله .. الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني 17 - ذو الحجة - 1443 هـ 16 - 07 - 2022 مـ mahdialumma.com/showthread.php… #مصرع_الامير_خالد_بن_سلمان #COVID19
Arabic Video: A discourse by Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani at the Funeral of His Late Mother Infront of a Group of His Supporters. 22-March-2022 Part 1 youtu.be/m80z81XT5fA #A_Challenge_From_Imam_Mahdi #COVID19 #Ramadan #sundayvibes #SundayMorning #SundayThoughts
A video of an audio statement in Arabic titled:A Global Tsunami-Like Virus Imam Nasser mohammed Al-Yamani 16-Ramadan-1443 AH 17-April-2022 AD 02:52 pm youtu.be/QBkfufGtQSg 1 #AGlobalTsunamiLikeVirus #EarthDay #COVID19 #CovidIsntOver #China #ChinaOut
Bodies of the deceased are being burned outside in #Shanghai and other cities in #China as a result of the #COVID19 outbreak overwhelming emergency services and crematoriums.
高齢者の入院が増えています。高齢者の場合、一定頻度で重症化します。治療の決め手がない現在、人工呼吸器で急場をしのぐことになりますが、#COVID19 では装着期間が長く、効果に乏しい場合や回復しても後遺症を発症しやすい状況です。人工呼吸器を装着すれば必ず良くなるわけではありませ
Findings from #WomenCount's new report, Measuring the shadow pandemic: Violence against women during #COVID19, revealed that women are feeling less safe at home as conflict such as domestic violence has increased. ℹ️: unwo.men/VS2e50H1ygj #16Days