Today's figures show unemployment rates are falling and record numbers of people are on payrolls. Our #PlanForJobs is working. We will continue to support access to skills and opportunities, helping the market thrive as we #BuildBackBetter from the pandemic. twitter.com/ONS/status/148…
Congratulations to @louie_french, our newly elected Conservative MP for Old Bexley and Sidcup. I look forward to working with him to #BuildBackBetter in Old Bexley and Sidcup and across our whole United Kingdom 🇬🇧
The UK is expected to have the strongest growth of any G7 country in 2021 and 2022. Our #PlanForJobs is working and we're delivering on our promise to #BuildBackBetter and level up across our whole United Kingdom 🇬🇧 twitter.com/RishiSunak/sta…
The UK is embracing its future as an independent trading nation, and our Export Strategy shows how we’ll help our world-class firms sell their world-class goods and services to more countries than ever before 🌍🇬🇧 #GlobalBritain #BuildBackBetter gov.uk/government/new…
The UK's green technology industry is booming. At today’s Global Investment Summit we’ve secured almost £10 billion that will drive the growth and jobs of the future. #UKInvestment #BuildBackBetter
A pleasure to sit down with @BillGates at the Global Investment Summit today, where we announced a new £400m partnership between the government and @Breakthrough to supercharge a green industrial revolution across the UK: gov.uk/government/new… #UKinvestment #BuildBackBetter
Our #PlanForJobs is working. Unemployment is falling. Wages are growing. We will continue to support people to access the skills and opportunities they need, so businesses can fill vacancies in growing industries and help the UK #BuildBackBetter.
What a fantastic Conference! We’re getting on with the job to deliver the people’s priorities. We will seize this moment and together we will #BuildBackBetter.
Taking action. Making the tough decisions. And getting on with the job. This is how we will #BuildBackBetter from the pandemic. Watch my speech to #CPC21 live at 11:30AM.
We are the party of law and order. #BuildBackBetter
We’re getting on with the job of building back better from this pandemic: a stronger economy where everyone is empowered to reach their full potential.    Our Plan for Jobs is working, and we’re expanding with a £500m package to help people back into work.    #BuildBackBetter
We are the party of opportunity. #BuildBackBetter
The @HideOut_YZ does a fantastic job of providing a safe and inspiring environment for young people in Manchester. We’re putting children and young people at the heart of our plans to #BuildBackBetter.
I met some incredible young people at the HideOut Youth Zone in Manchester today, which does a fantastic job of providing a safe and inspiring environment. We’re boosting volunteering projects and putting children and young people at the heart of our plans to #BuildBackBetter.
We are levelling up across the UK. #BuildBackBetter
We’re taking action to bust the backlogs by creating 44 new NHS Diagnostic Hubs. These one stop shops will provide all the scans, tests and procedures that people need. We’re getting on with the job as we invest in the people’s priorities and #BuildBackBetter.
The diggers have been whirring into action, transforming this site in Leeds into an incredible new hospital. We’re getting on with the job of building 48 new hospitals in England, investing in the people’s priorities as we #BuildBackBetter from the pandemic.
We are the party of the NHS. #BuildBackBetter
The UK-US partnership is vital as we face the challenges of the future. @POTUS and I will continue to work together to #BuildBackBetter from the pandemic, tackle climate change and strengthen our security partnership. 🇬🇧🇺🇸 twitter.com/POTUS/status/1…
A pleasure to meet @VP Kamala Harris. The partnership between our two countries is absolutely vital as we #BuildBackBetter from the pandemic. 🇬🇧🇺🇸
This week at #UNGA I will be making the case that a global recovery from the pandemic must be rooted in green growth. We only have a short time left. World leaders must deliver on their climate commitments ahead of @COP26. #BuildBackBetter