Wow, this is something new. "#CCP talks sh*t!" "Give me back my #freedom!""No more #lockdowns!" During clashes with the #police, #Chinese #COVID slaves are finally targeting the CCP and demanding freedom. #CCPChina #AmazingChina #COVID19 #CCPVirus
More from #Xishuangbanna Airport in #Yunnan, #CCPChina. Police are preventing tourists from leaving as new #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus were found locally.
A top horror movie for the future human beings. 留给未来人的恐怖电影。 #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina #中共病毒
中国共産党を潰さぬ限り、世界に安寧はない‼️ 中国ウィルスは銃も持たず世界を占領する意図の戦争対策だ。 #CCPVirus
“Who can come to help? We can never finish our jobs!” Man says this while shooting this video. Don't know when or where, but definitely in #CCPChina. #chinacovid #chinalockdown #ZeroCOVIDpolicy #CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #lockdown #XiJinping #CCP
強制収容所に入れられたウイグル人若者が強制労働者とされ、内陸の各工場で奴隷のように働いています。 その代わりに、CCPはウイグル農民からすべての土地を没収し、中国内陸から何百万の漢民族を連れてきて、彼らに没収された土地を配布しています。 #BoycottChina #CCPVirus #Uyghur @Dolkun_Isa
スウェーデンのある新聞です。良く見ると、习近平の頭がウィルスの形で描かれています。 これは証明済みの事実だからね。 中国共産党は人類の敵であります。 #CCPVirus #ConcentrationCamps
Do you need a gun to fight the virus? #Covid #covid19 #CCPVirus #CCPChina 端槍防疫?#中共病毒
This is heart-wrenching to watch😟 It just fuels more anger towards CCP, who created and released COVID-19 to the world. Taking down the CCP is the only way to stop this ongoing tragedy. #CCPVirus #UnrestrictedBiowarfare…
After many years of preparation, CCP launched its stealth bio-warfare against the entire humanity with COVID-19. Millions of lives have been lost and the global economy is literally in free fall. We have to hold CCP accountable! #CCPVirus #UnrestrictedBiowarfare…
#Shanghai residents start to fight back. Banner 1: We oppose unlimited lockdown; 2: This content cannot be viewed because it violates laws and regulations; 3: People are dying; 4: List of the dead. #CCPChina #CCPVirus #COVID19
Still remember #Xishuangbanna? Where #CCP police pointed machine guns at tourists to prevent them from leaving a while ago. Now this city looks like this. They call this precise control of #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus. What a joke! What a tragedy! #AmazingChina
The best method to prevent people from escaping during #lockdown, in #Zhengzhou, Henan Province, #CCPChina. #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
8 "Big Whites" beat up 1 man during #CCPVirus #Covid_19 #lockdown in #Shanghai. #上海 联阳小区,8个大白打1个市民。 #中共病毒
Chinese ≠ Communist Party 中国人 ≠ 共产党 #CCPVirus
7月25日午後(土)1時30分から浦和駅の西口でウイグルの現状と日本におよぶ中国の脅威に関してスピーチが行います。 また、ウイグルに関するチラシも配布する予定です。 日本の皆さんお時間がございましたら、ぜひご参加くださいませ。 #ウイグルを助けたい #CCPVirus
中国社会学者の李毅博士 「我々はアメリカを死に追いやっている;中国共産党ウイルス(COVID-19)はヨーロッパとアメリカにとっては悪いが、中国、北朝鮮にとっては有益である;米中戦争はないだろうが、我々は台湾を占領するだろう。」 #CCPVirus @realDonaldTrump @realTrumpForce @taiwan_lover
Dec 20, a children's hospital in #Hanzhou City, the number of the woman who shot this 373 at the night shift. This means 372 people were in front of the waiting line. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina
It's quite a mess in #Guangzhou as a partial #lockdown was announced. People try to hoard food at midnight, and workers want to break the line and escape... #CCPChina, #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid