6. In the absence of transparency, it is doubtful whether universities in Australia can defend their bastions of free thought amid China’ growing influence, especially when some of them pledging loyalty to #Beijing by expelling #Beijing critics and censoring “sensitive” articles.
6. In the absence of transparency, it is doubtful whether universities in Australia can defend their bastions of free thought amid China’ growing influence, especially when some of them pledging loyalty to #Beijing by expelling #Beijing critics and censoring “sensitive” articles.
[#China blocks MPs from meeting pro-democracy figures] 1. #Beijing exerted pressure on #Canadian MPs, urging them not to meet #HK democracy figures, incl recently arrested media mogul #JimmyLai and me during their tour to HK in 2017, per @globeandmail. theglobeandmail.com/politics/artic…
4. Such #Beijing interference intensified before #nationalsecuritylaw. As @amnesty report says, #Beijing & its loyalists increasingly use “threats, bullying and harassment” to stamp out voices criticizing #China’s human rights violations in HK & #Uyghurs. amnesty.ca/news/human-rig…
4. Such #Beijing interference intensified before #nationalsecuritylaw. As @amnesty report says, #Beijing & its loyalists increasingly use “threats, bullying and harassment” to stamp out voices criticizing #China’s human rights violations in HK & #Uyghurs. amnesty.ca/news/human-rig…
3. But this time it's even more ridiculous. #Beijing attempts to ban a Cold War game just because the game mentions a Cold War event that the regime wants to remove from its history book. Under #China's tightening ideological grip, game censorship will only intensify.
[Secret deal: China's security cops can investigate in #Switzerland] 1. @NZZaS: #China & #Swiss signed a secret deal in 2015 allowing #Beijing's security officers to investigate Chinese nationals WITHIN #Switzerland for 2 weeks, even w/o official status. nzzas.nzz.ch/schweiz/geheim…
4. Although the treaty claims excluding #Tibetans & #Uyghurs, it is dubious if this exemption can really hold since #Beijing in the past treated China-born foreign nationals as Chinese, such as Swedish citizen #GuiMinhai that was sentenced to 10yo prison. wsj.com/articles/china…
[Biggest rewriting of history] 1 Today #hkpolice arrested lawmaker @cheuktinglam for rioting, just because Lam tried to mediate situation one year ago when #HKers were assaulted by pro-#Beijing mobs after making 24,000 emergency calls, without response.
2. As the journalist is a non-American national working in a local news outlet, clearly nothing to do with #US-#China tension, it shows an alarming acceleration of #Beijing’s clampdown on the city’s media freedom, soon after the arrest of the pro-democracy media mogul #Jimmylai.
7. Unusual CCP propaganda: Despite doubts by medical professionals, #Beijing’s propaganda machine, from #CCP mouthpiece to China’s officials, dismiss all our doubt. It fuels more concerns that the plan is a large-scale DNA collection paving way to #China-style surveillance regime
3. However, despite #Beijing's tightening grip, #HKers will continue our fight for democracy and liberty, because it is the only way to bring justice to the city’s next generations. Photo: 非凡人物
5. While #Beijing's #HK chief Xia Baolong is notorious for burning crosses & demolishing churches in China, not to mention that #CCP long considers religious activities as potential threats to #nationalsecurity, it is worrying similar religious crackdown will soon extend to HK.
3. In fact, the city’s Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal, Geoffrey Ma, had once rebutted the "no separation of powers" narrative in 2014, but #Carrielam insisted today that local courts have to be responsible to #Beijing.
2. #Police also told lawyers that detainees may face graver charge, with maximum penalty raised from one year to 2-7 years, or even life imprisonment if they resisted with force during the arrest. Besides, #Beijing might also charge other national security offences.
4. In the past 4 years under #Beijing’s mounting pressure over the city, we were stuck in a vicious loop: disqualification > imprisonment > disqualification AGAIN > #antiELAB movement > international lobbying > disqualification AGAIN > #nationalsecuritylaw > forced into exile.
2. Clearly #Beijing and #hkpolice attempt to create fear today when #Hongkongers staged protests urging gov to resume the #LegCo2020 election, opposing DNA collection and #nationalsecuritylaw and releasing 12 #hkers detained in #China.
[Media meltdown to a new level] 1. Terrifying to know #Australian reporters #BillBirtles & #MichaelSmith were forced to flee amid #Beijing's political intimidation. In the middle of the night, agents visited their homes & once banned them from leaving. smh.com.au/politics/feder…
Under #nationalsecuritylaw & #China’s #WolfWarriorDiplomacy, it's just a matter of time for foreign firms to consider withdrawing from #Hongkong, esp when even Australian reporters can suddenly fall victim to #Beijing’s #hostagediplomacy threat overnight. japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/09/0…
2. It is the first time that sacred texts are largely replaced by Chinese nationalistic education in religious textbooks. Under #nationalsecuritylaw, now even the controversial sinicized Christianity in #China started to expand to #HK with HK diocese kowtowing to #Beijing.
4. In fact, it is common for #China to use discretion power to return criminal suspects to #Hongkong in the past. @hkcnews_com revealed, #Beijing did send around 2-3 suspects per year to #HK over the past 5 years, even for cases that fell into China’s jurisdiction.
[HK judge hails pro-#CCP assailant while he stabs activist and throws death threat at me] 1. A pro-#Beijing assailant, Wong, was hailed by #HK judge for his “passion to society” while Wong stabbed democracy ex-lawmaker “Long Hair” Leung Kwok-hung with a pointed metal chisel.
3. That’s another case that #Hongkong judges biasedly praise pro-#Beijing assailants. Earlier in April, HK judge hailed another assailant for having "noble sentiments” after he slashed three #HKers with beef knife, causing one's lung collapsed and wounds on their necks and backs.
5. With such systematic oppressions of HK freedom seekers, especially under #nationalsecuritylaw amid #Beijing’s mounting influence, it is foreseeable that more and more people will lose trust in the city’s judicial impartiality which this international financial centre lies on.
[First judge resigns amid #nationalsecuritylaw] 1. Appalled to hear that our prominent #Australian judge James Spigelman resigned from #HK appeals court over #NSL, days after #Beijing claims there is no separation of powers in HK abc.net.au/news/2020-09-1…