The 2nd #US🇺🇸 donation of #COVID19 vaccine doses is in #Taiwan🇹🇼! A heartfelt thanks for the 1.5 million shots underscoring the deep friendship & expansive exchanges defining our enduring partnership. When it comes to saving lives, a #RealFriend's actions speak louder than words. twitter.com/StateDept/stat…
That's what friends are for! Deepest gratitude to @StateDept for facilitating a 2nd #US🇺🇸 donation of #COVID19 vaccine doses to #Taiwan🇹🇼. The 1.5 million shots take the total generously shared by the fellow force for good with our country to 4 million. We're #StrongerTogether! twitter.com/StateDeptSpox/…
According to an independent poll published today by GALLUP, 94% of Salvadorans approve our handling of the #COVID19 pandemic.
What’s your President’s approval rating? twitter.com/cidgallup/stat…
Safe, sound & on the ground! The government & people of #Taiwan🇹🇼 sincerely thank #Japan🇯🇵 for its 6th donation of #COVID19 vaccine doses totaling 300K. The timely gesture by the country's #RealFriend lifts the inoculation rate & strengthens the global response to the pandemic.
Choices made during the #COVID19 pandemic will impact recovery, peace and stability for years to come. Let's work together to build a better for future for women and girls affected by conflict and crises. #WomenPeacePower
Habilitamos la vacunación contra el #COVID19 para extranjeros.
El único requisito es hacer la cita con un documento (pasaporte o cualquier documento de identificación de otro país).
Aplica para todas las personas que vivan con estatus irregular en nuestro país y para turistas.
During the #COVID19 pandemic, online and ICT-facilitated violence against women and girls continue to be heightened. On #DayoftheGirl, commit to making social media and online spaces safer for girls. unwo.men/Ek5A50Go4wS
235,900 #COVID19 vaccine doses from #Lithuania🇱🇹 with love, & just in time for National Day! The government & people of #Taiwan🇹🇼 give thanks for the 2nd such donation by the #EU🇪🇺 member state. It truly touches hearts at a tough time & brings our countries even closer together.
Ending violence against women is everyone’s business.
Here are 10 ways you can make a difference today, and every day, even during the #COVID19 pandemic.
Hemos habilitado la TERCERA DOSIS de la vacuna contra #COVID19 para todos los mayores de 18 años.
La tercera dosis debe colocarse con un mínimo de 4 MESES transcurridos después de que la segunda dosis haya hecho efecto.
Si no está seguro de la fecha, el sistema le asignará una.
Collecting safe drinking water shouldn’t mean risking #COVID19 infection or missing out on going to school for women and girls.
El Vicepresidente ya tiene su tercera dosis.
Experiencias en otros países han mostrado que la aplicación de la tercera dosis a mayores de 60 años y personal de primera línea reduce hasta un 85% las muertes causadas por #COVID19
Haga su cita aquí: vacunacioncovid19.gob.sv twitter.com/fulloa51/statu…
First time ever! Someone with inside knowledge of what happened in #Wuhan, who saw with his own eyes, as a medical professional who worked at #Zhongnan Hospital of #WuhanUniversity during the #COVID19 #pandemic, came forward!
Premiers at 9:00 pm EST
Finally, it’s here! “I saw 1K+ bodied at the parking lot!”
My exclusive interview with a medical professional who worked at #Zhongnan Hospital of #WuhanUniversity during the peak of #COVID19 #pandemic, from Jan. to Mar 2020.
Premiers at 9:00 pm EST
La tercera dosis es muy importante para los grupos de riesgo, personal de primera línea y todos los mayores de 60 años.
Si estamos vacunados y los mayores de 60 años tienen las 3 dosis, podemos reducir las muertes por #COVID19 en un 85%.
Citas aquí: vacunacioncovid19.gob.sv
Se le informa a todas las alcaldías de nuestro país, que se ha prorrogado la emisión de partidas de nacimiento GRATUITAS, por 15 días más, para las personas que llevarán a sus hijos a vacunarse contra el #COVID19
El plazo vencía hoy.
Ahora estará vigente hasta el 12 de octubre.
The lack of women in decision-making limits the reach and impact of #COVID19 pandemic and other emergency recovery efforts.
It's time for more #WomennInPolitics!
Learn more in our 2021 Gender Snapshot report: unwo.men/anSu50GfY7w #GloblaGoals
It's a long way from the #EU🇪🇺 to #Taiwan🇹🇼. But distance is nothing when democracies are working together for the greater good. Our heartfelt thanks to #Slovakia🇸🇰 for the donation of #COVID19 vaccine doses. The country is blessed to be part of the virtuous #HealthForAll circle. twitter.com/office_taipei/…
Wheels down for #Japan's🇯🇵 5th donation of #COVID19 vaccine doses to #Taiwan🇹🇼. The 500K shipment takes the total to 3.9M from the country's #RealFriend, & speaks volumes about the special bond shared by our people. The virtuous #HealthForAll circle is alive & well. Thank you!
Gente molesta porque no hacemos más contra el #COVID19 y gente molesta porque estamos haciendo mucho.
Hay gente que está molesta porque tenemos vacunación voluntaria disponible. Literalmente.
Algunas noticias sobre #COVID19 en unos minutos.
We warmly welcome #Slovakia's🇸🇰 donation of 160K #COVID19 vaccine doses to #Taiwan🇹🇼. The generous gesture is another example of the virtuous #HealthForAll circle. It also shows the strength of friendship & exchanges between our freedom- & democracy-loving countries.(📸 via TASR)