Breaking: #China no longer requires #COVID19 test info for international arrivals. It improves border health reporting system by canceling nucleic acid test information reporting, the infection status & the vaccination dates. The measure will take effect starting from August 31.
コロナの症状と酷似した症状が出ているにもかかわらずライブに出演し運営ぐるみで隠蔽しており極めて悪質ですね。 #フリーク #コロナ #COVID19 #拡散希望 #500RTで同事務所メンバーの繋がりDM公開
\皆さんは大丈夫ですか⁉📱/ 身近なところに危険が潜んでいるかもしれません…! #COVID19 #コロナウイルス #新型コロナウイルス twitter.com/ICRC_jp/status…
Warning! Graphic and hard to watch. Don't know how many people in #CCPChina have been killed by #XiJingping's #ZeroCovid policy. #XiJinpingCurseOnChina #CCPChina, #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
Edward Haugland talks with me about my personal journey from exposure to the CCP to freedom, and my insights into this ongoing Cognitive War. • Why I exposed CCP’s secrets of #COVID19? • What we must do in America to fight back? @MalcolmOutLoud americaoutloud.com/chinas-cogniti…
Poster child in fighting #COVID19? champion of democracy? advocate of free market? or guardian of peace? Nothing but all lies of the #US. news.cgtn.com/news/2022-03-0…
Reminder: Unpaid work is work 📣 Even before #COVID19, women did 3 times more unpaid care work than men. It's time to balance the load!
Given the heavy human and economic toll taken by the virus, don't we owe it to the millions of lives lost to have a thorough investigation into US labs? #InvestigationintoUSLabs #COVID19
Please notice: we revealed that SARS-CoV-2 ORF3b, one of the most different genes compared to SARS-CoV, strongly hampers human type I IFN activation. Its inhibitory activity is stronger than the SARS-CoV ortholog and influenza A virus NS1. #COVID19 1/7 biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
【速報】新型コロナ きょう全国で9000人超の感染を確認 過去最多を更新 #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19
新型コロナウイルスに感染して亡くなった人は世界で100万人を超えました。感染者は累計3317万人を上回ります。 #日経ビジュアルデータ #新型コロナウイルス感染 #COVID19 vdata.nikkei.com/newsgraphics/c…
VP Chen sits down with #Japan's @Sankei_news to talk #Taiwan's experiences fighting infectious diseases & #COVID19. The renowned epidemiologist stresses #TaiwanCanHelp the @WHO in ensuring #HealthForAll & preventing spread of the #coronavirus. Read more: japan-forward.com/interview-whos…
📰 While the world is heavily impacted by #COVID19, leading idols created activities to communicate with fans during this difficult period. Taehyung's #StayHome challenge positively influenced the campaign for safety priorities & no unnecessary travel. 🔗 channels.vlive.tv/C7A6F1/vtoday/…
.@AndersFoghR is right! #TaiwanCanHelp shape global health policy via high-tech expertise. The #TaiwanModel for #Coronavirus response using data, transparency & centralized command is a winner. To close #COVID19 blackholes & realize #HealthForAll, @WHO needs #Taiwan at the table. twitter.com/AndersFoghR/st…
#فضيحه_الفبركه_في_المملكه #الوباء_القادم #يوم_الجمعة #الخميس_الونيس #Fabrication_Scandal_in_KSA #COVID19 البيان رقم ٥ من سِلسِلة بيانات فَيروس كورونا وسِرّه المَكنون .. ردّ الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ على المفترين بإصابتهِ بكورونا .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 10 -… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
People in #Beijng rushed to withdraw their money as the #CCP will Reduce Medical Insurance Funds aid Into Worker’s Accounts & Ban Personal Account Withdraw. I guess the #COVID19 testing & #XiJinping's #ZeroCovid policy have consumed a large amount of the Medical Insurance Funds?
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep26 •Dr. He Jiankui created the world first gene-edited babies in 🇨🇳 in 2018 •CCP gave He a new lab •Like #COVID19 virus, Xi regime won’t give up any chance to abuse advanced technology to impair the people and strengthen the power americaoutloud.com/a-dangerous-co…
I have received reports that some Taiwanese traveling in some countries have come under harassment & physical violence since the outbreak of #COVID19. Well, the virus knows no borders or ethnicities. I hope we can all work together for a common cure. JW
In just a few days time, China state media rapidly switched its tone on #COVID19. The virus sure evolved just on time! /s #大翻译运动 #thegreattranslationmovment
#Colombia has launched an indefinite national strike amid #COVID19. Thousands have taken to the streets against a repressive tax reform & police have met them with extreme violence. #NoALaReformaTributaria #ParoNacional30A #ParoNacionalIndefinido youtube.com/watch?v=fHZEC9…
📌Attended VTC Meeting of Black Sea Economic Cooperation FM Council. 📌@BSECorg is important for effective regional cooperation during #COVID19 &aftermath. 📌Will cooperate on coordination between crisis centers,health,development&production of vaccines,supply chains&tourism.
In this documentary from People’s Liberation Army, Col. Tan of PLA general hospital commented on their trophy in #COVID19: We must review it after this war, to prepare for the next war! Col. ChangJun Wang, Father of SARS2, commented: It’s not practice by a real war every time! twitter.com/dezying/status…
ワクチン接種の重要性が一般の方々にも伝わるように、僕がこれまでTLで見かけた良ツイートを厳選してこのツイートにぶら下げておきます。 ワクチン接種以外でも、コロナ関連で話題のネタに関するツイートも。 #新型コロナウイルス #新型コロナワクチン #COVID19