#Taiwan’s Triple Stimulus Voucher program is designed to keep the economic wheels turning & boost consumption levels in the post #COVID19 era. This is working out well for merchants, as well as hungry consumers like me! See how it works here: 3000.gov.tw/EN/
No #WHA73 invitation for #Taiwan. Overwhelming international support, ignored. Ongoing donations of essential #COVID19-combating items, ignored. Sharing the #TaiwanModel, ignored. But #China's political bleating, heard loud & clear. We'll never give in, never, never, never! JW
Today is the series finale of the United States. We wish everyone a safe #ElectionDay. Remember to keep six feet apart and wear masks to protect from #COVID19 and right-wing militants. #Election2020
Good things truly come in threes. The 3rd shipment of #COVID19 vaccine doses for #Taiwan🇹🇼 from #Japan🇯🇵 brings the #RealFriend's donated total to 3.3 million since June. The government & people are forever grateful, & wish our special partner a successful #Tokyo2020. Thank you!
The government & people of #Taiwan🇹🇼 are deeply grateful for #Japan's🇯🇵 donation of 1.24 million #Vaccine doses announced by @moteging. The heartwarming gesture spotlights the special friendship shared by both sides & a joint commitment to combating #COVID19. (📸 @MofaJapan_jp)
2. Las camas hospitalarias habilitadas para #COVID19, en todo nuestro país, tienen una ocupación del 4%. El @HospitalSV está prácticamente vacío (actualmente estamos cerrando casi todas las áreas para desinfección y reparaciones). Las UCI COVID tienen una ocupación del 1%. twitter.com/clinaliciaare/…
Health care workers: If you need PPE, fill this out! Thank you, @HarborFreight, for stepping up to help with the #COVID19 crisis. bit.ly/HarborFreightP… twitter.com/HarborFreight/…
Team #RRRMovie joined senior Dr Shankar Prasad garu to discuss #COVID19 in this elaborate session. Watch to have your concerns, confusions and doubts clarified here! Check out... instagram.com/ssrajamouli/gu…
Following today’s announcement, new guidance for employees can be found here: gov.uk/government/pub… #COVID19
EM Allianceより、COVID-19に関する一般市民を含めた皆様に向けた「緊急のお願い」です。 HPにもポスターを作成しておりますので、是非そちらもご利用ください。 emalliance.org/share/covid_pr… みんなで1人でも多くの命を守りましょう! #COVID19 #新型コロナウイルス感染症 #今年はSTAYHOME
Team #RRRMovie joined senior Dr Shankar Prasad garu to discuss #COVID19 in this elaborate session. Watch to have your concerns, confusions and doubts clarified here! Check out... instagram.com/ssrajamouli/gu…
この国を終わらせる気か? ってことなんです。 通貨発行権がある日本では、今、お金を作り、そしてそれを人々に必要な分だけ充てていくということを、まずやらなければいけない。 フルバージョンはこちらから↓ youtu.be/FyGUFOcKa5c #山本太郎 #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19 #緊急事態宣言
1. Los contagios de #COVID19 han caído a su punto más bajo desde el 4 de mayo de 2020 (cuando se realizaban muchas menos pruebas y la pandemia iba comenzando). Nunca antes había sido tan difícil encontrar contagios, es difícil encontrarlos aún en los griparios de los hospitales.
Please don't forget to wear masks as you protest or vote. Wash your hands, practice social distancing, and let's end global tyranny and #COVID19 Together. Instructions on how to make a #COVID19 mask safely and quickly. #Masks4All: masks4all.co/how-to-make-a-…
Please don't forget to wear masks as you protest or vote. Wash your hands, practice social distancing, and let's end global tyranny and #COVID19 Together. Instructions on how to make a #COVID19 mask safely and quickly. #Masks4All: masks4all.co/how-to-make-a-…
#コロナ #COVID19 医療機関みんなどうかしている。昨日、青年が下痢と熱と頭痛の症状が5日間続き、若いのに食べれなくなってきたと言うのに、大学病院を含めて病院ひとつ、クリニック一つで計3つの医療機関で受診を断られて当院に来ました。胃腸炎で点滴して元気に帰りました。これで良いのか日本?
Due to #COVID19 lockdown, many people are starving. I receive countless calls from struggling families. Some boda boda riders are helping us pick items from supermarkets & deliver to some elderly, PWDs & families of slain comrades. We've now asked the @MinofHealthUG to pick items
Thank you @MFABelize for your support at #UN75! By participating in the @UN system, #Taiwan can share our successful #COVID19 response with the world & expand our global outreach.
【速報】劇団EXILE八木将康コロナ感染 LDH所属で初 #八木将康 #劇団EXILE #CRAZY四角形 #COVID19 nikkansports.com/entertainment/…
Donald Trump coughs while live on Fox News seemingly mutes his mic mid-interview. #COVID19 (📹@atrupar)
📽新動画📽 れいわ新選組代表 山本太郎 【ドケチをやめてお金を出して】 動画はリンク先よりご覧下さい→ youtu.be/Cvcv5XEdX8g #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19 #緊急事態宣言 #日銀 #FRB #地方債
ほとんどの人の体内で抗体を確認。アストラゼネカがオックスフォード大学と開発している新型コロナワクチンの初期臨床試験(治験)で、強い免疫反応を確認。日本では8月にも治験をする方向で調整しています。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3eOmCOp
Undoubtedly, achieving universal health coverage will continue to be our ultimate goal. In the light of this guiding principle, we will strive towards a healthier and a fairer world. #UHC, #worldhealthday2021, @DrTedros, @hans_kluge, #COVID19, @WHO
#AIT Chairman Moriarty & I agree that #Taiwan’s ability to contain #COVID19 is a testament to our strong democratic system. It also underscores the value we can bring to international organizations by sharing our knowledge, experience, & generosity to benefit humankind.
#US: Scenes from Dallas, Texas where thousands of people wait in line to collect food. The same scene repeats across the United States as #COVID19 and bad government have collapse large swaths of the country.