#Breaking: #Thaipolice just fired water cannon and teargas at unarmed citizens when #Thaiprotestors gathered amid the planned parliamentary voting on proposed constitutional amendments. It's unacceptable for military-backed govt to indiscriminately assault even kids.
#Breaking: #Thaipolice just fired water cannons to attack #Thaiprotesters & press w/o warning It's scandalously ironic when #Thaigov once described itself as “a land of compromise” and claimed "We love them all the same”. #Hongkongers #StandwithThailand
#Breaking news by @appledaily_hk: #12hkyouths’ speedboat was allegedly tracked by #Hkgov aircraft before capture. Family members suspect that #HK gov cooperated w/ #China and helped Chinese cops to arrest the 12 #AsylumSeekers after their #refugee route was known. #save12hkyouths
#Breaking: Charged under #nationalsecuritylaw, 19yo teen activist #TonyChung was reportedly arrested at a coffee shop by 4 national security agents this morning before his bid to seek asylum at #US Consulate General.
#Breaking: #Myanmar Military Junta is now firing at unarmed civilians, with #InternetShutdown, tanks and endless night arrest. The free world must stand against these atrocities. All nations backing this dictatorship must be condemned! #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
誘惑に…勝てませんでした!!!🤪🤪 #モンスト #ガチャ #Breaking Dawn LIVE!!
#Breaking Reuters: China announced on Monday sanctions against U.S. officials and entities in retaliation for Washington’s sanctions against senior Chinese officials I mean, who cares? Chinese officials are desperate to get their money out of China, not the opposite.
#Breaking: Being denied access to #12hkyouths detained in #China for weeks, the lawyer instructed by family, Lu Siwei, was suddenly told by Chinese cops today that there're already two other lawyers following the case, who are believed to be directly appointed by #CCP authorities twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
#Breaking On the eve of #midautumnfestival, a day of family reunion, #Chinese prosecutors just approved the arrest of #12hkyouths. 1. Two, Tang & Quinn Moon, are accused of “organizing illegal border crossing” while the other 10 are alleged of “illegal border crossing.”
#Breaking new campaign to revoke Hong Kong Justice Secretary Teresa Cheng’s honorary @KingsCollegeLon fellowship. 🙅🏼‍♂️📜🛑 👇 dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9…
#Breaking pro-democracy ex-lawmakers @ray_slowbeat & @ChuHoiDick were just arrested by #hkpolice this morning, after disrupting controversial national anthem bill meetings on June 4. That's another round of crackdown after #Beijing passed the law that can directly expel lawmakers
ワオ❗ 😲 イギリスの国民保健サービスが、COVID19 による死亡率を偽り、死亡証明書を不正に偽造していたことを公式に認めました❗ 連邦犯罪❗ 実際にテストはしていませんでした❗❗ 「彼らは必ずしも感染したわけではない」と彼らは言った❗ #Breaking #SCAMDEMIC twitter.com/AOECOIN/status…
[After activists’ arrests, #CCP now targets religious groups] 1 #Breaking: Following its crackdown on political figures, #Beijing now turns its eyes to churches. #HKpolice reportedly even raided 3 hostels for the homeless today run by Good Neighbour North District Church today.
#Breaking 19 year old Tony Chung Hon-lam was arrested by National Security Police who raided his apartment, on charges of "inciting secession" under #NationalSecurityLaw. Chung was the founder of the now disbanded pro-democracy group StudentLocalism @studentlocalism.
#Breaking THREAD: 1. The Committee for Safeguarding National Security held its first meeting. It promulgated the implementation rules for NSL. The rules give law enforcement authorities, including the HK Police Force, a wide range of powers when handling ESS cases.
#Breaking 🔥🔥 MPs to get a say on whether or not the Chinese Government is committing genocide NEXT THURSDAY. theguardian.com/world/2021/apr…
#Breaking @Nus_Ghani amendment has been SELECTED by the Speaker!!! We will get a straight vote on the #GenocideAmendment!!! Fantastic work, everyone!
Erm….#Breaking? Unless I am missing something the Prime Minister @BorisJohnson has just announced IMPORT controls on goods sourced from the #Uyghur region of China. This was emphatically NOT UK policy…until about 10 minutes ago, apparently. 👇
#Breaking there have been❗️64,900 ❗️applications for the UK's Hong Kong BN(O) route between 31st Jan and 30th June 2021. Source: gov.uk/government/sta…
#Breaking: UK setting up trade deals with China in the midst of suspected genocide; planning JETCO and EFD economic summits. theguardian.com/politics/2021/…
#Breaking UK Government intends to prevent a vote on the #GenocideAmendment AGAIN. They will instead re-table @neill_bob wrecking amendment which excludes #Uyghurs From a Government letter to all MPs. Really poor.
#Breaking!! MASSIVE RESULT! @tiktok_uk has just been banned from any parliamentary phones and blocked on the networks! Email just sent to members 👇
#Breaking: ALL Lithuanian Parliament mail servers *and phones* were taken down today. We don’t know what caused it yet. In unrelated news, this is what Chinese State run @globaltimesnews had to say about 🇱🇹 recently.
“BaBA Hum aa rahe hain . Har Har Mahadev ! ”🙏🙏 #Breaking : Varanasi Court 'REJECTS' Order 7 Rule 11 application filed by the masjid committee in #GyanvapiCase . It is a Big Win for Hindus .