#AmazingChina. After arriving at the #Earthquake site in #Sichuan Province, #CCPChina, the first thing the rescuers did was NOT to rescue survivors but to line up for #COVID19 testing... #COVID #CCPvirus
So many tragedies! A couple in #Tianjin City in #CCPChina chose to jump to death together during the #COVID19 lockdown. #CCPvirus 天津某封控小区,夫妻一起跳楼 #中共病毒
Although I do not quite understand all the details of this video, obviously, someone in #Shanghai gets taken away by Big Whites for #COVID19 #quarantine. This looks like more Neo-Nazism (and just some normal #CCP practice). #上海 国家恐怖新剧情。#中共病毒 #CCPChina #CCPvirus
ウイルス理由に閉じ込めて餓死させる。 " #CCP #CCPvirus を言い訳に人々を餓死させる統治者の新しい方法。中国の多くの場所で干ばつで農民の作物が枯れていますが、占領されたウイグルの故郷のウイグル人にとっては、外に出て作物の世話をすることが許可されていないため、同じことが起こっています" twitter.com/ErkinSidick/st…
Get the elderly vaccinated is the new task. #CCPvirus #CCPChina #Covid #COVID19
"What is happening in #Shanghai is the result of the international situation. We are going to have a war with the #US." Can you work out the logic behind the police officer's words? I can't. 原來 #上海 的一切都是國際形勢造成的。「要跟美國打仗了!」 #CCPChina #CCPvirus #COVID19
In #CCPChina, if you dare to go out farming during the #COVID #lockdown #COVID19 #CCPvirus (By the way, the music is epic. Don't know which genius added it).
No words! Absurdity at a new level. May no beings be born in #CCPChina. #Covid #COVID19 #CCPvirus
コロナ検査試薬を生産している中国の各企業が倒産し、従業員らに給与が支払われなかったため、抗議行動や警察との衝突が発生したと。 #CCPvirus
CCP支配者はウイグルの一部地域で、このビデオのように #CCPvirus 「消毒薬」を散布し、一部の村ではほとんどの人がそれで病気になり、死亡したそうです。散布に反対した人々は逮捕され、姿を消したと。 #UyghurGenocide #ウイグル人大量虐殺
#CCP is showing us in real-time what is state #terrorism. I never understand why some people in the West would openly defend the #CCP. #中共國 實時上演 #國家恐怖主義。 現在大家還沒看明白它們所謂的 #防疫 到底是啥嗎? #CCPChina #CCPvirus #COVID19 #lockdown
#CCPChina, how a mother desperately prevents for daughter from being taken away by #police/#BigWhites in the name of fighting #COVID19 #COVID #CCPvirus #AmazingChina
"Lift the #lockdown!" Finally, #COVID slaves in #Shenzhen City, #CCPChina are breaking out of the blockade. #CCPvirus #AmazingChina
Apr 14, Police in Zhangjiang, #Shanghai, violently dealt with citizens who opposed the expropriation of their homes to build a #quarantine site. #上海 张江镇警察暴力对付反对征用民居建隔离点的市民。 #CCPvirus #CCPChina #COVID19 #中共病毒
Heartbreaking! Such despair! No human dignity at all! #Shanghai #COVID19 #Lockdown #CCPChina #CCPvirus 心都碎了。活在 #中共國 毫無尊嚴可言,如今淪落命都要不保了……
Warning! Difficult to watch! I can't imagine how children in #CCPChina can endure this! (I definitely can't even stand just watching it!) How lucky if your children don't have to suffer this! #COVID #COVID19 #CCPvirus
According to these chat records, original strain of #Covid was found at #Beijing Ditan Infectious Disease Hospital, which has been locked down. #CCPChina #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidNightmare #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #Covid #Covid19 #CCP #CCPvirus
Apr 14, #Shanghai, Zhangjiang, police use violence against residents who oppose the expropriation of their homes to build a #quarantine site. #上海 张江镇,警察暴力对付反对征用民居建隔离点的市民。 #CCPChina #CCPvirus #COVID19
A village head in #CCPChina promises to bury you alive if you are found to have #COVID #COVID19 #CCPvirus.