LE GOUVERNEMENT🇬🇧AVOUE QUE LE NOMBRE OFFICIEL DE MORTS COVID EST TRÈS SURÉVALUÉ Le ministre de la Santé «estime qu'environ 40% des personnes ayant le #COVID19 à l'hôpital n'y sont pas parce qu'elles ont le Covid,mais parce qu'elles ont le Covid par hasard» francais.rt.com/international/…
Hallo #Kassel und Umgebung. Am 29.1. kommt der #ImpfAIRbus in den Norden #Hessen|s. Lasst Euch exklusiv in einem unserer #A400M gegen #COVID19 impfen. Wir freuen uns auf Euch, denn jede Impfung zählt! Alle Infos hier: bundeswehr.de/de/organisatio… #gemeinsamgegencorona #Ärmelhoch
コロナの症状と酷似した症状が出ているにもかかわらずライブに出演し運営ぐるみで隠蔽しており極めて悪質ですね。 #フリーク #コロナ #COVID19 #拡散希望 #500RTで同事務所メンバーの繋がりDM公開
Ayer, nuestro país no tuvo fallecimientos por violencia, ni por #COVID19. Gracias a Dios.
「新型コロナを季節性インフルエンザと同じ感染症法上の5類に引き下げることを検討すべき」と東京都の小池百合子知事。大阪市の松井一郎市長も協議すべきとしており、変更されれば保健所対応が軽減されます。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3nrhqqK
We interrupt your feed to remind you that you are: 💙Strong 💙Powerful 💙Resilient And we will get through this #COVID19 pandemic in solidarity with one another.
Dr. Fauci lied. DAPRA didn’t funded Gain-of-Function in 🇨🇳. Fauci must tell what he knew about coronavirus work NIH funded in WIV via EcoHealth 👉🏻Q: What else CCP has done using NIH 💰 in GOF? What happened to #COVID19? It’s from 🇨🇳 labs, is it weaponized? youtu.be/_zgoENmeddA
Collecting safe drinking water shouldn’t mean risking #COVID19 infection, or missing out on going to school or take on paid employment for women and girls.
Por eso insistían tanto en que las alcaldías debían manejar los fondos #COVID19. Como dijo Rodolfo Parker: “Los fondos para la campaña, rmrmrm perdón, para las obras municipales”. twitter.com/radioyskl/stat…
Cuarto día consecutivo sin muertes por #COVID19 🇸🇻 twitter.com/SaludSV/status…
Our new ad campaign, to help prevent #COVID19 deaths and hospitalizations.
#BTS#Suga has fully recovered from #COVID19!💪👑💜 facebook.com/worldmusicawar…
This #COVID19 map in red is concerning. Hope the #American people enjoy safety, health and stability in the year 2022.
It’s estimated that #COVID19 will push 47M more women & girls below the poverty line, reversing decades of progress to eradicate extreme poverty. Let's get back on track in 2022.
Because CCP gov pretended that Huanan seafood market was the origin place of #COVID19. Without the history of market, (+) patients presenting typical symptoms & lung signs were NOT allowed to be diagnosed & treated in 🇨🇳 at that time, according to the 1st CDC guidance @BNODesk twitter.com/BNOFeed/status…
Solo hay 4 pacientes con #COVID19 en el @HospitalSV, el cual tiene capacidad para 1,000 pacientes. La mayoría de las áreas están vacías, así que estamos aprovechando para hacer reparaciones, pintar y desinfectar. ¡De esta saldremos todos juntos! 🇸🇻
Clearly, Twitter prefers accounts of CCP spokespersons who even blamed #COVID19 to Maine lobsters + cold chain supply - like Zhao Lijian @zlj517 & Hua Chunying @SpokespersonCHN - much better than scientists who advocate for safety vaccines & anti-mandate policies. What criteria? twitter.com/zerohedge/stat…
No, Military scientists were ignorant. In fact, they used other models - mainly transgenetic (humanized) mice during development of #COVID19, which reflect pathogenicity but NOT transmissibility. So they thought it was “under the control” in neighborhood trials in Wuhan. twitter.com/neophighter/st…
Easy as 1-2-3!🖖 Happy as Larry to get a #Taiwan #Medigen jolly good jab & enrol in The Fellowship of the Booster Vaxxed.🇹🇼 Gratitude to the dedicated front-line medical personnel at Far Eastern Memorial Hospital.🏥 Heightened health vigilance is key to combating #COVID19.💪 twitter.com/MOFA_Taiwan/st…
Even before #COVID19, women did 3 times more unpaid care work than men. Let's make 2022 the year we balance the load. 👏👏
Time waits for no nonbinary being.⏳ #Taiwan’s Digital #COVID19 Certificate is here!🇹🇼 Apply▶️dvc.mohw.gov.tw Read my @TaiwanPDIS post on the development of the digital vaccine passport platform. ▶️pdis.nat.gov.tw/en/blog/%E9%96… Let’s get ready for the post-pandemic world.🗺 twitter.com/taiwanplusnews…
.@Taiwan_SLD acting Rep. Wu & @HassanGafadhi signed a pact for the donation of 150K #Medigen #COVID19 vaccine doses by #Taiwan to #Somaliland. The shots will save lives, advance bilateral ties & forge progress on realizing the @WHO's vision of #HealthForAll. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
This year, healthcare workers continued to work hard to keep us safe and healthy during the #COVID19 pandemic. Let's give thanks to all of them.
#BTS' #RM and #Jin test positive for #COVID19! Here's wishing both RM & Jin a very speedy recovery!🙏👑👑💜 facebook.com/worldmusicawar…
2. Las camas hospitalarias habilitadas para #COVID19, en todo nuestro país, tienen una ocupación del 4%. El @HospitalSV está prácticamente vacío (actualmente estamos cerrando casi todas las áreas para desinfección y reparaciones). Las UCI COVID tienen una ocupación del 1%. twitter.com/clinaliciaare/…