More greatly appreciated support for #Taiwan🇹🇼 from #RealFriend #Japan🇯🇵! Our sincere thanks to @moteging of @MofaJapan_jp for announcing a 3rd donation of vaccine doses. The 1 million shots will help save lives & keep the country's #COVID19 fightback firmly on the fast track.
Stop suppressing such helpful studies of #COVID19 treatment! “The study was based on a reasonable HCQ dosage (200 mgtid).” “HCQ prescribed early or late, alone or in any association, was associated with significant protection from COVID-19-related death.”…
Diplomatic & international organization representatives attended an event on #Taiwan's efforts combating #COVID19 co-hosted by Minister Chen of @MOHW_Taiwan & Central Epidemic Command Center. The free flow of timely & accurate information is key to realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll.
The #Tokyo2020 #Olympics inspired an amazing amount of anti-Olympics art. I've been meaning to do a 🧵featuring this work, so here we go! 1st up: Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga carrying the toxic Olympic torch. Many Olympic torch relay participants got #COVID19. Art by @yojira
How to make people starve to death in #Shanghai and elsewhere in #CCPChina in the age of abundance? You lock everything down. #CCPVirus, #COVID19 物資極大豐富的時代,人是怎樣餓死的?容易! #中共病毒 #清零 #封控
Since July 2021, I reveal in public that Miles Guo is Xi’s spy and a fake dissident. Btw, Peter Daszak knows I’m the first to reveal that Daszak is comprised by CCP to suppress CCP-lab-origin of #COVID19. It starts in Feb 2020, after Daszak helps 🇨🇳 to publish the Lancet Letter!
As #India goes from bad to worse, show them some love. Here's a list of resources & grassroots orgs you can help or share to assist with the #COVID19 crisis. 🆘🫂#helpindia Call to Action:… Resource list:……
Even before #COVID19, women did 3 times more unpaid care work than men. Let's make 2022 the year we balance the load. 👏👏
No fantasy to CCP & Xi JinPing! Stop appeasement to CCP & Xi JinPing! WE DON’T HAVE MUCH TIME! #UnrestrictedBioweapon #COVID19…
Clips from #Beijing, showing: Courier goods piling up, no delivery boys to deliver food, empty streets, empty subways, empty airport, empty shopping malls, empty roads, etc. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19
【4/8】新型コロナウィルス 国内 都道府県別の感染者数。 東京除外版も用意しました。 月・水・金曜に更新します。 #新型コロナウイルス #COVIDー19 #COVID19
บทความของดิชั้นเรื่องโควิดกับการบริหารจัดการของรัฐบาลประยุทธ์ แม้การติดโรคนี้มีน้อยในไทย แต่ไม่ได้หมายความว่า ทุกอย่างจะราบรื่น รัฐบาลใช้โควิดในการปราบปรามผู้ชุมนุมทางการเมืองค่ะ #FORSEA #Thailand #COVID19…
2日連続感染者ゼロ。街中では多くの人がマスクをし、あちこちで体温を測られます。でもそれ以外は通常通り。いつもの店でコーヒーを買い、顔なじみの店員さんとあいさつを交わす。そんな当たり前のことにただただ感謝です。 #台湾 #COVID19 #TaiwanCanHelp
Congratulations to @Vystrcil_Milos on once again being elected #Czechia senate president. You are a true friend to all of us in #Taiwan & have inspired many with your principled leadership. We wish you a successful term & everyone in Czechia well in your fight against #COVID19.…
Every life is precious, anywhere and everywhere. More should be done to avoid loss of life in #Ukraine. Meanwhile don't forget the nearly 1 million lives lost to #COVID19 & 45,000 lives taken by gun violence in the #US last year alone.
VP Chen shared the #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus with @BBCWorld. The country is better managing the #COVID19 pandemic due to its #SARS experience, & is making available expertise, supplies & technologies. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll.
The best way to end the #COVID19 pandemic is crystal clear - end CCP regime and conduct the thorough investigation, involving 🇨🇳 military scientists and compromised scientists overseas! #UnrestrictedBioweapon…
البيان رقم ٥ من سِلسِلة بيانات فَيروس كورونا وسِرّه المَكنون .. ردّ الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ على المفترين بإصابتهِ بكورونا .. 10 - شوال - 1441 هـ 02 - 06 - 2020 مـ #فضيحه_الفبركه_في_الممل#فضيحه_الفبركه_في_المملكها#الخميس_الونيسوم_الجمعة #COVID19
Some intense moments when the #CCP police remove residents from their homes so that the buildings can be used as #COVID19 #Quarantine site. Apr 14, Nashi International Community, #Pudong New Area, #Shanghai. 4月14日,#上海 纳什国际社区暴行。下跪沒用,哭喊也沒用!#中共病毒
Our 1922 disease control hotline operates 24/7, helping everyone in #Taiwan stay on top of #COVID19. I am so grateful to all our hotline workers for their tireless efforts & dedication during this pandemic.
Sad. Behind the number 1,000,000 is 1 million lost lives&their broken families. #COVID19 is the common enemy of all humanity. Only with solidarity&cooperation can we win the battle&better protect our people's lives&health, and deliver them a better life.…
Update: The investigation of #COVID19 makes Xi Jinping regime so nervous! So CCP launched more attacks to discredit me. Meanwhile, they spread misinformation to hinder the investigation. According to CCP’s instructions, CCP’s agents in 🇺🇸 are busy now, as shown here👇🏻…
Because CCP gov pretended that Huanan seafood market was the origin place of #COVID19. Without the history of market, (+) patients presenting typical symptoms & lung signs were NOT allowed to be diagnosed & treated in 🇨🇳 at that time, according to the 1st CDC guidance @BNODesk…
3-3) On @OANN with @AddisonSmithOAN • CCP’s lab-origin is vindicated. But still a long way to go. • CCP-PLA scientists deeply involving in #COVID19 control many labs in 🇺🇸, spending 🇺🇸 fundings to harm 🇺🇸. • Lots of smoking gun evidence in The Yan Reports (see my pinned tweet)…
iPhone 6sが届きました。簡単な説明書も。英語でも書かれています。下船時に返却。 #ダイヤモンドプリンセス #DiamondPrincess #CoronavirusOutbreak #Quarantine #COVID19