いまだかつてここまで肥満と関連のある感染症があっただろうか ってくらいほぼ皆肥満。 #COVID19
Put on a mask and sanitize your hands, please. Ringo マスクと手指消毒をお願いします。リンゴより #capybara #cute #CuteAnimals #カピバラ #かわいい #かわいい動物 #水豚 #コロナ #COVID19 #Covid_19
People are back to restaurants & life is back to normal in #Zhengzhou while the city in Central #China clears all its medium & high-risk areas for #COVID19. Of course with all temperature & health code checks in place since tackling the pandemic is a long-term issue.
The #COVID19 pandemic should not be leveraged as a "political football" to "stymie the economic growth of the People's Republic of China."--Donald Ramotar, former President of #Guyana. news.cgtn.com/news/2021-08-2…
速報-英コーンウォールで開催された5.3万人規模の音楽祭に参加した5000人の若者が感染し、遺伝子的にデルタ亜型と関連していたことから、新たな #デルタ亜型 が出現したのではないかとの懸念が高まっています。この地域は現在英国で最も #COVID19 の感染率が高い地域となっています。(翻訳:deepL) twitter.com/DrEricDing/sta…
Political manipulation of #COVID19 origin tracing is neither responsible nor acceptable. twitter.com/BrunoRguezP/st…
Love from the #CzechRepublic🇨🇿 has landed in #Taiwan🇹🇼! We thank the government & people of our #EU🇪🇺 friend for the donation of 30K #COVID19 vaccine doses. The gesture speaks to the strength of relations & an irrevocable fact: Forces for good never leave one of their own behind.
#拡散希望 #コロナに負けるな】 人間を救うのは、人間だ。 #医療従事者 や関係者の皆様にいつも感謝してます! 微力ですが個人としてRT×10円を #日本赤十字社 の活動資金に #寄付 します。 jrc.or.jp jrc.or.jp/contribute/ #コロナ #新型コロナ #COVID19 #拡散 #RT #拡散RT希望
The #US intelligence community has compiled a so-called report on the origins of #COVID19. It is a mendacious report made up for political purposes. There is no scientific basis or credibility in it.
Severe levels of food insecurity are much higher for women than men, and are likely to have worsened due to the #COVID19 pandemic. Gender equality will help to achieve #ZeroHunger. 🔗 unwo.men/uE1N50FZ1U1
Can't be a coincidence... The 1st confirmed #COVID19 cases in these countries are all related to the #US.
ワクチンの異物混入はスペインの委託先工場の製造ラインで発生したと米モデルナが説明。安全性や有効性の問題は確認されていないとしています。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3mzAZ0G
A few #American media claim that #COVID19 was leaked from #Chinese labs. Yet the opinion article submitted by the Chinese Embassy in the #US to some American media was all rejected. Is this the American-style "freedom of the press and speech"? china-embassy.org/eng/sgxw/t1901…
塩野義製薬が新型コロナの軽症者など向けの飲み薬タイプの新薬候補について治験を開始。2021年内に国内100万人分の生産体制に。開発中のワクチンも22年3月末までの実用化を目指します。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3zmePTe
Great news! The FDA just fully approved the Pfizer #COVID19 vaccine as safe & effective. I’ll admit I’m disappointed to learn it WON’T give me freakish superpowers, but if you’ve been waiting to get your shot you’ve got no excuses now. Go get vaxxed! washingtonpost.com/health/2021/08…
According to the Mercury News, a half dozen death certificates from California, Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Oklahoma & Wisconsin have been quietly amended to list #COVID19 as a contributing factor. This means COVID-19 could be present in the #US as early as Dec. or even Nov. 2019.
🇸🇬Singapore How Surbana Jurong prepared to turn Singapore Expo into a Covid-19 care facility in 3 days @madoka8madoka bit.ly/2XY0nku #COVID19  Field hospital🏥 今すぐに日本に必要な物は、昨年シンガポールが3日で作ったこれです。絶対に患者を一人にしてはダメです。
What to expect from the @RepMcCaul Origins of #COVID19 Report: displacing decimal points, manipulating evidence, endorsing #Wuhan lab conspiracy, and utterly no credibility. Perfect example of #disinformation.
The #Tokyo2020 #Olympics inspired an amazing amount of anti-Olympics art. I've been meaning to do a 🧵featuring this work, so here we go! 1st up: Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga carrying the toxic Olympic torch. Many Olympic torch relay participants got #COVID19. Art by @yojira
ワクチン接種の重要性が一般の方々にも伝わるように、僕がこれまでTLで見かけた良ツイートを厳選してこのツイートにぶら下げておきます。 ワクチン接種以外でも、コロナ関連で話題のネタに関するツイートも。 #新型コロナウイルス #新型コロナワクチン #COVID19
The junta's mass arrests correspond with a surge in #COVID19 infections in the country’s prisons, where access to health care is poor. #Aug20Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar yac.news/blogs/news/cov…
Australia's #NoTimeToDie release date has been postponed from Sep 30 to Nov 11, according to multiple cinema websites 豪州の『007/ノー・タイム・トゥ・ダイ』公開日が延期になった模様(9/30日から11/11へ) imaxmelbourne.com.au/movie/no-time-… #COVID19 #Bond25 #ノータイムトゥダイ #JamesBond
ผู้ป่วยโควิดสะสมทะลุ 1 ล้านคน รัฐบาลยังไม่มีคำตอบที่ดีให้ประชาชนว่าจะรับผิดชอบยังไงหรือจะทำยังไงให้ผ่านพ้นวิกฤตินี้ไปได้ ตอนนี้ถ้าเทียบในเชิงประชากร นั่นหมายความว่า ในคนไทยทุกๆ 70 คน มีคนเคยติดโควิด 1 คน #COVID19 อ่านต่อที่: facebook.com/17099741891092…
A large number of children have contracted & been affected by #COVID19 this year. The UNICEF’s joined forces with various agencies to open a centre to help them. If anyone sees an affected child, please alert the centre. Staff are on stand-by 24 hrs a day. #PeckPalitchoke