The #COVID #concentration camps in #CCPChina are becoming ever more magnificent! This one under construction is at Cuntanb(寸滩) in #Chongqing City. #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #ZeroCovid #lockdown, #XiJinping #ENDccp #chinalockdown #ZeroCOVIDpolicy
A patient collapsed in a hospital in #CCPChina. Obviously, no doctor came to check on him. Collapsing of the medical system is another consequence of the #CCP's irresponsible "lying flat" policy. #ZeroCOVIDpolicy #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #XiJinping
这是我所有创作的视频中最喜欢的一个!能够跟一群志同道合的朋友们聚在一块儿说ccp的坏话,真是太开心啦!虽然最后没有被允许进入现场听蓬胖的演讲,但整个过程依然很尽兴! 点开链接去看吧! @IntyMedia & I hit up the @SecPompeo speech! The #CCP has got to go! #CCPVirus
今日は母の日ですが、「幸せな母の日」とは言えません。 私達の母は中国の強制収容所に入れられ、連絡もない状態です。 ウイグル人達は両親が生きているのに会うことや彼らの声さえ聞くことできず、中国政府から母の日を祝うことも奪われています。#Uyghur #強制収容所 #CCPVirus
#Guangzhou, a city of over 20 million people, now stays “quiet”. This is a new, and much nicer way of referring to #lockdown. #CCPChina #AmazingChina #CCP #CCPVirus #COVID #COVID19
The CCP thugs who burnt down the CCP Virus Statue are the real #CCPVirus🇨🇳…
Both father and daughter are infected and sick. Father struggles to do acupuncture for daughter. 4 hours later, father dies. #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina #ChinaCovidNews
Personal items also get “zeroed out” at the #Foxconn dormitories after workers fled the #iPhone city in #Zhengzhou #CCPChina amid #Covid #lockdown. #AmazingChina #CCP #Covid19 #CCPVirus
The Great Escape of #Foxconn workers. #Zhengzhou, Henan province, CCPChina #CCP #CCPVirus #COVID #COVID19 #AmazingChina
The fight escalates. At 5 am, police use tear gas, while #Foxconn workers use fire extinguishers to fight back. See my previous tweets for the background of the fight. #CCPChina, #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #lockdown, #XiJinping #ENDccp #chinalockdown
2/3: Public tries to stop the police from arresting an old man for exposing corruption. The man showed the crowd that the meat he bought was donated by another province but was sold to make money. At Jinze town Qingpu District, #Shanghai. #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP
Tonight, a riot broke out in #Guangzhou city, #CCPChina. The crowd cheered and applauded while pushing into the #Covid #lockdown fence. One man stormed into the district government. A large number of police officers rushed to the scene. Enough is enough! #CCPVirus
In #Guangzhou, #BigWhites are equipped with guns now, after on-going public resistance to the #CCP's #ZeroCovid policy. #CCPChina, #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
Artist Weiming Chen (@CHENWEIMING2017) unveils "#CCPVirus🇨🇳" at Liberty Sculpture Park in Yermo Completion Date: June 4th, 2021. (Photo: @Byron_Wan)
"The police beat people up!" This is how the forceful eviction at Nashi International Community in #Shanghai begins today. Residents are evicted so that the buildings can be used as #qurantine sites for #COVID19. #CCPChina #CCPVirus 4月14日,#上海 纳什国际社区抓人的開始 #中共病毒
"The Protective clothes are too big", says the women shooting this video, as 400 kindergarten kids in Jiaomei (角美) town, Zhangzhou (漳州) City in Fujian Province in #CCPChina are taken away for quarantine. #CCPVirus #COVID19 福建漳州角美400多個幼兒園小朋友被帶走隔離.
At Shi Qiaopu Funeral Home in #Chongqing City (重庆石桥铺), bodies are "overflowed" into the parking lot... #chinacovid #ChinaCovidCases #ChinaCovidSurge #ChinaCovidDeaths #ChinaCovidNightmare #COVID #COVID19 #ZeroCovid #CCPVirus #CCP #China #CCPChina
Welcome to #China. Care to stay in this magnificent luxury #Covid camps in #Zhengzhou City? #Covid19 #AmazingChina #CCPVirus #CCPChina
美國眾議院外交委員會,有關新冠病毒起源和武漢病毒所的調查報告中文版出爐了! 94頁中文證據,就是給中國人看的。 結論就是:武漢病毒研究所因為實驗室安全操作出問題,在2019年9月12日以前向外界釋放出該病毒。 正版 original source… #CCPVirus
#BigWhite cutting open people’s home to do “disinfection” after people are taken to #Quarantine camps. #CCPChina #COVID19 has given the #CCP unlimited powers. #CCPVirus #Shanghai #大白 用电钻破门消杀。@#中共病毒 给了 #中共 无限权力。
#COVID19 prisoners/slaves in #CCPChina start to fight back. #CCPVirus 我突然想起一个新词:#疫情奴隶 #疫情囚徒 反抗了。#中共病毒