President ISAIAS announced tdy that #Eritrea shall dispatch delegation to Addis Abeba to a constructive engagement with #Ethiopia #BBC #CNN
On #CNN with Andrew talking about the #NBA protest: We are in a global fight. Money cannot buy out freedom and liberty. Join hands with HKers and fight against the revival of authoritarian regime. #StandwithHongKong
Google, Facebook, Neuralink, CEO's Sergey Brin, Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Larry Page, Sandar Pichai sued in Federal Court Retweet... theaiorganization.com/google-faceboo… #Tesla #CNN @MariaBartiromo @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse #Google #Facebook @SebGorka @SecPompeo @VP #FoxNews
アメリカ #CNN のウェブチャンネルの【Great Big Story】に #怪獣酒場 が紹介されました‼︎ 是非ご覧ください。 greatbigstory.com/stories/the-to…
フェイクニュースばかり報道してきたCNNの末路😵アメリカはもう真実に気づいてしまいました・・・日本のテレビ局は大丈夫?今のうちに改心した方がいいよ・・・😅 #CNN #Qアノン twitter.com/TTrumpSJapan/s…
8月14日(金)22:24~ #あめしる 根拠のない陰謀論を拡散しトランプ大統領を「闇の組織」と戦うヒーローと崇める謎のアカウント「Qアノン」とは?トランプ大統領の過去の言動を徹底分析しQアノン陰謀論との関係を探るCNNの緊急特番を放送!その背景を町山が分かり易く解説! 驚愕の事実に唖然! #CNN
7 キャンペーン
#ChannelBay フォロー&RTキャンペーン #CNN より 2021年カレンダーを 抽選で1名様にプレゼント🎁 12/15まで 応募は ①@BAYNET_PR をフォロー ②この投稿をRT🔁 ご当選はDMで✨ 応募規約 baynet.ne.jp/wp-content/upl… #CNNj  #海外ニュース
Int’l media drops the ball again. Today, the 10th anniversary of the 2011 Tsunami in NE Japan, they continue to link 20,000 deaths w/ accident at Fukushima. Wake up, you ratings-chasing fools. 20,000 people DROWNED that day. In 10 yrs, not 1 death caused by radiation. #CNN etc.
Harmony & Rule of Law Essential for Sustaining Peace & Cooperation in Region Not Ethnic Hate Mongering Campaigns/Agendas #Egypt #Eritrea #Ethiopia #SaudiArabia #Somalia #Sudan #SouthSudan #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC #G7 #BBC #CNN #NKH エリトリア エチオピア fec-ais.com/en/events/?p=2…
TRUTH! 1997 #Eritrea demobilized 54,000 battled hardened troops from service. UN gave its support to the program, while Marxist Leninist League of Tigray issued a new map to declare war on #Eritrea 1998 #CNN #BBC #UNSC #HRC47 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
TRUTH! Nov 4, 2020: forces of the Marxist Leninist League of Tigray unleashed unprovoked multi-pronged military attacks on #Ethiopia/n army that spilled over on to the borders of #Eritrea. It included bombing the capital Asmara #HRC47 #EU #AU #UNSC #CNN #BBC エリトリア エチオピア
Metamorphosis of the Marxist Leninist League of Tigray (MLLT) leaders into a rogue deceptive mafiosi group, illicit trade & capital control of #Ethiopia is clear when EFFORT’s Ezana Mining owned by MLLT extended tentacles to Badme #Eritrea in1991 #UNSC #CNN エリトリア エチオピア
Candlelight Vigil in Honor and Memory of #Eritrea/n Martyrs who gave their life for freedom and dignity of our people. Our brothers & sisters shall never be forgotten whatever our enemies try #UNSC #EU_Commission #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア #BBC #CNN youtu.be/KEdqhEh5HzY
🙏sister (Frewiini) for holding candle vigil in memory of our dear brother Tecleab Afeworki-member of Birgade 51-who fell on Nov 25, 1978 in Elabered in battle filled with heroism-against the mighty recorded in annals of #Eritrea/n history #UNSC #BBC #CNN エリトリア エチオピア
WHO FORGETS OPEN SHOW OFF OF TERROR? TPLF’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) of Tigray, followed by an attack/war on >32,000 troops of #Ethiopia garrisoned on borders & the launching of missiles to #Eritrea & its capital #EU #AU #UNSC #BBC #CNN エリトリア エチオピア
🇺🇸#CNN が公開した「キエフ周辺で、ロシア兵が2人の民間人をただなんとなく殺害する映像」話題となった。 しかし、ロシアの戦争犯罪の反駁できない証拠として提示されたこのビデオは、単なる別の偽物です。 #Think4youself #Fake 👉waronfakes.com/civil/proof-of…
CONVINCE NOT CONFUSE: This is not about a military rivalry between Tigray & #Ethiopia/#Eritrea. This is about an illegitimate & illegal aggression unlished by the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Tigray warlords. エリトリア エチオピア #UNSC #BBC #CNN #NHK #EU #AUC
Securing military hold of TPLF’s warlords over people of Tigray, under the cover of humanity, with objectives of dismantling sovereignty & territorial integrity of #Eritrea & #Ethiopia is unattainable, heinous & illegal. #UNSC #EU #AU #CNN #BBC エリトリア エチオピア
WE DO REMEMBER QUEEN ELIZABETH’S VISIT TO #Eritrea IN 1965: Her Majesty was given a warm welcome by the population. Mayor Harogot bestowed her with a key to the city of Asmara.Mention of Eritrea (taboo) in a speech she made thrilled us. RIP #BBC #CNN #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
#Eritrea in the 2022 Cycling World Championship in Australia እሰይ! “በርበረ ኹን” ትምኒተይ ሰሚራትለይ:: ጻዕዳ ይጽሕናካ! ዳርቨሕ! (ክንዽሽሕ) エチオピア エリトリア #Ethiopia #UNGA #BBC #CNN #NHK #SuDAN #UCI #SOMALIA youtu.be/5AjR5coqzkc youtu.be/5AjR5coqzkc
INFORMATION & NOT DISINFORMATION SHALL STOP THE ONGOING PROXY WAR IN THE HORN OF AFRICA #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia #Sudan エリトリア エチオピア #UNHRC #UNSC #BBC #CNN blackagendareport.com/sanctioning-ho…
THE TRUTH AND ONLY THE TRUTH: a true historical record of a randevous between US soldiers & #Eritrea Liberation Forces. Please take your time to listen to the & note the true cultures here: youtu.be/lHJv0Xm5Y9A #NHK #BBC #CNN #UNSC #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
END OF THREE DECADES OF GARBLING THE HISTORY OF THE HEROIC STRUGGLE OF #Eritrea & #Ethiopa : to preserve the historical, ideological, political and cultural values of “TPLF” through concerts of defamation organs #UNSC #AfricanUnion #BBC #CNN #WHO
不正はない。証拠がない。絶対ない。 必死すぎる #CNN 😓 cnn.co.jp/usa/35195738.h…