雨季のウユニ塩湖, ボリビア. #Uyuni #Bolivia
지구에서 가장 높은 공연장에서 공연을 하다니... 정말 기적의 기적을 일구네요. 고도만 높은 게 아니고 여러모로 볼리비아 헤네치아의 사랑도 한없이 높아지는 순간이었어요. 기적을 이룬 오늘의 멋진 하루를 만들어줘서 감사합니다. 또 봐요:) #KimHyunJoong #キムヒョンジュン #HENECIA #Bolivia
#China's Triads are expanding across South America. From #Bolivia, #Brazil, and #Colombia they are killing endangered jaguars and pushing cocaine. #Amazona #EndImpunity Subscribe! youtube.com/watch?v=U5GElO…
An independent investigation has revealed that #China's Triads are now smuggling jaguar body parts and drugs out of #Bolivia. #protectjaguars #BoliviaDigital Subscribe⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=U5GElO…
Lake Titicaca, in #Andes between #Peru and #Bolivia, the world’s highest navigable body of water, birthplace of the #Incas. 標高3800m、#富士山 より高いところにある #チチカカ湖
Latin America has an out of control police brutality problem. Abuses are not the result of a few bad apples, but of structural deficiencies. 📝hrw.org/news/2020/11/1… #Brazil #Mexico #Chile #Peru #Colombia #Bolivia #Ecuador #Haiti #Argentina #Honduras #ELSalvador #Venezuela
#Bolivia: Democracy is restored. Arce, leader of the MAS party, won the presidency in the 1st round with 52.4% of the vote. Celebrations break out nationwide throughout the night. (📹@camilateleSUR)
ボリビアはイスラエルをテロ国家として、外交関係を停止!!Bolivia declares Israel a terrorist state #GazaUnderAttack #FreePalestine #Bolivia news.yahoo.com/bolivia-declar…