🚨🧵How Ukraine foiled the FSB’s domestic false-flag terror attack to murder civilians in #Bryansk March 2nd 2023 #FSBletters from the #WindofChange to Vladimir Osechkin: “As briefly as possible for now, but in the evening, I will be able to provide more concrete information.
🚨🧵 #WindofChange on the #Bryansk situation: FSB planned a false-flag terror attack on civilians to blame Ukraine. Area was cleared of Russian military so they'd not get in the way. But #Ukraine got the Intel and the pro-Ukraine/anti-Putin Russian unit went across the border
#Russia: First photo is from last year when #Bryansk prisoner Iskandar Isatilloevich Rakhmatov, Uzbek citizen, refused to go to war to #Ukraine with #WagnerPMC and subsequently tortured. Executed in prison for refusal, cause of death 'cancer,' coffin handed to relatives.
🚨 #Russia: Russian army has turned #Bryansk into a minefield, a region that borders #Ukraine. Russian civilians are already getting killed. A farmer ran over a T-62 mine and was blown up on Nov 16, along with a horse, near Azarovka.